Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 703 0691 [Enter Hollywood]

The feast of the Democratic Party supported by Du Yongxiao made all the major leaders of the American Democratic Party look with admiration.

At this moment, Du Yongxiao not only met McGovern, George Bush, John F. Kennedy and others, but also left a deep impression on them.

Afterwards, Du Yongxiao kept his promise and contacted the Democratic Party to transfer money the next day. Within a week, he transferred 100 million US dollars to secretly establish the "Du Yongxiao-Democratic Party Fund".

Although it is said to be a "secret," at this moment almost the entire Democratic Party knows that from today on, they have a young Chinese on their side to be their "big water pipe" or "financier."

The three words "Du Yongxiao" began to gain fame within the Democratic Party of the United States.

at the same time--

After Du Yongxiao completed the transfer of US$100 million, the Democratic Party of the United States, led by McGovern, reciprocated and began to let government agencies and subordinate agencies officially "purchase" software from Du Yongxiao's Microsoft and Apple companies.

These two companies have just been established, and their systems are very imperfect. They originally need feedback from many customers after use, precipitation, and continued improvement.

This is great. With the endorsement of so many government agencies, not only can it be sold at a good price, but it also saves the need to find experimental subjects.

The monthly profits of these two companies alone are as high as three million US dollars.

The prototype of Du Yongxiao's TI empire gradually took shape.

As for Du Yongxiao's entertainment empire, it is still a bit difficult. After all, Michael Jackson is not yet a big star at the moment.

But it's okay, with Du Yongxiao helping Goldfinger cheat, everything will be easy.

So Du Yongxiao copied the classic "Thriller" from Mike in the previous life and gave it to Yan Xiong, who asked Yan Xiong to hand it over to Mike to create a record.

Yan Xiong has followed Du Yongxiao for so long, and he also knows that Du Yongxiao is "talented". When he was in Hong Kong, he liked to help people write and compose songs.

It's just that Du Yongxiao is short of time and doesn't write many songs for others, but all of them are classics.

But Yan Xiong didn't expect that Du Yongxiao could write English songs in addition to Chinese songs.

Yan Xiong didn't understand music, but the songwriters and composers he hired with high salaries, including Michael Jackson, did.

At first, the two of them heard that the big boss Du Yongxiao helped create the song. On the surface, they politely thanked Du Yongxiao for taking the time to help write the song, but inwardly they didn't believe that Du Yongxiao could write any classic songs. I'm afraid some of the songs didn't match. Tune, moan for no reason.

But after they wrote Du Yongxiao’s song and asked Mike to sing it——

The two of them were stunned!

Yan Xiong was also stunned!

Mike and the composer were completely blown away by the lyrics and melody of the song.

Although Yan Xiong is not a professional, he still thinks this song is good. No, it is super good!

At that moment, not only did Mike admire Du Yongxiao's creative talent, but the composer also admired Du Yongxiao!

For Yan Xiong, this song will definitely become popular, and then Mike will become popular. Once Mike becomes popular, then PolyGram will become popular! If PolyGram becomes popular, as the boss of the company, he will become popular too!

At this moment, Yan Xiong had confidence in PolyGram and in Mike. He sharpened his skills and prepared to be the "leader" of an American record company.

In fact, Du Yongxiao is not worried about Mike becoming popular, nor is he worried about the growth of PolyGram.

One Mike is enough to support half of the American music scene.

What's more, with him, Du Yongxiao, Mike's classic songs will be created one after another in the future, and it will be difficult for Mike not to become famous.

By the way, there's also Mike's classic "moonwalk". Du Yongxiao thinks it's necessary to give Mike a little boost so that he can "create it" in advance.

Now, Du Yongxiao's headache is how to acquire Hollywood film companies in the United States.

After investigation, Du Yongxiao was interested in Fox, one of the seven major Hollywood film companies.

In Du Yongxiao's view, this company is the most famous "unlucky guy" in Hollywood.

Yes, this unfortunate company is called 20th Century Fox.

In the previous life, every time this company made a lot of money, it would produce several unprofitable movies in a row, and then miraculously survive again.

In the 1990s, this company approached Cameron when filming Titanic and said, "Brother, how much does it cost to arrange this?"

Cameron: "Let's do it for 30 million!"

"Brother, this is 40 million US dollars."

Cameron said: "Okay, then I'll shoot it. Our highlight is the shipwreck. I'll buy and build an artificial reservoir first. We don't need to spend too much money to shoot here. We can just shoot half of it." The rest of the filming techniques and special effects should be spared.”

So before the movie started shooting, they had spent a budget of 21 million US dollars and finally spent 200 million US dollars.


Here’s the point, the drama “Titanic” ended up grossing 1.8 billion U.S. dollars worldwide.

Now Du Yongxiao is targeting 20th Century Fox because the company has lost money on its recent major dramas.

In fact, since the filming of "Cleopatra" began in 1060, Fox has been losing money.

Mainly because too much money was spent on the movie "Cleopatra", including the actress Elizabeth Taylor's salary of 1 million US dollars, but the box office of the movie was not ideal.

Darryl Zanuck's last three years at 20th Century Fox, from 1969 to 1971, were unsuccessful as several major productions failed, but his successor Alan Led Jr. adjusted the company in time. direction and decided to make films for a younger audience, resulting in such classics as the "Star Wars" trilogy and the biopic "Patton."

In 1972, "Poseidon" was released, creating a disaster movie style that was prevalent in the 1970s.

Starting in 1974, the company made few films because it fell into the "money-losing curse" and almost lost every film it made until 1981, when the big oilman M. Davis bought the company.

Now that Du Yongxiao is here, he has no intention of letting Fox go and taking advantage of Davis.

Therefore, he wants to win Fox in one fell swoop!

To win Fox, you must have at least three points. First, you must have enough funds.

Du Yongxiao has no difficulty with this. He still has 100 million US dollars in cash on hand, and if he borrows some money from Chase, it will be almost the same.

Second, have a plan for Fox's future, rather than just buying it on a whim.

This is very important to the Fox board of directors, so Du Yongxiao must come up with a reasonable and feasible plan, preferably to completely revitalize Fox.

Third, and most importantly, even if it is approved by the Fox board of directors, it still needs to be approved by the entertainment and culture department of the US government, because Du Yongxiao is a foreigner.

Originally the third point was the most difficult, but now--

As one of the largest donors to the Democratic Party in the United States, Du Yongxiao, a Chinese, is fully qualified at this moment.

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