"This is the entrance to the safe house."

The Li family member who led the way was trembling all over, and his voice was trembling.


Wang Jianjun told him to stop trembling.

Woo woo woo woo~~

At this time, Wang Jianjun could already hear the faint sound of alarm bells coming from far away.

Without a moment's hesitation, Wang Jianjun directly ordered the "old soldiers" to install more than 100 kilograms of C4 bombs at the door of the safe house.

Then, he and Wang Jianguo took these "old soldiers" and quickly left the villa.

However, after leaving the villa, Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo separated from these old soldiers, who dispersed in all directions towards Taiping Mountain, while Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo were heading towards Li Jieying's villa.

Li Jieying was not at home today, and that was the safe house that Li Jun prepared for Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo.

At this time, inside the Li family safe house.

"Edmund, don't worry, we are absolutely safe here."

Li Xiaotian looked at Edmund, whose face had turned pale with fear, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, which passed in an instant.

He poured red wine while talking, and when he finished speaking, he handed a glass of red wine to Edmund.

"Thank you."

Edmund subconsciously said thank you, and after taking the red wine handed to him by Li Xiaotian, he no longer paid attention to any gentlemanly etiquette, and directly raised his neck and drank it all.

After drinking this glass of wine, Edmund seemed to be more stable. He looked at Li Xiaotian and asked: "Sir Li, who did you offend? It's so dangerous tonight that I have to consider the safety of cooperating with you."

"Don't worry, Sir Edmund, I will handle these things, you just need to enjoy your life with peace of mind."

When Li Xiaotian heard Edmund's words, a trace of imperceptible coldness flashed in his eyes, but there was a 'warm smile' on his face.

"Those who dare to take action on the Peak are definitely crazy."

After hearing what Li Xiaotian said, Edmund's face looked much better, and he cursed in a low voice.

"Who said it wasn't? Crazy people should go to hell!"

While speaking, Li Xiaotian's eyes flashed with an undisguised murderous intent.

Just then.

A loud bang directly awakened half of Hong Kong Island.

Outside the Li family villa, Chen Jili, the new director of the Hong Kong Island Regional Operations Department, was giving orders.

"The Flying Tigers entered the villa to rescue the Li family, and the Stormtroopers and PTU chased the bandits on the Peak. Remember, don't let these bandits hurt other residents!"

"Yes, sir!"

"You... my God!"

Just as Chen Jili was about to continue issuing orders, his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost.

Chen Jili saw the three-story Li family villa not far away, which collapsed like a toy after a huge explosion. The shock wave generated by the explosion spread around with dust.

"Explosion, lie down!" Chen Jili said, and he lay on the ground first.

Half a minute later. "This time, Hong Kong Island is going to explode!"

Looking at the ruins of the Li family villa in front of him, Chen Jili muttered to himself...

At the same time.

In the Blue Rose Nightclub in Causeway Bay.

"So loud." Li Jun, who heard the explosion, smiled slightly and said lightly.

That night, gunshots rang out on Taiping Mountain, and it was in chaos.

This made the bigwigs on the mountain who could shake Hong Kong Island with just a stomp of their feet unable to sleep all night.

Their guards were the same. They didn't sleep all night, and they kept their guns with them. They were so nervous that they were sweating all over their heads and backs.

However, they were glad that the target of those "gangsters" seemed to be only the Li family, and no one else on the Peak received a warning.

Despite this, these bigwigs on the Peak still issued a stern notice the next day, requiring the Hong Kong British government and the Hong Kong Island Police Force to station a 100-man armed team on the Peak to ensure their safety.

This indirectly led to the Hong Kong Island Police Force building a police training center on the Peak, where two teams of Flying Tigers were stationed.

Like the rich people on the Peak, All the senior officers of the Hong Kong Island Police Force did not sleep that night.

20 minutes after the explosion, Commissioner of Police Mak Yan-ho summoned two deputy commissioners, senior assistant commissioners and assistant commissioners of the Operational Support Department and the Criminal Security Department to the Police Headquarters Building for a meeting.

Throughout the meeting, the face of the foreign Commissioner Mak Yan-ho was extremely ugly. .

