After entering, he didn't think much about what the assistant said, but started chatting with the other company. The cooperation between them was quite pleasant, and the price Li Jun offered was what they wanted.

So when Li Jun left, he didn't look like he was chasing the man just now. He got up and sent Li Jun to the door.

"For this cooperation, all products will be yours. If you need us to provide any products, you can directly find our assistants, and our assistants will directly send the products to your company."

Their two companies are very close, so if they really need anything, they can just say it and ask the assistants to send it back. This is the most convenient, and it is also one of the reasons why he chose Li Jun's company.

Li Jun shook hands with him and said.

"Since our contract has been negotiated, I will go back to my company first. You also know that it has developed too fast recently. Many companies are eyeing me. If I don't make the product better, it will be over."

The other party said that he understood and let Li Jun go, but Li Jun did not go back to his company, but went to Zhang Hu's company.

"Go to his place and see, didn't he say that he would bankrupt my company soon? I wonder if their company still has that attitude now."

No wonder they came to Zhang Hu's company, but Zhang Hu was not in the company today.

The front desk looked at the two masked men and didn't dare to tell them to leave, but arranged for them to sit on the sofa next to them.

"Usually our president will be back in the afternoon."

Li Jun said it was okay, he was willing to wait here, so he sat up on the sofa, and the assistant was sitting next to him and talking to him.

"If we really wanted to find someone just now, we could just find out where he went, but I thought that if he was not in the bar, he must be in the hotel, and there were only two places to find him, so it was easy."

But Li Jun shook his head. He was here just to find his big contract quickly, so he had to stay in his company.

Finally, the hard work paid off, and they met the president of their company when the company was about to get off work.

He was rushing to his office, but this time there was no woman next to him, so you go over and talk to him.

"I heard that your company is negotiating a contract, and your assistant also found me today, but I think the price is not suitable. Can you change the price? If so, we will sign the contract now."

But after a few glances, he knew that Li Jun was the president of a newly developed company, so he said to him.

"This young man is quite fast. It hasn't been a month, and the company has developed like a big family."

He did not immediately agree with Li Jun's question about whether to change the contract, but was looking at whether Li Jun was worth changing the contract.

So after changing Li Jun, he took Li Jun to his office and talked to him.

"Has your company always planned to develop overseas? Or do you plan to move back to China after developing overseas?"

The reason why he kept the price of the contract very low was that he was afraid that after the contract was signed, Li Jun would plan to return to China to develop, which would be very disadvantageous to their overseas company.

But at present, it seems that they can't find other companies to cooperate with except Li Jun, so they want to see if Li Jun can give a better answer.

In this regard, Li Jun will definitely give him the most satisfactory answer.

"We have already planned to develop abroad, and the company is developing well. We will definitely not move back to China. Don't worry about this."

After listening to him saying that he planned to develop abroad, the man agreed.

"In this case, then we plan to raise the price of the contract for you, so that you can earn more. How about we negotiate the contract."

Li Jun smiled. He knew that the man would definitely change the price of the contract if he couldn't find a partner, so he hesitated for a while, but the man couldn't help it and said that he was willing to raise it one point, and Li Jun agreed directly.

"In this case, let's finalize the cooperation between the two companies as soon as possible, so that we can produce the products faster and make money earlier."

The man thought about his family's bankruptcy and that he would definitely make money by cooperating with Li Jun now. Finally, he asked his assistant to bring the contract to him. This was the contract he had modified long ago.

He just didn't bring it to Li Jun because he hoped that Li Jun would make some concessions or let him make more money. But now it seems impossible.I had no choice but to sign the revised contract first.

After Li Jun signed, he said to him.

"Now that the contract has been signed, the two of us are partners. If your company needs our company in terms of funds or investment, we are willing to give you some of the money we have earned recently."

The man hesitated when he heard him say this.

"What do you mean? Have you heard about my family's situation now?"

But their company's current unstable things have not been publicized to the outside world.

