Li Jun felt uneasy, and Zhang Oumei had so many wounds on his body before. This black bear was no more powerful than those ferocious beasts. Who knows what the black bear would do to Zhang Oumei after going down?

But Zhang Oumei had already asked the people on the yacht to open the door of the yacht. He had already gone down. After the black bear saw Zhang Oumei coming out, he carefully sniffed the air.

He found that Zhang Oumei's smell was the smell of the person who saved him that day, so he immediately put Zhang Ting down.

Zhang Ting was no longer caught by the black bear, so he immediately ran to the yacht, but Li Jun had just come down from the yacht, so he was going to kick Zhang Ting who had climbed up down.

"Didn't you see Zhang Oumei was still down there? If he didn't come up, you're not allowed to come up."

Seeing that he had no brains and went to the black bear to find the dead Zhang Oumei, he didn't come to his heart.

"What are you doing over there with the black bear? Don't you see how big he is? If he gets angry and slaps you, he will kill you on this island. Follow him back to the yacht, and then let him take you away on the yacht tomorrow. Isn't that good?"

Just when he said that the black bear would beat him to death, he suddenly became very angry in front of him. When the black bear met Zhang Oumei, it became much more docile.

Zhang Oumei spoke gently, "Are you the black bear I saved when I first came to the island?"

Zhang Ting, who was standing on the board of the yacht, sneered when he heard it.

He couldn't save himself on the island, and he saved the injured black bear when he saw it. What a fool, and this black bear is not a human, how can he remember who saved him, and can he understand what Zhang Oumei said?

But his sarcasm seemed so ridiculous in front of the black bear.

After Zhang Oumei asked if he had saved the black bear, the gentle black bear seemed to reveal an inconspicuous smile on his black cheek.

Zhang Oumei walked to the place where he was injured when he met the black bear that day, touched it, and found that the wound was gone.

It seems that the black bear has a fast recovery ability. When he met the black bear that day, he was torn by other wild animals.

If he hadn't applied some medicine on it, the place where the black bear was bitten would have bled a lot, and the black bear would have died from excessive bleeding.

After Zhang Oumei touched the black bear, he stepped back a few steps, "I'm leaving this island. If you meet wild animals again in the future, you must stay away from those ferocious beasts."

"Because although you are also ferocious by nature, you are not as good as lions and tigers. If they fight with you, you will become their food directly."

It seems that it is not difficult for Zhang Oumei to communicate with them, but Zhang Ting was scared. He immediately ran to the yacht and called Li Jun out.

"Look at who you are going to bring back. He is still talking to a black bear. Does he think he is a god? Black bear, can he understand what he says? If the black bears resist, they will eat him directly. What are you looking for here?"

After Zhang Ting finished speaking, he wanted Li Jun to go down and bring him back, because although he still had a lot of hatred for Zhang Oumei, and he hated his betrayal.

But now he has found the person, and now he doesn't want him to see Zhang Oumei being eaten by the black bear, so he wants him to bring him here.

However, Li Jun saw that he and the black bear were chatting well, and thought that maybe there was some kind of divine power in the dark that allowed the two of them to communicate, so he didn't call Zhang Oumei up, but watched the two of them communicate below.

Zhang Ting, who really couldn't bear it, shook his head and went back to his room. Anyway, he had already said that he would take him away from the island tomorrow.

He has brought the person back now, so he can go back to the room and have a good rest, but Xu Xi didn't know where he appeared, called him, and said.

"You know we brought a lot of people on the yacht this time to find someone, and now they are all back safely, and each room has been allocated in advance."

"Your previous room was given to Zhang Oumei, so there is no room to sleep, so you can't go anymore."

Zhang Ting was very angry. He had worked so hard to find someone on the island for so long, and was almost eaten by a black bear. Now he was told to allocate the room and there was no place for him to live. He said directly.

"Doesn't your boss like Zhang Oumei very much? Otherwise, why would he take such a big risk to come to this island and call him away? Wouldn't it be enough for the two of them to live in one room, and then let Zhang Oumei live in that room?"Give me the room."

"Or let your brothers squeeze together. Anyway, I won't squeeze together with your brothers. After all, your brother is so bad. He pushed me into the sea. Maybe he would strangle me to death when I fell asleep."

It was impossible to give him a room, and his brothers were not as bad as he said.

Xu Xi also saw the black bear below, so he said to Zhang Ting.

"If you don't want to share a room with my brothers, then you have to find an empty space on the yacht to sleep. After all, there were so many leisure places for you to stay yesterday. No one said that you must sleep here. "

It was impossible for the brothers to give up their rooms to him, and it was almost impossible to ask the boss to give up his room. Besides, how could their boss sleep in the same room with Zhang Oumei?

