From the beginning, the entire Lin family and the police force were destined to be manipulated by Li Jun.

After talking to Lin Guangyue, Zhang Wenyao immediately took Mo Weichen away from the Lin family villa and came to the temporary command center built in a motorhome.

"Is the tracker turned on?" Zhang Wenyao asked immediately after getting in the car.

"Sir Zhang, the signal has come." A uniformed police officer answered.

"Sir Zhang, do you really not want to send someone to follow the money transporter?" At this time, Superintendent Zhao Li of the Criminal Intelligence Department walked to Zhang Wenyao and asked.

The Criminal Investigation Department is the earliest department established in the Hong Kong Police Force and is known as the first department of the police force. As long as the case involves the Criminal Investigation Department, the main department must be the Criminal Investigation Department.

Although Zhao Li and Zhang Wenyao are both superintendents, in the case of Lin Dayue's kidnapping, Zhao Li must obey Zhang Wenyao's command.

Of course, this is because the consequences of Wang Baiwan's kidnapping were too tragic, which frightened the top police officers. They dared not take charge of the kidnapping of these wealthy people for the time being. Otherwise, with Lin Dayue's status, at least a senior superintendent would be in charge of the case.

"Sir Zhao, the most important thing for us now is to save people first, don't forget Wang Baiwan's kidnapping case." Zhang Wenyao said faintly.

"Sir Zhang, you are right." Zhao Li's face sternly nodded.

Soon, the small truck carrying money drove to the designated location. After getting off the car, the two plainclothes officers were immediately asked by the robbers to lie on the ground in a big letter shape.

A robber walked up to the two plainclothes officers and said in a cold tone: "Tell your boss that Lin Dayue is locked in a warehouse at North Point Pier, let them find him slowly."

After that, the robber drove away in a small truck full of banknotes.

After confirming that the robbers had left, the plainclothes police officer immediately took out the walkie-talkie and said loudly: "The hostages are locked in a warehouse at North Point Wharf!"

"Okay, you did a good job, return to the team immediately." Zhang Wenyao's voice came from the speaker of the walkie-talkie.

The plainclothes police officer actually had another doubt. He always felt that the robbers spoke without any human emotions, as if they were not human, but he still did not say this doubt after all.

On the other side, in the temporary command center.

"Send someone to North Point to find someone immediately!" Zhang Wenyao ordered loudly.

"Sir Zhang, since we know where the hostages are, should we take action here?" Zhao Li looked at the red dot representing the tracker on the screen and asked.

"Don't act rashly, find the hostage first!" Zhang Wenyao said slowly.

A few minutes later.

"Sir Zhang, the signal disappeared!"

Suddenly, the uniformed police officer who had been monitoring the signal shouted loudly.

"Where did the signal disappear?" Zhang Wenyao asked immediately.

"Look at the place... It should be a project site of Shimao Group!" The uniformed police officer said after flipping through the map.

"Send someone to keep an eye on this construction site immediately, and let the Flying Tigers rush there immediately, ready to act at any time!" Zhang Wenyao said slowly and methodically.

But the policemen present didn't know that Zhang Wenyao was acting according to the script throughout the whole process, and his every move was set by Li Jun.

At the same time, after the small truck entered the construction site, it went straight to a shed. With the cooperation of Tang Judy, the shed had been equipped with a jammer to block the signal of the tracker.

When the small truck entered the construction site, someone immediately opened the door of the truck's cargo box, and then Li Jun, wearing the Monkey King mask, walked into the cargo box. After looking at Dizang Feng Zhenguo who was unconscious in a chair not far away, a smile appeared on his face.

A few minutes later.

"Sir Zhang, the signal reappeared!" A uniformed police officer shouted loudly at the red dot that reappeared on the monitoring screen.

"Sir Zhang, the guys at North Point Pier have sent a message that they have found Lin Dayue!" another uniformed police officer also shouted.

"The hostage has been found, and the signal has reappeared?"

At this moment, Zhang Wenyao brought his acting skills to the extreme. He frowned, as if thinking about some world problem.

'Pah! '

A few seconds later, he clapped his hands, startling several police officers beside him.

"Notify the Flying Tigers immediately and attack this construction site immediately!" Zhang Wenyao said loudly.

"But Sir Zhang, the signal of the tracker has left the construction site. Isn't it wrong for us to let the Flying Tigers attack the construction site now?" Mo Weichen, who had also read the script, assisted from the side.

"The car lost the signal just now. It must be that the kidnappers did something at the construction site, blocked the signal, and then quickly transferred the money from the van. If we continue to follow the van, we will be fooled by the robbers."At this point, Zhang Wenyao paused slightly, and then continued: "However, we can't ignore the small truck. Sir Mo, you take people to follow the small truck and listen to my notification at any time!"

"Yes, sir!"

Mo Weichen said loudly to Zhang Wenyao, and then took three police officers to get into the car and followed the signal of the tracker to follow the small truck.

At this time, in the trunk of the small truck.

"Found Hong Kong dollars, which can be exchanged for 500,000 system points. Do you want to exchange?"

Li Jun turned 2 billion Hong Kong dollars into 10 million system points in the cargo box of the small truck.

At this time, Mo Weichen had already followed the small truck with his people.

Soon, the small truck drove to an uninhabited path near Mount Davis.

At this time, Mo Weichen and the other three police officers in the car saw that the small truck driving in front of their car stopped.

"Sir Mo, what should we do?" The police officer sitting in the co-pilot asked Mo Weichen.

"There's nothing we can do. We can only adapt to the situation."

While speaking, Mo Weichen stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

Then, Mo Weichen opened the car door and prepared to get out. Seeing this, the other three police officers also wanted to get out of the car.

However, right here, Mo Weichen suddenly pulled out an uzi submachine gun from his waist, aimed at his three colleagues, and fired wildly.

'Da da da da~'

After a burst of intensive gunfire, all three police officers were shot dead by Mo Weichen.

"I'm sorry, I have no choice."

Mo Weichen took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the fingerprints off the uzi submachine gun, and then handed the uzi to the man who had walked to his side.

Then, Mo Weichen walked to the side of the road, took out a box of Marlboro cigarettes from his pocket, smoked one and put it in his mouth, and then he saw a car slowly driving up and stopped next to the small truck carrying money.

Then, a man wearing a Monkey King mask walked out of the cargo box of a pickup truck.

As if he noticed his gaze, Mo Weichen saw the man looking at him, waved to him, got into a car next to him, and drove away.

Although Mo Weichen was confused, he did not dwell on who the man was. After lighting the cigarette in his mouth, Mo Weichen watched the two expressionless men put the three police officers he had killed in place, and then took out a few grenades and threw them under the car.

‘Boom! Boom! Boom’

After a few explosions, the car in front of Mo Weichen was completely scrapped.

‘Da Da~’

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