With the help of the tracker, the SDU, PTU, and EU departments closely followed the van, chasing it from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon, and then from Kowloon to the New Territories.

"Fuck it, we've been following this car for almost 2 hours, why do I feel like they're just walking us around? They're almost walking into Sai Kung!"

A police officer from the Stormtroopers, McDull (from the movie "Stormtroopers"), sat in the back seat and complained.

"Young man, calm down. I, the driver, haven't said anything yet. What are you complaining about as a passenger?" After McDull finished speaking, the leader of the Stormtroopers, Dan Dan, said with a smile.

"The van has stopped!"

Apple, the only female police officer in the Stormtroopers, who was wearing headphones and receiving orders from the command center at any time, took off her headphones and said with a smile.

"Really?" McDull immediately became energetic.

"Really, our superiors told us to get off the car and walk, so as not to alert the enemy." Apple replied with a smile.

"Let's go, get out of the car!"

McDull had been sitting in the car for more than 2 hours and was already exhausted. Before Danny stopped the car, he opened the door and got out first.

Apple and others followed McDull out of the car immediately. Only Danny, the driver, looked at the backs of McDull and others and said with a smile: "Young people, so energetic!"

However, what happened next was unexpected for McDull, Apple and others. Just when they were sneaking in the dark and less than 500 meters away from the target.


A huge explosion sounded in everyone's ears, and in front of them, a ball of fire suddenly lit up.

"What's going on?"

McDull was stunned when he saw the explosion in front of him.

"How should I know?" Apple answered subconsciously.

And here, in the walkie-talkie that Apple carried with him, an angry voice was broadcast through the full-frequency broadcast to all SDUs, PTUs, and EUs involved in the operation: "Which punk made the move in advance!"

At this moment, in the command center far away in Happy Valley, the director of the Criminal Division was pale.

Wang Baiwan has not been found yet, and the van with the 1 billion ransom has exploded. This means that the entire police force, thousands of people, have been busy all night, but have gained nothing, and Judy Tong's 1 billion Hong Kong dollars is gone...

Thinking of this, the Director of the Criminal Division has begun to think about how to write his resignation letter.

While the van was taking the SDU, PTU, and EU from Hong Kong Island to the New Territories and Sai Kung.

On the 12th floor of the Shimao Group headquarters building, a hole was cut from the inside of the outer shell of a ventilation duct.

Then, a middle-aged man with a terrified face and sweating profusely was pushed out of the ventilation duct by Wang Jianjun.

"Where is the vault?" Wang Jianjun pointed a gun at the middle-aged man's head and shouted in a low voice.

"Go to the left, don't kill me, please, don't kill me."

The middle-aged man is the deputy director of the security department of the United Bank. Tonight he was going to Lan Kwai Fong to find a hot girl to do exercise. In the end, he did exercise, but it was not the hot girl who accompanied him, but Wang Jianjun, the evil star.

He was forced by Wang Jianjun to start from the underground fire escape, climb to the 12th floor, bypass the bank security, and come to the floor where the United Bank's vault is located.

"It's useless for me to take you to the door of the vault. The vault requires me and the foreign minister to open it together, and every time before opening it, we have to report to the police. If we don't report, the police will immediately receive an alarm, and the police can get here in 3 minutes at the fastest!"

The middle-aged man tried to dissuade Wang Jianjun and others on the way to the vault.

Unfortunately, Wang Jianjun was not moved at all, and still pushed the middle-aged man to the vault.

Soon, a 2-meter-high and 2-meter-wide door made entirely of metal appeared in front of Wang Jianjun and others.

Without any hesitation, Wang Jianjun took out a C4 bomb from his backpack and stuck it outside the vault door.

Then, he immediately retreated, hid behind the wall, and pressed the bomb's detonation button.



Amid the loud noise, Wang Jianjun shot the middle-aged man next to him to death, and then walked towards the vault of Hecong Bank in a dusty dust.

At about the same time, on the 11th floor of Shimao Group's headquarters building, the Hong Kong Island headquarters of Hezhong Bank.

Because the bank vault is on the 12th floor, there is no elevator directly to the 12th floor in this building. To go to the 12th floor, you must take the stairs from the Hezhong Bank headquarters on the 11th floor.

'Ding Dong'

The elevator door opened.

"Da Da Da Da Da"

The Ah San security guards guarding Hezhong Bank had not reacted before they were shot and killed by a dozen men wearing various masks and holding uzi submachine guns, and then quickly went to the 12th floor.Go forward.

Behind them, a man wearing a Monkey King mask walked forward slowly as if strolling in the garden...

United Bank is an American bank. Although it is unknown in Hong Kong Island, it is not much worse than HSBC in the world. Hong Kong Island is the financial center of the Far East. Almost all the famous banks in the world have built branches here. The most important responsibility of the United Bank Hong Kong Island Branch is to facilitate its customers to call cash in Hong Kong Island.

Because of this, the vault of United Bank is different from other banks in Hong Kong Island. The money in the vault is mainly US dollars. It’s just that the people of United Bank may not dream that their vault will be emptied one day.

In the fierce firepower of the ‘elite veterans’ holding UZI submachine guns, the Indian security guards of United Bank had no power to fight back. They collapsed before they could resist for even a minute.

Under the persuasion of the pistol, an Indian security guard trembled and opened the door to the 12th floor with a key.


A gunshot killed the asshole instantly.

Then, Li Jun stepped onto the stairs and headed for the 12th floor.

A dozen elite veterans began to set up defenses on the 11th floor, preparing to give the approaching police a surprise.

Their mission was to buy time for the safe evacuation of Li Jun and Wang Jianjun.

