Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 402 0401【Not a good person】

"Congratulations, classmate! You have been admitted to the University of Hong Kong. Please come to class on time tomorrow!"

Three days later,

Office of the Dean, Academic Affairs Office, The University of Hong Kong.

Du Yongxiao completed the admission procedures smoothly, including photos, information, and admission files.

It is said that Director Jiang, who originally received him, has been transferred to the school cafeteria as the cafeteria supervisor. His replacement is the amiable "Director Sun" who is even flattering to Du Yongxiao.

Of course, Director Sun did not dare to neglect Du Yongxiao. It was Du Yongxiao's credit that he was able to take up the position.

Unbeknownst to others, Principal Xue had already revealed the news to him, and the student in front of him turned out to be the big boss of Hengchuang Real Estate who donated one million yuan.

Hengchuang Real Estate has become very popular in Hong Kong's real estate industry in recent years. It is like a rising star in the real estate industry. Even Cheung Kong Holdings and Hongji Real Estate dare not look down upon it.

Since Du Yongxiao was unwilling to reveal his identity, the shrewd Director Sun would of course cooperate with him in acting. Everyone treated Du Yongxiao as an ordinary student, but Director Sun's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Thank you, can I leave now?"

"Of course!" Director Sun originally wanted to say: "I'll see you off!" Fortunately, he stopped the car and shook hands with Du Yongxiao politely as the director: "Finally, welcome to study in our University of Hong Kong."

"Thank you!" Du Yongxiao shook hands with him.

After leaving the director's office, Du Yongxiao walked around the HKU campus with his information bag in hand.

College life is beautiful, youthful, and even more beautiful.

You can see good students studying hard with textbooks everywhere. There are people playing football on the football field and people playing basketball on the basketball court.

Those figures full of youthful vitality danced around the campus.

Of course, there are many beautiful girls walking along the green avenues of the campus.

Jingle Bell!

"Classmate, get out of the way!"

There was a rushing sound behind Du Yongxiao.

As soon as I turned around, a bicycle passed by.

"Oh my God, it's so dangerous!" said a clear voice.

"Is it you?" Du Yongxiao recognized the other party and looked stunned.

The other party is a beautiful woman, her hair is combed into a braid, her skin is as white as snow, she is wearing a white shirt and jeans, she looks particularly pure. If her face is not Jiang Ling'er, who else could it be?

"It's you!" Jiang Ling'er also smiled while pushing the bicycle, "I almost bumped into you, I'm so sorry!"

"Nothing! I just didn't expect to see you here?"

"As I said, I went to school in Hong Kong." Jiang Ling'er smiled, "How come you are here if you don't want to be the chief superintendent?"

Du Yongxiao flashed the admission information in his hand and said, "Just like you, go to school!"

"Going to school?" Jiang Ling'er looked stunned and burst into laughter, "Did you make a mistake? What are you—"

"Return to the furnace for re-education!" Du Yongxiao shrugged.

Seeing what he said was funny, Jiang Ling'er burst out laughing again.

"Let's take a walk together. At least you, the junior sister, can help me introduce the new campus!"


Du Yongxiao and Jiang Linger walked side by side on the green avenue.

Jiang Ling'er pushed the bicycle, and the spokes of the bicycle made a crisp sound.

They walked and talked, and unknowingly they had gone a long way.

Suddenly a sweet voice said: "Jiang Ling'er!"

Du Yongxiao and Jiang Ling'er looked back and saw two girls walking towards them.

"They are my new friends, one is named Shao Anqi and the other is Lei Yanni." Jiang Ling'er introduced.

Du Yongxiao was about to choose to leave, but the beautiful woman named Shao Anqi looked at him: "Ling'er, is this your boyfriend?"

Jiang Ling'er blushed: "No, he is my neighbor and a new student here!"

"What's not, you're blushing?" Shao Anqi has a petite figure, but is extremely hot, with a small waist and small hips, which makes people think.

She glanced at Du Yongxiao and stretched out her hand: "Introduce yourself, Shao Anqi, Ling'er's best friend! Also, you look quite handsome, but I don't know what your family background is like? Our Ling'er is a big beauty here, and there are many young men. The young master is pursuing—well, you don’t look like a rich man in what you’re wearing. Did you buy this shirt on Temple Street? It doesn’t even have a brand name!”

Du Yongxiao's clothes are almost all custom-made by experienced tailors. The only requirement is that they fit well, and he doesn't care about the brand or price.

Shao Anqi is obviously the kind of girl who likes nameplates. She is very knowledgeable about LV and Chanel.

In addition, Hong Kong in this era is integrating with international standards, and Hong Kong people who are gradually getting richer are also beginning to pursue brands. These college students, in particular, are the vanguard of fashion and trends.

"An Qi, don't talk nonsense!" Jiang Ling'er scolded.

Shao Anqi curled her lips: "I am reminding him that toads should not eat swan meat!" After a pause, he said to Du Yongxiao: "I'm sorry, I am an outspoken person and what I say is unpleasant, so don't take it at ease."

Just when Du Yongxiao was about to say it was okay, the other party said: "But I am telling the truth. At your level, you are really not worthy of our Ling'er!"

Du Yongxiao was speechless. He didn't expect to meet a real gold digger on his first day on campus.

"Hello, I'm also Ling'er's good friend. My name is Lei Yanni!" Another tall, quiet and quiet girl said, "Nice to meet you!"

Before Du Yongxiao could speak, Shao Anqi rushed over and said, "Don't try to get her idea! Her father is Mr. Lei, the president of Kowloon Bus!"

Du Yongxiao was stunned, Lei Juekun?

The transportation king of Hong Kong is also known as the King of Kowloon. Transportation such as Kowloon buses are all private properties of Lui Juek-kun.

In addition, Lei Juekun will be more famous in the future for establishing the New Art City Film Company, which has trained film tycoons such as Mai Jia, Shi Tian, ​​Huang Baiming and Tsui Hark.

Thinking of this, Du Yongxiao couldn't help but take another look at Miss Lei. Compared with Shao Anqi's hotness, she looked more demure, but this demureness made her even more arrogant, especially her cold and pretty face, which made her look repulsive. External senses.

"Miss Lei's father is famous. Since you can hang out with them, you must not be an ordinary person, right?" Du Yongxiao asked Shao Anqi in a joking tone.

Shao Anqi wiped her nose and imitated the Jianghu style in movies: "It's easy to say, my sixth uncle is the boss of Shaw Brothers Film Company!"

Shao Daheng’s niece?

Du Yongxiao was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the University of Hong Kong was indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

No one who can enter to study here is good.

"How is it? Did it scare you?" Shao Anqi saw Du Yongxiao's eyes were dazed, thinking that he was intimidated by his "prestige", and his little face felt proud.

Du Yongxiao took a long time to clasp his fists and said: "Long time admiration! Long time admiration!"

Shao Anqi wiped her pretty nose and said, "You know what's going on!"

"I mean, I have admired Shao Daheng for a long time!" Du Yongxiao said, "As for you, I have never heard of you!"

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