Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 629 0617 [Reverse Scale]


A scream.

In the Governor's House, the lights were turned on, and Governor MacLehose sat up from the bed with a cold sweat.

"Dear, what's wrong with you? What happened today? You've been unconscious all day!" His wife Lisa put on her clothes and made a cup of coffee for her husband MacLehose.

MacLehose shook his head, "I'm fine, I'm really fine! I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

"We are husband and wife, it's too polite of you to say that!" Lisa handed the coffee to MacLehose.

MacLehose took the coffee, held it in both hands and took a sip. Only then did he feel alive.

He and his wife have always gotten along well. Many times he would tell his wife what happened at work in order to reduce stress, but today was an exception.

He couldn't tell his wife the cruel scene of Du Yongxiao shooting and killing a wild boar in front of him on the TV station.

That scene is not only inappropriate for children, but also for adults.

Just like him, he had a nightmare just now.

In his dream, he was awakened by a bloody scene, as if the dead wild boar was asking for his life.

In addition, he saw Du Yongxiao holding a revolver and smiling at him.

That weird smile made his whole body tingle and his heart tremble. Even at this moment, his heart was still pounding.

"Don't hide it from me, my dear. I know very well who you are as a person. You are a strong-willed man. If you hadn't encountered something particularly bad, you wouldn't be so sleepless at night or even have nightmares." His wife Lisa asked cautiously again , "Tell me now, honey, maybe I can help you share your worries. Yes, we are a family, and God can bless us to be together and face any difficulties."

MacLehose hesitated, put down the coffee he was holding, took a bedside handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and then told his wife what happened today.

Of course, in order to prevent Lisa from having the same nightmare as himself, MacLehose summarized the bloody scene of Du Yongxiao killing the boar on the spot in one sentence.

After hearing this, Lisa looked bad.

"God! It's so scary!" She walked over in slippers and poured herself a cup of coffee. She held it with both hands like MacLehose, feeling the warmth brought by the coffee. It seemed that only in this way could she drive away the coldness in her heart.

"So dear, what are you going to do now? Is that man named To Yongxiao so scary?" Lisa couldn't understand why a mere Chinese, Tou Yongxiao, was so bold and dared to shoot in front of the Hong Kong Governor so unscrupulously?

MacLehose sighed: "He is a difficult person to control, so I joined forces with Bailiqu and deliberately transferred him to Wong Chuk Hang as a civilian."

After a pause, MacLehose shook his head and said: "But I never expected that he would be so sharp no matter where he is. It can be said that no one can stop him! He led the school police to hunt hundreds of wild boar, and today he Seriously, kill one with my own hands in front of me——"

"What does he think of me? A decoration? An empty shelf? What does it mean to fire a gun, to demonstrate to me?" The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He grabbed the coffee cup and wanted to throw it to the ground.

"Don't be angry, honey!"

Luckily Lisa stopped him.

"Since he is so rude, you don't have to be polite. Let him be free for a while, and then find an opportunity to remove him!" Although Lisa doesn't understand political battles, she knows that her husband is the eldest, and it will not be easy to remove the man named Du. ?

MacLehose shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This needs a chance!"

After speaking, he looked through the window and looked at the white moonlight, "I hope this opportunity will come soon!"

"I'm afraid our dear Governor won't be able to sleep tonight, right?"

At the same time, Bailiqu Mansion.

Sir Bailiqu was chewing his cigar and looking at the white moonlight outside.

ICAC Commissioner Li Luofu and Ghost Superintendent Charlie stood on his left and right.

When the two heard this, they had different expressions.

A moment——

Li Luofu took a step forward and said: "Today's matter is not trivial. Although Du Yongxiao shot to save the man, he also violated the taboo of the Hong Kong Governor."

"Yes, and it's a big taboo." Bailiqu turned to look at Li Luofu with a smile, "As the governor of Hong Kong, he is like a king in Hong Kong. No one dares to shoot in front of him, Du Yongxiao becomes the only one. If If the Governor of Hong Kong doesn’t do something this time, then anyone can follow his example and act wantonly in front of him. You think, where will his face be?”

"Yes, so this is an opportunity!" Li Luofu said happily, "In the past, the reason why the Hong Kong Governor was willing to join forces with us was because he was afraid that Du Yongxiao's high achievements would shock the leader. Now, not only does he have high achievements, but he also has too much power. ——Even the Governor of Hong Kong doesn’t take him seriously, who can restrain him in the future?”

"Hahaha!" Bailiqu laughed loudly, twirling his cigar in his mouth with a stern expression, "So now we only need a chance, a chance to kill Du Yongxiao!"

After saying this, Sir Bailiqu looked at Chief Superintendent Charlie, who had remained silent, "There is something wrong with you tonight, why don't you speak?"

"Uh, really? I think what you said is right, so I have nothing to say here!" Charlie said with a smile, "Du Yongxiao dared to offend the Hong Kong Governor. It seems that this time he is quite majestic. In fact, his official career No guarantee.”

Bailiqu nodded, "It's good if you can see it! The reason why the Hong Kong Governor can't directly attack Du Yongxiao now is also because of your group of people. It is even said that the entire police force is Du Yongxiao's people. Charlie -"

"I'm here!" Charlie took a step forward and bowed respectfully to Baili Qu.

"You may have to take action next!"

"Ah?" Charlie raised his head and looked at Bailiqu in shock.

Bailiqu looked cold, "The Independent Commission Against Corruption can't do anything to Du Yongxiao, and our judicial department can't do anything either. So now you are the only one who can act as the butcher's knife of the Hong Kong Governor!"

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Sir Sir, I don't quite understand!" Charlie looked nervous.

"You don't need to understand!" Bailiqu held a cigar and patted Charlie's shoulder gently, "The Governor of Hong Kong and I will dig deep into the dirt on Du Yongxiao. When the time comes, you have to take action on time. Do you understand? No matter what happens this time No matter what, you must hit with one hit!"

Charlie hurriedly bowed: "Yes, sir!"

Bailiqu laughed when he saw this.

It was the first time that he was so happy. Originally, he was digging into the cases of To Yongxiao who shot and killed people before, but now he just took them out and threw them to Hong Kong Governor MacLehose. Presumably MacLehose no longer defends this murderous demon.

Thinking of this, Bailiqu turned to Li Luofu and said: "He Du Yongxiao has killed so many people, Jin Yagui, Yan Jiu, Shenxian Tang, Big Boss Lai, Hei Xinhua and so on! It's time for these wronged souls to demand their lives from him. !”

Hearing this, Li Luofu showed an excited expression on his face.

But Charlie looked strange and thought to himself, I don't know if those innocent souls are asking for their lives from Du Yongxiao. I only know that if I don't listen to Du Yongxiao, he will ask for my life!

Hey, forget it!

Report the situation here to him quickly!

Be a twenty-five-year-old boy,

So difficult!

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