Although an "elite veteran" was worth 1,000 system points, equivalent to 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, and a dozen "elite veterans" required millions of Hong Kong dollars, which was considered expensive, but compared to a bank's vault, the loss of millions of Hong Kong dollars could only be described as insignificant.

As long as there was money, Li Jun could continue to summon "elite veterans" to fight for him.

Soon, Li Jun came to the 12th floor. At this time, the door of the vault had been blown open by Wang Jianjun, and Li Jun walked into the vault as if he was returning home.

"I found that 10 million US dollars can be exchanged for 500,000 system points. Do you want to exchange it? ”

“I found 10 million US dollars, which can be exchanged for 500,000 system points. Do you want to exchange it?”

In just 2 minutes, more than 200 million US dollars and tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in the vault of the United Bank turned into 10,000,000 system points in Li Jun’s system.

After absorbing the vault of the United Bank, Li Jun’s system points have reached 16 million. In the system panel, a (+) sign appeared behind the battalion commander.

Obviously, as long as Li Jun is willing, he can upgrade now.

However, it is obvious that now is not the time to upgrade. Li Jun took Wang Jianjun and walked quickly to the Next to the cut-open 'ventilation passage', he put on the non-slip gloves handed to him by Wang Jianjun and crawled in.

At the same time.

Several police officers from the Central Police Station who received the alarm also came to the 11th floor.

"Da da da da"

As a result, as soon as they walked out of the elevator door, the two leading policemen were beaten into sieves, and the other policemen immediately stuck to the elevator wall and pressed the door closing button desperately.

"Calling headquarters, the firepower of the robbers of the United Bank is too strong, please ask the Flying Tigers and the Stormtroopers to bring heavy firepower weapons to support!"

After the elevator door closed, the trainee inspector who led the team immediately shouted loudly into the intercom.

"Tonight, all the Flying Tigers and Stormtroopers in the police district have been transferred to perform other tasks. I will help you call other support immediately."

The voice of the female police officer in the headquarters command center came from the intercom.

"Fuck, there is no one at the critical moment, so let the blue hats nearby come to support! "

The trainee inspector couldn't help cursing after hearing what the policewoman said.

PTU, also known as blue hats, is a mobile unit of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. It is usually responsible for street patrols and also has a small number of heavy weapons. It is one of the hardest-working departments in the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

"Six of the eight blue hat teams in this district have also been transferred away. I'll try to get the remaining two teams to support you."

The policewoman in the command center was so anxious that she almost cried.

She didn't know until she saw it that the mobile forces of the entire Hong Kong Island Region had been transferred away tonight, and there was no support force at all, so she could only ask police officers from other police districts to support.

"Fuck you, are those people above all raised on shit? Or do they want us, the police officers holding .38, to die! "

The trainee inspector couldn't help it at all, and he was madly outputting and spitting.

But he could only be so helpless and furious. He knew very well that all he could do now was to wait for support.

What he didn't know was that the culprit who caused the entire Hong Kong Island Region's mobile force to "disappear" had already slid to the underground parking lot, got into a car that had been prepared long ago, and drove out of the headquarters building of Shimao Group through a hidden escape door.

In the car, Li Jun directly chose to upgrade.

"Upgrading requires 10000,000 system points, do you confirm the upgrade? "


As Li Jun's voice fell.

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to the leader, and get 10 free attribute points, a random character summoning card, and a random skill summoning card. Do you want to draw?"


Without a moment's hesitation, Li Jun directly recited silently.

Tonight is Li Jun's harvest night. Originally, Li Jun thought that he would have to save up these 10 million system points for a while. As a result, only one day has passed, and he has saved up 10 million system points, and even 6 million system points are left over. Converted into Hong Kong dollars, it is equivalent to 3.2 billion!

Sure enough, people can never underestimate their potential.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the character Luo Sanpao (the only one) (can be materialized) (from the movie "Project A"), and congratulations to the host for drawing the skill: Divine Military Power (growth). ”

“Military Authority Divine Grant (Growable): As a summoner, you are the god of the character you summon. The host can grant a summoned character a rank two levels lower (the current rank is regiment commander, and the rank of company commander can be granted to three summoned characters). After being granted a rank, the summoned character can obtain the authority of the corresponding rank and summon soldiers independently without occupying the host's summoning quota (the system points required for summoning are deducted from the host system). ”

After reading the explanation of the skill of Divine Grant of Kings, Li Jun smiled, and his smile was particularly brilliant.

In this way, the summoned characters under his command can even leave him and pull out a force alone.

For example, Luo Sanpao, as a big pirate who once gave the ghost navy a headache, let him develop at sea, which is not too consistent with Li Jun's current plan to set up a smuggling group.

This made Li Jun have to sigh again, worthy of being a big hero system, really awesome! Thinking of this, Li Jun directly summoned Luo Sanpao.

“Brother Jun! "

After a while, a middle-aged man with a mustache, dark skin and a tough temperament appeared in the back row and greeted Li Jun.

"Pao, you will be one of us from now on. I still need your help in my power at sea."

Li Jun turned his head to look at Luo Sanpao and said with a smile.

"Dare not to die!"

Luo Sanpao was about to kneel down and bow to Li Jun.

"Pao, now is different from before, don't kneel down all the time."

Li Jun said with a smile, and then activated the skill of divine right of kings.

"Do you want to grant Luo Sanpao the rank of company commander?"

The prompt sound of the system immediately sounded in Li Jun's mind.

"Yes!" Li Jun said silently.

"Thank you for your cultivation, brother Jun. I am now a company commander and can summon 100 soldiers. "After a while, Luo Sanpao said to Li Jun.

"Well, A Pao, you should get familiar with this era tonight. Starting tomorrow, you will have to work hard!" Li Jun said to Luo Sanpao with a smile.

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