At the same time, the ‘veteran’ who sneaked into the VIP room pressed the button in his pocket.

After picking up the crown, the unaware Rabbit exchanged glances with the doctor hiding in the crowd, and then prepared to leave. However, the doctor and Rabbit did not notice that their exchange of glances was seen by an expressionless man.

Right here.


The door of the corridor was blown to pieces, shocking everyone in the VIP room. Then, when everyone saw the person coming, they all showed ecstatic expressions on their faces. They were too familiar with the Flying Tigers.


‘Da da da da~’

‘Bang bang bang bang~’

After a fierce exchange of fire, all the members of the doctor gang in the VIP room, including Rabbit, were killed. Although these people were also fierce bandits, they were still not qualified to be compared with the ‘veteran’.

Wang Jianjun walked to the side of the rabbit, ignoring the rabbit's eyes that were still open, took out the three pieces of Russian royal jewels from his pocket, and put them into the pocket that Wang Jianguo handed to him.

The doctor squatting in the crowd watched this scene, and he was so angry that his teeth itched. But even if he hated it, he didn't dare to move. After all, his dozen men with guns were killed, and it would be useless if he went up. The doctor hinted to himself in his heart.

However, at this time, an expressionless man suddenly stood up and pointed at himself.

'Bang~' The doctor was shot in the head before he even reacted.

Then, the hostages in the VIP room found that the Flying Tigers who came to rescue them didn't pay any attention to them at all, and left directly with the expressionless middle-aged man.

"Hey, you left, what should we do?" A brave hostage shouted to the Flying Tigers.

Unfortunately, Wang Jianjun and others would never pay attention to them. They walked straight into the corridor and went down to the basement. After easily killing the people who stayed in the basement, they left in a car.

"Damn, what's the attitude? I will definitely go to the police to complain about these guys!" The man who wanted to stop the Flying Tigers cursed angrily.

A few minutes after the gunshots, the police received the alarm and sent people to the Confederation Hotel. When they arrived at the hotel, they first exchanged fire with the gangsters who stayed on the first floor, and then went to the VIP room on the top floor.

By the time they arrived at the VIP room on the top floor, Wang Jianjun and others had already left the Confederation Hotel. Not only could they not find the stolen jewelry, they even had to face the hostages' accusations:

"What is the attitude of your police force? After killing the robbers, we hostages will not care about us, right? I tell you, I am very familiar with your Superintendent Zhou, and I will definitely complain to him about you! I will go directly to ICAC to complain about their police force!"

Just explaining to these people, these police officers already had a splitting headache, not to mention looking for Wang Jianjun.

Among these hostages, a man and a woman were particularly excited.

"Ah Zhen, did you take a clear picture?" Li Xiaotian asked Le Huizhen.

"Don't worry, I don't know how clear it is, but unfortunately this battery can only last for 20 minutes." Le Huizhen also laughed from ear to ear.

They just filmed the first 20 minutes of the robbery. Le Huizhen believed that once this video was broadcast, it would definitely become the headline of Hong Kong Island.

On the other side, at 10 o'clock that night.

Li Jun held a satellite phone in his right hand, played with a sapphire necklace in his left hand, looked at the other two pieces of Russian royal jewels on the table, and dialed a number.

"Doctor, it's me." Li Jun said after the call was connected.

"Ah Jun, what's the matter?" The gentle voice of the doctor came from the receiver.

"Doctor, you said before that most of your arms were bought from the Russians?" Li Jun asked.

"Yes, what?" The doctor asked with some doubt.

"Help me make an appointment with that arms dealer, tell him that I have a big deal to do with him, and ask him to come to Hong Kong Island to see me." Li Jun said with a smile.

"Okay." The doctor did not ask Li Jun in detail what the big deal was, and agreed directly.

"Doctor, if this big deal goes well, I will go to Siam soon. At that time, it will be the end of Jiang Tianyang!" Li Jun said slowly, word by word.

"Ah Jun, I'll wait for you!" The doctor didn't care what Li Jun came to Siam for, she only cared that Li Jun came to Siam...

The day after the jewelry robbery at the Cointreau Hotel.

Le Huizhen and Lai Siu Tin, who originally thought they could grab the headlines with the robbery video, never expected that their headlines would be stolen one after another.

First, the Hong Kong Island Police Force publicly announced to the outside world that the Flying Tigers that appeared in the Cointreau Hotel were faked by another group of robbers. Now the police force is doing its best to hunt down the fake Flying TigersThe robbers of the police team.

As soon as this statement was issued, it immediately became a hot topic in public opinion.

Although there have been cases of impersonating police officers in Hong Kong Island, there has never been a case of impersonating the Flying Tigers. Moreover, many people at the scene also revealed that the robbers pretending to be the Flying Tigers were very professional, even more professional than the real Flying Tigers.

Therefore, many people suspected that there was a traitor in the police force, and even many people suspected that it was the police who did it, robbing the jewelry and blaming some gangsters, so that the police came out to clarify, "I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

After being robbed by the fake Flying Tigers, Le Huizhen and Lai Siu-tin originally wanted to take advantage of the popularity of the fake Flying Tigers to release the robbery video, but they never expected that at this time, a more sensational news was revealed, and this news even caused all newspapers in Hong Kong Island to publish an extra issue.

The robbers who kidnapped Lin Dayue cut off one of Lin Dayue's ears, took photos and sent them to major media in Hong Kong Island, and also added a sentence: Cut something off from Lin Dayue's body within 12 hours. If the Lin family likes to drag it out, then drag it out as much as you want!

Taipingshan, Lin Mansion.

"Too much!" Lin Guangyue threw the transparent bag containing Lin Dayue's ear to the ground fiercely.

He originally wanted to drag it out for a few days to make the kidnappers anxious, so that their Lin family could negotiate the price, and maybe even get a better effect.

As a result, the kidnappers were indeed anxious, but they actually cut off Lin Dayue's ear and sent it directly to their Lin family. The most important thing is that they also exposed the matter.

This made it impossible for Lin Guangyue to drag it out any longer, after all, Lin Dayue was his younger brother. If the robbers secretly touched Lin Dayue, it would not matter even if they cut him into pieces. Lin Guangyue could say that he didn't know, but now everyone in Hong Kong Island knows it, and he Lin Guangyue can no longer say that he didn't know.

If he did not take action, it would be confirmed that he watched his brother being tortured and killed. Not only would Lin Guangyue's face be damaged, but more importantly, if the old lady of the Lin family knew about it...

Thinking of this, Lin Guangyue's face had become very ugly. At this time:

"Young Master, someone called you and said it was the Third Young Master..." Uncle Fu deliberately did not finish his words.

Lin Guangyue did not speak, but walked directly to the phone, picked up the receiver, and said: "What do you mean? Do you really think you can control our Lin family?"

"Mr. Lin, I don't mean to control your Lin family. I just want money. Once I get 2 billion, your brother will return to Zhao intact." A man's voice came from the receiver.

"2 billion Hong Kong dollars, do you think it's 200,000, and you can get it on the same day you take it?" Lin Guangyue's tone was still angry.

"Mr. Lin, this is your problem, not my problem. In less than 12 hours, your brother Lin Dayue will lose an item. In fact, you don't have to be too anxious. He still has an ear, a nose, and a tongue..."

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