After a long time, the two of them were very close.

In the next few days, Jiang Lai greeted Thirteenth Sister and said that he was going to the prince's boxing gym to practice boxing.

After hearing this, Thirteenth Sister didn't say much. The better Jiang Lai was at fighting, the safer it was for her.

Since she saw Jiang Lai's strength last time, Thirteenth Sister has regarded Jiang Lai as her top horse.

Jiang Lai wanted to go to the prince's boxing gym to practice boxing, and Thirteenth Sister directly greeted the prince. The prince also heard that Thirteenth Sister had a good fighter under her, and wanted to meet Jiang Lai. Without saying anything, he told Jiang Lai to go directly.

"Brother Prince" Jiang Lai walked into the boxing gym, saw the prince on the ring, and waved and greeted him.

"Come up and play a round with me, Jiangzi." The prince was practicing his body movements on the ring. When he heard someone calling him, he took off his boxing gloves and looked at Jianglai and said.

Jianglai had been watching the place at Thirteenth Sister's place before. When the prince came, he also saw Jianglai, but he didn't know that this kid was so good at fighting before.

The prince actually has more than one boxing gym, but this one is specially for Hongxing members to practice boxing, so the people in the gym are all Hongxing people, and most of them are the prince's men.

It is said that Hongxing produces fighters, and this is actually reasonable. No matter which hall of Hongxing, almost all of them have their own places to practice boxing. Hongxing attaches great importance to personal strength.

"Uh, brother Taizi, I'm not very good at boxing, let's take a look first." Jianglai didn't know what to say. He practiced Bajiquan, which is not a fancy boxing. It can be said that every move is fierce. If he is not careful, it will be bad if he hurts the prince.

"I heard that you defeated Lianhe's twenty or thirty brothers by yourself, and beat Huafo into a pig's head. Why are you so scared now?" The prince looked at Jiang Lai and saw that Jiang Lai was gentle and polite, and he doubted Jiang Lai's strength.

"Well, brother prince, I practice Bajiquan, and I don't know much about boxing." Jiang Lai explained when he saw the prince questioning his strength.

"Baijiquan?" The prince muttered when he heard Jiang Lai's words.

"Okay, no matter what kind of boxing, come on, let's fight, don't worry, I won't use heavy hands." The prince had also heard of Bajiquan, but he didn't know much, but he was more confident in his strength and didn't care what kind of boxing Jiang Lai learned.







"Hey, you kid, you're interesting. If you don't want to wear it, then don't wear it. Come on up." The prince saw that Jiang Lai didn't want to wear protective gear, so he didn't say much. He waved to Jiang Lai and said.

After hearing what the prince said, Jiang Lai jumped directly to the ring. This action made the prince's eyes light up.

This kid is something! !

"Come on!"

After getting on the stage, Jiang Lai and the prince bumped fists. After pulling away, the prince hooked his hand at Jiang Lai and said.

That being said, the prince did not underestimate Jiang Lai. This kid could fight 20 or 30 people alone. In addition to the move he made on the stage just now, it showed that he had some kung fu. So the prince first made a standard defensive posture, waiting for Jiang Lai to show a flaw, and then took Jiang Lai down with one blow.

Jiang Lai looked at the prince swaying back and forth there, and felt a little embarrassed. With his strength, it felt like an adult fighting with a child. The key was that the child looked serious, which was really embarrassing.

Jiang Lai stood there in distress. He had no choice but to fight. If he did, it would be inappropriate to knock the prince down all at once.

"Iron Mountain Lean, Top Elbow, Black Tiger Heart Digging... No, this won't work either!" Jiang Lai thought of all the moves in Baji. No matter which of these moves, the prince couldn't withstand any of them. What should he do...


Hey, what are you mumbling about there?" The prince saw Jiang Lai standing still, not knowing what he was thinking, and was a little angry, so he scolded him.

