The more you travel, the more you will be in the world.

"Abu, you said life is like a dream, how can you pursue what you want?" Jiang Lai asked Abu thoughtfully.


Abu was also stunned after hearing Jiang Lai's words, and then lowered his head to think for a moment.

Looking up, Abu looked at Jiang Lai quietly, smiled gently, and replied: "My life is like a journey without an end!"

People who travel alone, where is there any extravagant desire, if there is something they want, it is probably only the scenery along the way!

As the night deepened, Jiang Lai and Abu talked to each other like this, there was no substantial content, but the two chatted quite late.

Abu is an orphan, and Jiang Lai is also alone in this world.

Unlike Abu, although Jiang Lai is alone, he always maintains an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. Some scenery needs to be climbed hard to see.

After chatting with Abu, Jiang Lai returned to his room, and Abu was arranged by him to rest in another room.

The night of Hong Kong is brightly lit and starlit. Jiang Lai lies on the bed, with thousands of thoughts in his mind, but he can't resist his tired eyes and slowly falls asleep.

The bell of the clock tower rang at twelve o'clock in the morning, but it did not wake up Jiang Lai from his sleep. Instead, it was a crisp sound that interrupted Jiang Lai's sleep.

Jiang Lai was sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! The sign-in system is activated. Do you want to sign in?"

Jiang Lai's consciousness was awakened and he found himself in the system space.

He hadn't heard the sound of the system for a long time. Jiang Lai subconsciously almost forgot the existence of the system. Unexpectedly, it suddenly appeared today, and it also prompted him to sign in again.

Sign in for the second time?

Jiang Lai's heart was full of expectations and excitement.

Subconsciously answered:

"Sign in!"

"Ding, the host signed in successfully!"

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: God-level sixth sense! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Firearms proficiency! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Suit thugs summoning card x 100! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 10 million cash! ]

Like the last sign-in, Jiang Lai received a total of four rewards! .

Jiang Lai carefully checked the rewards given by the system!

The first reward, God-level sixth sense:

Jiang Lai's sixth sense will be strengthened and amplified, and the prediction of things and the perception of risks will be infinitely amplified.

System evaluation: This is a glimpse of the power of fate!

The second reward, firearms proficiency:

In Jiang Lai's mind, a lot of knowledge and experience about firearms appeared. For each different firearm, from its manufacturing, use, to mastery, and then proficiency, Jiang Lai absorbed them all.

System evaluation: From now on, you are the gun god!

The third reward, the suit thug summoning card: Jiang Lai's consciousness, a golden card appeared, on which was a character template, wearing a black suit and trousers, and black leather shoes, holding a black pistol in his hand, but the face was blurred.

Jiang Lai was curious about this reward, so he carefully checked the system explanation. This suit thug summoning card is similar to the character summoning card in the novel, but the difference is that the system only provides Jiang Lai with a template.

After carefully checking the template introduction, Jiang Lai roughly understood that just like choosing a character in the game, he could choose the type and skin color of the character, such as black, white, or Asian, and even the gender.

Every time Jiang Lai summoned a person, these summoned people would join Jiang Lai's command as real people in different situations. They were not only loyal to Jiang Lai, but also had a clean identity and came with their own equipment.

System evaluation: Don't look at me wearing a suit and tie, and I don't take off my clothes, I can still beat ten people!

After reading this reward, Jiang Lai's saliva was almost flowing down.

One hundred men who were fighting ten against one, not only were they all dressed in uniform, but they were also proficient in firearms and had their own pistol.

With this strength, who would dare to mess with him?

Ignoring the last reward, Jiang Lai excitedly used the first character customization.

He chose an Asian race, male, 1.95 meters tall, with a strong body and a crew cut, and chose a relatively handsome face.

In an instant, a strong light bloomed from the golden card, and Jiang Lai subconsciously closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, a figure appeared in the system space.

A handsome man stood in front of Jiang Lai.

He held a pistol in his hand, and wore a black suit and trousers, a black shirt inside, and black leather shoes on his feet.

The person who appeared was taller than Jiang Lai, upright, and had an extraordinary temperament.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang." The person manifested by the system was not rigid, but first put the gun in his hand into his arms, then bowed to Jiang Lai and greeted him politely.

"Hello!" Jiang Lai responded, and then looked at all this with a little surprise, which was incredible.

"My name is Li Hua, 25 years old, born in Hong Kong, served in a foreign army for three years, and now retired and returned. I will report to you in twelve hours!" The man called Li Hua, who was summoned by Jiang Lai, briefly introduced himself to Jiang Lai.

"Oh, okay!" Jiang Lai said subconsciously.

Then, under Jiang Lai's surprised gaze, Li Hua's figure slowly disappeared in the system space.

Jiang Lai was stunned by this scene. He was wondering whether the characters summoned by the system would be as cold as robots, and whether it would be too exaggerated to have 100 people appear at once.

Unexpectedly, the characters arranged by the system not only have their own emotions and personalities, but also their identities and backgrounds are integrated into this world.

This made Jiang Lai even happier.

Looking at the card for summoning the thugs in suits in front of him, the number on it has been reduced from 100 to 99.

After understanding it, Jiang Lai followed the previous operation and got all 100 places in one go, including 90 men and 10 women.

Everyone has their own name and identity. Jiang Lai also found that most of the characters summoned have some military or overseas background.

Jiang Lai wanted to make them all men, but after thinking about it, he chose ten women. After all, apart from fighting and killing, sometimes women have more advantages than men!

After finishing the third reward, Jiang Lai looked at the last reward.

The fourth reward, 10 million cash: after using it, the host will receive 10 million cash, which will be transferred to your bank account through reasonable channels.

System evaluation: Money makes life better!

With the previous rewards, this last one made Jiang Lai a little boring, but it was better than nothing.

Jiang Lai wanted to ask the system some questions, but after issuing all the rewards, the system disappeared again. No matter how Jiang Lai called, it didn't work!

The system is good, but it feels a little unintelligent, Jiang Lai complained in his heart.

Because time is stopped in the system space, Jiang Lai can still sleep happily after receiving the system's rewards, and tomorrow at noon, he will have 100 loyal and extraordinary brothers.

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