They came to find Zhang Oumei not because the boss liked Zhang Oumei, but because they also had something to do with Zhang Oumei. If they didn't find Zhang Oumei, they couldn't go on.

That's why they took such a big risk and came to this island to face so many ferocious beasts to find someone here.

After Xu Xi finished speaking, he left Zhang Ting alone on the yacht and went back to his room. They planned to set off at noon tomorrow, and the boss had left them until noon tomorrow.

Then he must have a good rest. He was facing the ferocious beasts here with fear, and his throat was about to fall into his heart.

"I really need to rest, otherwise how can I work when I have a mental breakdown and return to them outside?"

Zhang Ting, who was left on the yacht, kicked the pedal on the yacht and looked at the two people who were still outside, "Why don't you come back? Do you really want to wait for the beast to run onto their yacht before you dare to come back? "

Now he was even angrier when he thought about the fact that he still had no room to live in. He wanted to close the door of the yacht and push the two of them into the sea. Then he would definitely have a room.

But he didn't care because all of them were Li Jun's men. If he really pushed them off, his brothers would just lift them up and he could throw them into the sea to feed the sharks.

Finally, he had no choice but to return to the room he had lived in before on the yacht, took out one or two quilts from it, and then found a place in the leisure area of ​​the yacht where no one would pass by, and spread the quilts there. , want to sleep here.

He hadn't slept well for several days. He was a little afraid to fall asleep when he heard the roar of wild animals outside.

Fortunately, he had been on the island for so many days, and he was scared every day, so the pressure was particularly great. He just lay down here and fell asleep in a short while.

Li Jun didn't know when he brought Zhang Oumei back. He arranged a room for him and went there to deal with work.

While staying in the room, he found that there seemed to be something missing in the room, but because he had never lived in this yacht, he I don't know, but why didn't he see Zhang Ting in these areas? Isn't he the most arrogant?

And he brought him to this island. Now he can finally leave him safely. He must be showing off here, but why didn't he see him at all?

When he asked the people living here, they didn't even dare to say anything, as if he was the ferocious beast.

But fortunately, he was also very tired. He didn't want to look for him if he didn't find him. Anyway, he would go back tomorrow, and there would be no more dangerous places for him to stay. He lay heavily on the bed.

This night was destined to be peaceful, but during the day, everyone got up very late, and no one knew what happened.

Zhang Ting was the first to get up, because he slept in the worst place, and his body was uncomfortable. He didn't want to get up and walk around on the yacht, but he didn't dare to go out, after all, there was a black bear outside yesterday.

Who knows if Zhang Oumei will tell him to attack the one on the yacht, if he goes down like this, the black bear will eat him directly.

He walked and walked to the room where he lived before, "Why is the door of the room open? Could it be that Zhang Oumei has gone out? Will he go to find the black bear again?"

I don't know what I thought, so I pushed the door open and saw Zhang Oumei still sleeping in the room. He suddenly had an evil idea, since he originally wanted Zhang Oumei to die here.

But now that he was taken back, he could only use his own means to harm Zhang Oumei.

He came to Zhang Oumei's room and saw the black bear placed on the table by Zhang Oumei.The things above were what he picked up outside. They seemed to be what he usually used to deal with ferocious beasts.

If this was used to deal with Zhang Oumei, Zhang Oumei would definitely die on this yacht. However, if he died on the yacht, Li Jun would definitely suspect him first.

Just as he was about to pick up the things Zhang Oumei used to deal with the ferocious beasts, Zhang Oumei woke up.

"Why did you come to my room? I looked for you all night yesterday. No one here said they had seen you. I thought you had gone to the yacht yesterday to feed those ferocious beasts."

When he spoke, he had already picked up the things and fiddled with them on his face.

"Your thing is really sharp. If you come to kill the black bear again, just kill the black bear directly."

I don't know what he means, but the black bear is the best he has met on this island. He can't let him kill the black bear and then take the things back.

"Hurry up and give it back to me. This is not what you gave me when you sent me here. I made it myself on this island. You should leave it in this room for me."

The more he said this, the more Zhang Ting refused to do it. Instead, he held the thing high up.

"So what if it was made? Now it's in my hands, and they are all sleeping. Can you call them over? If you dare to call, I will kill you in advance on this yacht."

Zhang Oumei was quite scared. If Zhang Ting was really not scared, Li Jun would really kill him on the yacht if he fought with him here.

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