Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

CH 246 CH 0246【Tom and Jerry】

"In this damn rainy day, I can't even sell an umbrella! A bunch of poor people!"

In the hotel, the old white man was cursing and tidying up the umbrella under the counter.

Liu He came downstairs yawning.

The white old man hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How was last night? I did not introduce it wrong. How is Sarah?"

Liu Heying was half-baked, but he understood roughly, so he gave a thumbs up: "Good! Wai Rui Good!"

The old white man smiled obscenely: "If necessary, I can introduce more, but more money is needed——"

Liu He understood, "You mean Mane? Need more Mane? But I'm sorry, there is no Mane! I don't have any!"

The old man's eyes immediately showed a trace of contempt: "That means no money! What kind of women are you playing with if you don't have money? You Chinese are really poor!"

The old man spoke too fast, and Liu He didn't understand. Seeing the old man smiling, he thought the old man was talking about something else, so he smiled too: "Good! Wai Rui Good!"

The white old man is even more contemptuous.

Just at this time, a guest came to check out, and the old man rushed to meet him: "Leave so soon? Don't you want to stay for a few more days?"

The resident looked at it and was still yawning, picking his nose. Liu He: "No, I won't live again! Living with such low-quality Chinese, I feel worthless!"

The white old man hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, how about I find a way to drive them away? You are a regular customer of our hotel, take care of business!"

The white customer glanced at Liu He contemptuously.

Seeing the other party's eyes, Liu He politely raised his hand to say hello: "You are so oily?"

The white customer sneered: "I don't know what these Chinese are doing in London, they can't even speak English! By the way, I remember there is another one, where is that damn Chinese?"

The old white man hurriedly said: "He went out early in the morning! Don't worry, I will drive them away together! Yes, God bless, you can stay!"

The white customer put on airs and was about to speak when he heard the sound of a car outside and turned his head to look.

The old white man also looked.


A black car slowly pulled up to the door of the hotel. The door opened. The bank manager with a mustache got out of the car and ran to the back to help open the door.

Du Yongxiao, who was dressed in white, got out of the car, and the lobby manager hurriedly opened the black umbrella to help him hold it up.

"What's the situation?" The old white man was taken aback. He remembered that Du Yongxiao couldn't even afford an umbrella when he went out, and now he came back by car?

The white customer was also taken aback, and said, "What the hell is this Chinese?"

Seeing Du Yongxiao get off the car, Liu He rushed up to meet him: "Where have you been? Why didn't you tell me?"

Du Yongxiao bid farewell to the lobby manager and introduced Liu He by the way: "This is my friend, we came from Hong Kong together."

The lobby manager shook hands with Liu He respectfully: "Hello!"

Liu He hastily held it up: "What an oily belly? Ai Mufa, three grams of oil!"

The lobby manager was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said to Du Yongxiao: "Your friend is so humorous!"

Then they chatted casually, and the lobby manager drove away.

Du Yongxiao followed Liu He to the front desk of the hotel. The Caucasian customer looked at them with an arrogant attitude, and then signaled the old Caucasian man to start.

The old white man was about to speak to persuade Du Yongxiao and the others to leave.

Du Yongxiao said first, "I'm sorry, boss, I might have to check out——"

"Huh?" The old white man was taken aback.

The white customers were also taken aback.

Du Yongxiao smiled lightly: "As for the reason——" glanced at the arrogant white customer, and then said to the old white man: "The quality of the residents here is too low, I hate those racists! In addition, I am not used to your food, the sound insulation of the room Not good either, and—"

Du Yongxiao pointed around the hotel: "This place is too old and needs renovation."

The old white man was stunned speechless.

The white customer looked angry, "Damn, I said you——"

Du Yongxiao interrupted him: "Oh, by the way, I have already bought a villa, and someone will come to pick me up later, and now I need to pack my luggage."

After finishing speaking, Du Yongxiao bowed slightly politely: "Farewell!"

Then he winked at Liu He, "Go upstairs first!"

"Oh well!"

Liu He followed Du Yongxiao up the stairs with a "click".

Du Yongxiao's operation directly confused the white old man and the white customers——

"What did he say? He bought a villa? And he said someone was coming to pick them up?" the white customer snorted, "Damn Chinese, always talking nonsense!"

"Yeah, I want to see how he ends up later?" The old white man also sneered, "I've been running a hotel for so many years, who hasn't seen it? If it's really a rich man, you can smell it! Damn it poor devil!"


"We really can't live anymore? Where are we going to move?" Liu He asked as he rolled up his clothes and stuffed them into the suitcase.

"You'll know later!" Du Yongxiao folded his clothes neatly.

"You always do things in secret, and you don't discuss many things with me! We are 'Fu Rende'!" Liu He complained, "My second uncle also said, let me take good care of you, in case you get out What's the matter, how can I explain to my second uncle?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me! Also, I didn't inform you because you were still sleeping. "

"Sleeping? You can wake me up!"

"There is a woman next to you."

"Uh, is that so?" Liu He was taken aback, "Almost forgot, I'm trying to win glory for the country! Don't tell my second uncle about this!"


"Come on, let's have another glass of whiskey! Wait to see those two Chinese guys make a fool of themselves!" The white old man poured a glass of whiskey to the white customer.

The Caucasian customer raised his glasses and took a sip: "Villa? It's funny to think about it! He bought a villa just after he came to London, isn't he dreaming? Is he writing Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Encounter of Monte Cristo"?"

"Hahaha! Stop laughing at him! Chinese people want to save face!"

Before the old white man could finish his ridicule, there was a sound of cars outside.

"Is there a car? Is there a customer coming?" The old man hurriedly went out to look.

"Wow, what a beautiful Bentley!"

"Yeah, what a style!"

The windows of the hotel were opened, and the residents looked around one after another.

There was a brand new black Bentley car parked at the entrance of the hotel, it was tall and tall!

The door opened, and a white man with the appearance of a housekeeper got out of the car, followed by a black driver.

"Excuse me, does Mr. John Du live here?" the white butler said politely.

The old white man was taken aback.

Before he could figure it out.

Du Yongxiao brought Liu He out, "I'm here."

"Hello, sir, I am your faithful steward, and my name is—"

Du Yongxiao didn't wait for him to finish, and said directly: "From now on, your name is Tom, as for him—" pointing to the black driver, "His name is Jerry!"

"Eh?" The white butler was startled, then bowed and said, "Okay, master!"

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