After hearing what Li Jun said, Mai Renhao couldn't hold it anymore. After taking a few deep breaths, he slowly said, "Li Jun, the police force will publish an apology letter to you in various newspapers tomorrow. We will also contact the TV station."

"Mr. Director, I am very pleased as an ordinary citizen of Hong Kong Island that the police force can correct their mistakes and dare to take responsibility. I take back all my comments about you just now. You are a good director."

Li Jun looked at Mai Renhao and said slowly, with a sincere smile on his face.

But Mai Renhao didn't want to look at Li Jun any more. After saying that, he turned around and left.

Even in the tense situation of the police-ICPC war, he was at ease and played everyone in his hands. He didn't expect that he would be controlled by a gangster before retirement.

The more Mai Renhao thought about it, the angrier and more aggrieved he became. This was the most aggrieved night he had ever spent in his life, and also the darkest night.


After Mai Renhao left the interrogation room, Chen Taoran, Li Wenbin, and Zhuo Jingquan, who had been waiting outside the interrogation room, immediately came to greet him.

"Release him, and ask the Public Relations Department to contact newspapers and TV stations in Hong Kong Island to publicly apologize to Li Jun."

Mai Renhao said coldly with a gloomy face.

Hearing Mai Renhao's words, Chen Taoran, Li Wenbin, and Zhuo Jingquan were all stunned on the spot.

Half an hour later, Li Jun left the police force leisurely, and with Li Jun's departure, the news that the Hong Kong Island Police Force would publicly apologize to Li Jun also spread in various circles in Hong Kong Island.

The police force publicly apologized to a gangster, which attracted the attention of the entire Hong Kong Island.

This night was not only the most aggrieved night for Mai Renhao since he joined the police, but also the most aggrieved night in the history of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

The next morning.

Kedoorley Hill, in Xu Huayan's villa.

Xu Huayan looked at the newspaper in his hand for a long time without saying a word, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Dad, what are you reading? Why are you so absorbed in it?"

At this time, Xu Baishi, who had just gotten up, yawned and went downstairs. Seeing his father Xu Huayan sitting at the dining table in a daze, he asked curiously.

Originally, Xu Baishi did not stay at home for six out of seven days a week, but Hong Kong Island has been in a mess recently, and he has been exhausted from accompanying that crazy woman Ma Wenfeng every day. He really has no energy to mess around outside, so he can only cultivate himself at home.

Xu Huayan did not speak when he heard Xu Baishi's words, but just silently handed the newspaper to his son.

"Dad, what is this? It's so mysterious... Fuck?"

Xu Baishi did not take it seriously when he took the newspaper, but when he picked it up and took a look, he was stunned on the spot, with five words on his face: Am I dreaming?

The newspaper clearly published the police's apology to Li Jun, but the police also secretly set a trap for Li Jun, adding a sentence in the last line of the notice, saying that there is no evidence that Mr. Li Jun is related to the Taipingshan bombing last night, please do not speculate.

This obviously tells everyone in Hong Kong Island that Li Jun is related to the Taipingshan bombing, but our police force has no evidence.

But the effect of the police adding this sentence is basically zero, because 99% of people are like Xu Baishi, who are directly attracted by the outrageous words of the police apologizing to the young and dangerous.

"Dad, am I crazy or the police crazy or the whole Hong Kong Island is crazy, the police apologize to the young and dangerous?"

In Xu Baishi's view, this is more outrageous than a cat apologizing to a mouse.

"Although I don't know how Li Jun did it, he did do something that the Hong Kong community has never done in the past 100 years."

Xu Huayan sighed lightly.

The appearance of a figure like Li Jun in the underworld of Hong Kong Island is too cruel for his contemporaries.

His brilliance is so dazzling that it can even make people lose the courage to challenge him.

At first, Xu Huayan thought that the three societies would join forces to defeat Li Jun. After last night, he felt that he could fight Li Jun. Now Xu Huayan feels that even if the three societies are combined, they are still not Li Jun's opponent.

"Dad, Li Jun is so popular now, and it is a foregone conclusion that Hongxing will become the number one society in Hong Kong Island. So what should we do now? Just watch Li Jun become the number one in Hong Kong Island, and then swallow our Xin Ji?"