"Don't worry about your family's affairs first. What have we heard? What you have to deal with now is our contract. If it is not handled well, your company will go bankrupt faster."

After Li Jun finished speaking, he waited for their reply, hoping that they could sign the contract as soon as possible.

Finally, under pressure, even though he had not read these contracts yet, he quickly wrote his name under Li Jun's pressure, and finally said to Li Jun.

"I have already signed it, but are you sure that all your products can make money? Otherwise, I signed this contract for nothing."

Li Jun looked at the name on it and didn't care about making money. After all, the company he set up here was also a shell company, but he still had to deceive him and told him.

"I also want to make money, so I found you and asked you to sign the contract. You just need to wait for our products to be shipped over."

"Then cooperate with us well, and we can guarantee that you will make more money than before, and your company will not go bankrupt."

After talking to him about several contracts, Li Jun left their company and returned to his own company.

"The contract has been signed. All you have to do now is pretend that there are goods and transport them to our company so that they will not be affected, and we will continue."

But if you want to transport the goods, you must make a lot of noise, and I don't know if they can believe it, but if you do it at night, it will definitely be more convincing.

So Xu Xi said, "We will prepare the goods tomorrow, and then pretend to transport the goods that night. They will definitely come to our door, and then we can give them the contracts directly."

Zhang Oumei didn't know what they were going to do, so he asked.

"Aren't you here to solve the previous contract problem? Why did you get the company out again, and get several batches of goods? Who are you trying to deceive?"

They saw that Li Jun was here to target people, so Li Jun said.

"It's aimed at those bad guys, let them suffer for themselves, who let them give us the contract, and then asked us for several hundred million, but now they regret it, they must know the consequences of deceiving people."

After that, he gave Xu Xi a check.

"Take this check to find the boss of the auction first, and the two of you go together to get some fake goods, and then remember to make a big noise at night, otherwise they won't believe it."

Xu Xi took the check, and then went to find the boss of the auction, and then handed the check to him.

"We have already done everything else. They will come tonight, so we have to get the goods quickly."

It is difficult to find the goods, so they have to find the counterparty within the day of the transfer.

The auction boss looked at it and saw that there were several hundred million yuan on it. It seemed that Li Jun was really generous. In order to cheat their company, these optimizations were made and the check was used to buy the goods.

Finally, he said to Xu Xi, "Don't worry about the goods. We naturally have many counterparties here. As long as you give it to me, the money will be in hand and the goods will be delivered to you tomorrow."

Finally, he called his younger brother over.

"Go and see Mr. Zhang to see if he is in his company now. If he is, go with Xu Xi."

Then the younger brother called Mr. Zhang.

"Why did your auction boss ask you to call me? Do you want to have a contract to cooperate with us?"

Mr. Zhang was very confused. If they had contact, it must be about the contract, but the younger brother said.

"Our boss is not looking for you for the contract this time, but because he heard that you have a batch of goods that you can't sell, so our boss wants to buy it. I wonder if you can transport the goods to me now."

Mr. Zhang was so happy when he heard this. His batch of goods was about to rot in his hands, so he agreed to the boss of the auction directly.

"Don't worry, we can give you this batch of goods at a very low price. If you need goods,If you want to buy your goods, you can get them now."

Xu Xi, who was listening to the phone here, was also very happy.

"But in this case, we will send the check to him later, and then when the time comes tomorrow, we will transport the goods to him at night."

Soon it was the evening of the next day.

Xu Xi took their check to find Mr. Zhang and handed it to him.

"We often want to buy your goods, so we will definitely not let you lose money. There are a few of these. You take these checks, and then we will go to your warehouse to get the goods now, okay?"

Mr. Zhang was almost stunned when he saw that this was a check for several hundred million. He originally planned to sell it for tens of millions, but the price he was given actually exceeded the money he was about to make.

"Okay, okay, now you can go to the warehouse with me quickly. We have already transported the goods to the truck, you can just drive away."

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