"Everyone, I don't need to say much about what Victoria Peak is. The violent incident on Victoria Peak this time even alarmed the Governor of Hong Kong. The explosion site is less than 2 kilometers away from the Governor's residence.""The Governor just talked to me on the phone. Do you know what he said on the phone?"

"He said he was very shocked. He didn't expect the security in Hong Kong Island to be so chaotic. This time it was the bombing of Victoria Peak. Next time it might be the bombing of the Governor's residence!"

"The Governor gave our police force a death order. We must investigate the Victoria Peak bombing case thoroughly and let the mastermind behind it be brought to justice!"

Mai Renhao went straight to the point and asked the Operation Support Department to work together with the Criminal Security Department. Within 48 hours, an explanation should be given to all Hong Kong citizens, the Hong Kong British government and the Governor.

This time, the task was no longer led by the Chinese, but by Mai Renhao and two deputy directors. Obviously, the foreigners were going to take real action this time.

As the only Chinese present, Zhuo Jingquan, director of the Support Department, remained silent throughout the whole process and quietly watched the performance of more than a dozen foreigners.

In fact, Zhuo Jingquan believed that everyone present had their own guesses about who the murderer of the bombing was. What they discussed was nothing more than how to minimize the impact of the bombing and restore the face of the police force to the greatest extent.

The only thing that made Zhuo Jingquan curious was why he did this? Didn't he know that doing this would kill one thousand enemies and hurt himself eight hundred?

Or did he have other cards?

After thinking about it, Zhuo Jingquan still couldn't think of what cards that person had. A short mule, even if he had the ability to turn the world upside down, would be finished this time.

Sure enough, after a discussion, the Commissioner of Police Mai Renhao spoke again.

"Everyone, since everyone has determined that Li Jun, a Chinese, is a major suspect in the crime, then arrest him!"

"Remember, Li Jun must not die. We must make him admit his crimes in front of all the citizens of Hong Kong Island and repent for the crimes he has committed!"

Mai Renhao spoke slowly, word by word.

Then, Mai Renhao looked at Zhuo Jingquan, the only Chinese present, and said, "Zhuo Sir, the task of arresting Li Jun is left to you. You can coordinate the mobile forces of Hong Kong Island to carry out the arrest."

"Yes, sir!" Zhuo Jingquan said loudly.

"Zhuo Sir, remember, no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, it doesn't matter. I don't want any reasons, I just want Li Jun!"

Mai Renhao finally instructed.

Hearing Mai Renhao's words, Zhuo Jingquan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

As he thought, Li Jun, the gangster, was finished this time.

Hong Kong Island is still the Hong Kong Island of the foreigners. As long as the foreigners want to touch someone, it doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not, because evidence needs to be identified by people!

This is the golden rule that Zhuo Jingquan learned after serving in the police force for 20 years.

In Zhuo Jingquan's opinion, the best outcome for Li Jun now is to flee Hong Kong Island and live a wanted life from now on. Although it will be frightening, it is better than being locked up in Stanley Prison and losing freedom for life.

However, Zhuo Jingquan never expected that Li Jun would be able to push the police to that point next!

When the explosion occurred at Victoria Peak in Hong Kong Island, it was in the high seas more than 200 kilometers away from Hong Kong Island.

A cruise ship that travels between Hong Kong Island and Lion City is sailing smoothly on the surface of the South China Sea.

This cruise ship named Naniwa is the largest cruise ship under the Hong Kong Lin family, which can accommodate 3,000 tourists on board.

At this time, Naniwa has ended its 10-day journey to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand and is on its way back to Hong Kong Island.

According to the plan, it will arrive at the Star Ferry Pier in Hong Kong Island on time at 8 am the next day.

On the Naniwa, tourists are enjoying their last night on the cruise.

Three years ago, after Ghost Hand Nie Aotian lost the competition with Macau gambling king He Xin, he found another way to rent a cruise ship and transform it into a gambling ship, making a lot of money.

Since then, the new thing of gambling ships has become popular, not only Hong Kong Islanders and Macau people do this business.

Chinese tycoons from Formosa, Singapore, Malaysia and even Luzon have also joined in.

At the peak, more than ten gambling ships could be operated at the same time in the high seas of the South China Sea.

However, after a period of competition, only a few powerful bosses, whose gambling ships had the last laugh, now there are generally only 4 or 5 gambling ships in operation on the high seas of the South China Sea.

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