Xu Baishi's originally "carefree" face also had a trace of worry.

Xin Ji is gone, and he, the prince of Xin Ji, is still a fart!

"Bai Shi, it took a hundred years for the Hong Kong underworld to produce a figure like Li Jun, it's really amazing!"

Xu Huayan first highly praised Li Jun, and then continued, "Unfortunately, Li Jun's road has ended here."

"Dad, Li Jun has forced the police to apologize, why do you still think his road has ended here? "

Xu Baishi showed a trace of confusion on his face.

"Too much edge will hurt yourself and others!"

Xu Huayan said slowly, word by word.

At the same time, Zhang Zhiyong, the leader of the Number Gang, Deng Wei, the uncle of He Liansheng, and the leaders of dozens of large and small societies in Hong Kong Island all expressed their opinions.

Although there were differences in the future development of Li Jun, everyone had a consensus.

Li Jun was a hero that only appeared once in a hundred years in the Hong Kong underworld. He was already a legend in the underworld.

At the same time.

The Peak, next to the ruins of the Li family.

After being ordered by Li Wentian last night, Li Zetian stayed in this ruin for a whole night without moving for a moment.

However, during this period, Li Zetian made more than a dozen calls, and it was obvious that he was not so honest.

"It's open!"

At this time, a cheer came into Li Zetian's ears.

"Mr. Li, the safe house is open. "

A construction worker ran up to Li Zetian and said with a smile.

Li Zetian was very generous. He treated everyone to a midnight snack and breakfast, and gave red envelopes to everyone. The workers present, even the police, had a very good impression of Li Zetian.

"Take me to see it! "

Hearing the words of the staff member, Li Zetian said immediately.

A few minutes later.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, your elder brother..."

The impact force generated by more than 100 kilograms of C4 explosives directly shocked Li Xiaotian and Edmund to death.

It can't be blamed on the poor quality of the safe house made in West Germany. The factory that mainly made this safe house did not expect that a family version of the safe house would be blown up by more than 100 kilograms of C4 explosives.

It is bulletproof and even rocket-proof, it has no problem, but it can't resist more than 100 kilograms of C4 explosives, it doesn't have that ability.

Li Zetian was stunned in place, his face sad, silent, a few minutes later, he said in a hoarse voice: "Everyone has worked hard for my elder brother for a night, I will have someone give everyone a red envelope of 1,000 Hong Kong dollars later. "

"Thank you, Mr. Li, you are mournful! "

The staff present did not show any happiness when they saw Li Zetian like this, but asked him to mourn.

After the performance, Li Zetian walked back to his original position, picked up the mobile phone, and dialed a number.

"Second brother, it's me, Aze."

"Big brother's body has been found, yes, big brother is dead."

"Okay, I will be there on time."

After Li Zetian said this, he immediately hung up the phone, with an unusually gloomy expression on his face.

After he told Li Wentian about Li Xiaotian's death, Li Wentian asked him to rush to the Li family's Hysan Building at 10 am for a family meeting.

Li Zetian knew without thinking that at this meeting, Li Wentian must find a way to inherit Li Xiaotian's position.

And now he has almost no way to deal with Li Wentian, so he can only passively accept it.

"Master Ze. "

Just when Li Zetian was upset, one of his confidants ran to Li Zetian with a newspaper in his hand and said, "Master Ze, today's newspaper, take a look at this page."

Li Zetian subconsciously took the newspaper handed to him by his confidant, took a look at it, his face changed, and he was stunned on the spot.

A few minutes later, Li Zetian recovered, looked at his confidant, and asked, "Are there any other newspapers?"

"No, Master Ze, I saw the notice and ran to tell you."

The confidant replied immediately.

"Go now and buy all the newspapers today."

Li Zetian ordered his confidant.

"Okay, Master Ze."

The confidant responded and turned away.

Li Zetian turned his head to look at the ruins of the Li family villa, and whispered to himself, "Li Jun, how did you do it?"

At this moment, Li Zetian had a bold idea in his mind.

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