After Li Jieying left, Li Zhan looked at Li Jun and said, "Ajun, I won't hide it from you. My people have been investigating you these days. Between you and Yingying, Yingying took the initiative..."

At this point, Li Zhan's old face turned red. The cabbage he raised jumped out of the field by itself. Who can he complain to? He wanted to make trouble for Li Jun, but he felt guilty.

"I only have Yingying as my daughter. I like what she likes. I know your identity and I know you are very powerful in the underworld now, but..."

At this point, Li Zhan paused slightly, sorted out his words, and then continued, "Ajun, don't be angry when I say this. You are not in the underworld, even if you are the number one in the underworld. The police can summon you whenever they want, and the foreigners can expel you from the country whenever they want..."

"Uncle, just say what you want to say." Li Jun interrupted Li Zhan.

"I know it's not easy for you to get to this point, but I still want to persuade you to clean up your past. I will send you and Yingying to study abroad, and then return to Hong Kong to inherit Champa International. At that time, you will be the upper class of Hong Kong Island. Not to mention that the police force dare not mess with you, even the chief of police will say to you, Mr. Li, OK!" Li Zhan looked at Li Jun and said slowly.

"Uncle, you said it very well, but I don't want to go this way." Li Jun directly refused.

"Ajun, you..."

"Uncle, listen to me." Li Jun interrupted.

After hearing Li Jun's refusal, Li Zhan was about to speak immediately, but he was interrupted by Li Jun as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Uncle, even if I give up everything to study abroad, my past will still be exposed when I come back. Black is black, and it cannot be washed clean. And I don't think I need to be washed clean. Uncle, ask yourself, is the so-called upper class of Hong Kong Island really the upper class of Hong Kong Island? Isn't the whole Hong Kong Island still supported by foreigners? Even Mr. Lei, who has the support of the north, is still oppressed, isn't it?"

Li Jun paused slightly when he said this, and then said word by word, slowly: "Uncle, strength determines status. If I am strong enough, black is white. On the contrary, if I am weak, I am still black even if I am washed clean."

"It's a good thing for young people to have confidence. When I was young, I also wanted to step on the four major families, but."

Speaking of this, Li Zhan smiled and shook his head, "Ajun, I was young too. I know I can't persuade you. Come on!"

"Yingying, stop eavesdropping. Come down. Dad is gone." Li Zhan looked up and looked towards the second floor and said loudly.

"Dad, you're leaving." Li Jieying, who was seen through by Li Zhan, blushed and walked out of the room and said.

"I see you're eager for me to disappear immediately, I'm leaving." Li Zhan smiled and shook his head, then walked towards the gate of the villa.

Just as Li Zhan walked to Li Jun, he whispered: "Ajun, don't make Yingying sad, this is a father's request."

"Uncle, when you go to the nightclub in Yau Tsim Mong in the future, tell me my name and I'll give you a 50% discount." Li Jun also whispered.

"Isn't it free?" Li Zhan looked at Li Jun with a surprised face, and asked Li Jun directly.

This made Li Jun finally understand why the old man in front of him could establish Champa International.

"Hahaha, just kidding." Li Zhan smiled and patted Li Jun on the shoulder, and then left the villa directly.

"Ajun, my dad is just talking nonsense, don't take it to heart." After Li Zhan left, Li Jieying walked downstairs, sat next to Li Jun, leaned on his shoulder, and said softly.

"He is doing this for your own good, and he also has no confidence in me." Li Jun said with a smile.

"Ajun, I believe you." Li Jieying looked determined.

"Yingying, there is a business, I wonder if you are interested?" Looking at Li Jieying, Li Jun had a new idea.

On the other side, also in Taipingshan, in the study room on the second floor of the Lin family villa.

"Brother, let's call the police!" Lin Zhengyue looked at his eldest brother Lin Guangyue and said.

Half an hour ago, the kidnappers who kidnapped Lin Dayue called the Lin family and told the Lin family that if they wanted Lin Dayue to return home safely, they had to pay a ransom of 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Later, under the instructions of the kidnappers, Lin Guangyue sent people to find Lin Dayue's gold Rolls-Royce and the driver Awang who was already dead.

After confirming that Lin Dayue was kidnapped, Lin Guangyue called his younger brother Lin Zhengyue back home to discuss with him how to deal with it.

"Call the police? Ah Zheng, I didn't dare to tell my mother about Dayue's kidnapping. When the police come, they will definitely alarm my mother. Now my mother is old. If something happens, it will be too late for us to regret it." Lin Guangyue directly rejected his younger brother's suggestion.

"Brother, then we can only raise money, and we have toI hope the kidnappers can keep their word and really release Dayue. Don't forget Wang Baiwan. "Lin Zhengyue said slowly.

Wang Baiwan's kidnapping has a great impact on wealthy families like the Lin family. Many wealthy families are already considering upgrading their security, but Lin Guangyue and Lin Zhengyue never thought that someone would set their sights on their younger brother so soon.

"Our Lin family can take out 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash, but after taking it out, the family business will be affected."

Hearing Lin Zhengyue's words, Lin Guangyue's face also showed difficulty.

2 billion cash and 2 billion assets are completely different concepts. Although the Lin family has more than 20 billion assets, the real liquidity is only more than 3 billion, which is considered a company with relatively abundant cash flow.

"Brother, there is one more thing. It is impossible to take out 2 billion cash without alerting the police. The police will still intervene at that time. It is better to call the police early." Lin Zhengyue still wanted to call the police.

'Dong Dong Dong~'

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

"What's the matter? "Lin Guangyue frowned and asked.

"Master, there is a policeman outside. He said he is Zhang Wenyao, the police inspector of the serious crime team. He said he has something to ask you." The voice of Fu Bo, the butler of the Lin family, came from outside the door.

Hearing Fu Bo's words, the faces of Lin Guangyue and Lin Zhengyue changed slightly. After the two looked at each other, Lin Guangyue said: "Okay, Fu Bo, let the police officer Zhang wait for me in the yard and tell him that I will see him immediately."

"Okay, Master."

After Fu Bo's footsteps faded away, Lin Guangyue stood up and said to Lin Zhengyue slowly: "A Zheng, it seems that the police force can't hide it anymore. You go to watch my mother and keep it secret from her."

"Okay, big brother!"

Lin Zhengyue nodded slowly.

A few minutes later.

Lin Guangyue met Zhang Wenyao in the pavilion in the yard.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I am Zhang Wenyao, the police inspector of the serious crime team of the police headquarters. "

Zhang Wenyao stretched out his right hand to Lin Zhengyue while speaking.

After the Lin family saw the scene where Lin Dayue was kidnapped, Zhang Wenyao received the news and the police team also received the alarm. Zhang Wenyao immediately took over the case on the grounds that it was suspected to be related to the Dizang case and rushed to Taipingshan.

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