When he was fighting with him, this kid was distracted. Who did he think he was fighting with? Is it amazing to knock down twenty or thirty short mules? He, the prince, is not bad either. Everyone knows that he, the prince, is the best fighter in Hongxing!

"Oh, brother prince, I'm sorry, how about you make the first move?" Jiang Lai came back to his senses and felt that he was a little too much, so he looked at the prince and said with a simple face.

"Fuck" the prince was speechless.

"Be careful" said a reminder, and the prince swung a hook at Jiang Lai directly.

Jiang Lai dodged it by turning sideways.

The speed of the prince's punch was not fast, just the level of an average person. It should be a tentative attack, and his strength was reserved.

The prince saw that his punch was easily dodged by Jiang Lai, and he directly made a roundhouse kick to Jiang Lai's head The bag kicked over.

Although the prince was a boxer, his boxing was not for competition, so he was very good at both punches and kicks.

However, the prince's strength was only for ordinary people. For Jiang Lai, he raised his head slightly and dodged the prince's roundhouse kick.

The next step was the prince's constant attack. Jiang Lai kept dodging, and even Jiang Lai's range of movement did not exceed a diameter of two meters. The prince was a little out of breath from being tired.

"Fuck, don't dodge, kid!" After such a long period of continuous attack, the prince saw that Jiang Lai dodged easily under his attack, and he didn't touch Jiang Lai for a long time.

The prince also knew that this kid should be paddling, but he still wanted to see Jiang Lai's strength, so he said loudly to Jiang Lai.

"Uh! "Okay, Prince." Seeing the prince like this, Jiang Lai had no choice but to answer.

Hearing Jiang Lai's answer, the prince did not hesitate and directly kicked Jiang Lai with a whip kick. He knew Jiang Lai's strength and was unreserved. His movements were fast and his strength was swift.

If an ordinary person was kicked by the prince, even if he was wearing protective gear, he would probably break several ribs.


"Ah! Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. "The prince held his calf in pain and said "Fuck" three times in a row.

He met Jiang Lai

Jiang Lai did not make any other moves. When the prince kicked him, Jiang Lai just stretched out his hand to block it.

Just Jiang Lai's casual block made the prince feel as if he kicked a steel pipe. His calf may have started to swell.

Jiang Lai saw the prince holding his calf and about to fall to the ground, so he hurriedly went up to support the prince.

Then he said to the prince with an embarrassed look on his face: "That. . Sorry, Prince, in addition to Bajiquan, I also practiced Iron Shirt, so it's a bit hard."

Prince glanced at Jiang Lai and rolled his eyes. He now completely believed that Jiang Lai could definitely beat dozens of people by himself, no problem at all. This guy is a monster!

Although Prince was injured, he did not blame Jiang Lai, nor did he have any hostility towards Jiang Lai. Instead, he admired Jiang Lai even more. This kid is quite smart.

Because he was the one attacking from beginning to end, even in the last attack, Jiang Lai listened to him and blocked it.

If Jiang Lai fought him seriously from the beginning, he would probably knock him down in one go, and he would lose face in front of his younger brother.


"Prince, are you okay?" Seeing Prince suddenly He was about to fall to the ground, and the younger brother below hurriedly asked with concern.

"Jiang Zai, help me up a bit," the prince whispered to Jiang Lai.

After that, the prince turned his head and said loudly to the younger brother below: "Fuck, what can happen to me? I just accidentally used too much force and twisted my hip."

Jiang Lai's mouth twitched, and he didn't say much.

After that, the prince signaled Jiang Lai to help him down.

Jiang Lai also understood immediately, and said to others: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, brother Taizi accidentally sprained his hip, I will help brother Taizi to rest first."

The younger brothers below didn't understand the fight, they only saw Jiang Lai being beaten by the prince and fleeing in a panic, without any ability to fight back. Brother Taizi said that he accidentally sprained his hip, and everyone believed it.

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