Kung Fu Football Team.

Left forward: Ah Xing (good at powerful Vajra Kick and Tathagata Palm).

Right forward: Chen Haonan (good at Chinese Pride).

Center: Xiao Zhang (Zombie King).

Of course, a football team cannot only have three people. Xiao Zhang is not a zombie king now, just a little Mao Zang who knows kung fu.

The current position cannot be determined. If there is a more suitable candidate, then Ah Xing can use his Tathagata Palm as the goalkeeper.

After all, the only person in the entire stadium who can touch the football with his hands is the goalkeeper.

Tathagata God's Palm Guards the Gate...

Wouldn't it be a bit too bullying?

Xiao Zhang saw Ah Xing off and agreed to see him again in a few days.

In addition to the number of players, the most important thing for a football team is the training venue. Xiao Zhang needs to prepare these material foundations in the past few days.

Xiao Zhang also needs to be considered as a player.

"Speaking of which, the boxer named Abu that the Ni family hired before seems to be very strong. Although he is only a Huajin, he is very close to Danjin. Mainly because he is very calm during boxing matches. If you can call him here If so, it should be no problem to play as a midfielder or defender."

Xiao Zhang began to recall the people he had met after waking up.

There is still a lot of time. The competition that starts in two months is just a local trial in Xiangjiang. It will take at least half a year to decide the final winner.

In this process, Xiao Zhang can find some players to help him as substitutes. After all, he has Ah Xing's powerful legs.

The next World Cup officially started in 1994, and the qualifying rounds were in 1993.

After they become the champions of Hong Kong, they still have almost two years of preparation time before they need to participate in the World Cup qualifiers.

There is enough time for Xiao Zhang to find someone.


"What's wrong?"

Xiao Zhang called Zhao Rui and asked, "I want to set up a football team to participate in the local trials in Xiangjiang. I also need a football field as a training venue. Do you have any good suggestions?"


Zhao Rui was a little confused.

"Didn't you say that your money should be put in the bank to earn interest? Why did you suddenly think of investing in a football team? Also, didn't you just buy a winery and it hasn't even started to make a profit yet? Why do you want to invest in this kind of thing again? ”

"You care about me?" Xiao Zhang said arrogantly: "Just tell me if you have any suggestions. If not, I will give up and find someone else."

As expected, Xiao Zhang doesn't know how to do business. Every time he thinks about it, no matter how much cash he has, he will be defeated sooner or later.

Zhao Rui felt happy. She felt that she would still have the opportunity to use the power of money to make Xiao Zhang submissive, and it would be no problem to make Xiao Zhang tough.

"If you want something more formal, I suggest you buy your own land and build a football field."

Since he wanted Xiao Zhang to lose all his money, Zhao Rui gave very pertinent advice.

"Hong Kong has very good policy support for investing in football stadiums. Choose a relatively remote location. The land itself is not very valuable. Although the construction of a football stadium costs a lot, you don't need to build anything in the early stage. After all, the stands are just a training ground."

"You can plan several phases of the project. Training venues, player accommodations, locker rooms, etc. can be placed in the first phase of the project, and the subsequent ones can be placed in the second and third phases. Invest step by step, and you can also let the contractor To advance capital, you can also find a bank loan..."

Xiao Zhang interrupted: "Just tell me how much it will cost."

Zhao Rui did not answer directly, but asked: "What level of football field do you want?"

Xiao Zhang pondered for a moment and then asked: "What is the largest football stadium in Xiangjiang now?"

Zhao Rui replied: "The Government Stadium will begin reconstruction this year. The news I received said that after the reconstruction, it will be able to accommodate 40,000 spectators. With additional seats, it can even accommodate close to 60,000 spectators. It will become the largest stadium in Hong Kong. "

Only 60,000 people?

When I, Xiao Zhang, play football, who among all the young and Dangerous boys in Hong Kong dares not to come and support me?

More than 200,000 Young and Dangerous guys can't even sit down, so where can the general audience find a place to watch the game live?

Although there is a TV broadcast, how can it be compared with watching the game live?

It would indeed save a lot of money to just build a football field for training, but there is no real football field in the whole of Hong Kong. Without enough spectators, it doesn't make much sense to build a kung fu football team.

The same is true for A Xing.

"Too small." Xiao Zhang asked, "What's the reference for a bigger one?"

"Hold on."

Other people's voices came from Zhao Rui's side, and they seemed to be asking someone to check information and call to inquire.

That is to say, there is no real Internet now, otherwise there is no need to ask Zhao Rui these questions.

After a while, Zhao Rui spoke again.

"The Camp Nou stadium was built from 1955 to 1957 at a cost of 288 million pesetas. Taking into account the difference in labor and building material costs, the conversion is 2 billion. In Xiangjiang, it is expected to have 100,000 official seats."

One hundred thousand seats, two billion?

Xiao Zhang suddenly felt that he had become a poor man again.

Otherwise, wait a few years before starting construction?

By then, let alone 2 billion, 20 billion won’t be a big problem.

Xiao Zhang recently studied the world's economic development, the world's top 500 companies and some emerging companies, as well as some companies that have not been established because the Internet has not yet begun to spread.

He has already identified several investment directions, and he can easily obtain returns of thousands of times.

Even if he uses 300 million in cash as the principal, if he does not do business but only invests, he will be able to gain hundreds of billions of net worth in ten years. It will not be a problem for his net worth to exceed one trillion in twenty years.

This is Xiao Zhang, who Zhao Rui thinks does not know how to do business or invest.

"Actually, if you can't spend that much money, you don't need to come up with that much money in a short period of time."

Zhao Rui continued to persuade, as if she was trying to trick Grandma Wolf into opening the door.

"For public facilities of this level, the government will provide a lot of support, and bank loans are easy to apply for. Moreover, the football field is not only used to host football games. If the track is added, the Hong Kong Jockey Club can also invest. The Jockey Club Very rich."

"The entertainment industry in Xiangjiang is developed. When stars hold concerts, they also need venues with more audiences. If you build a venue with 100,000 seats, it can accommodate at least 120,000 audiences during the concert. As long as it can sell If you pay the tickets, the celebrities will be willing to pay high rent."

"There are also some official games that will use your football field. They are very happy to rent it. And with this football field, your identity will rise, and the circle will become completely different. Although I I don’t want to admit to the upper class, but that’s how the world is.”

"Xiao Zhang, do you want to box for the rest of your life and live in the underground world for the rest of your life?"


Xiao Zhang understood Zhao Rui's thoughts and sneered in his heart.

"What are you talking about? What's the underground world? I'm about to get the Hong Kong Good Citizen Award, you know? I might even become one of the top ten outstanding young people in Hong Kong next year."

Sir Huang and Sir Liao are indeed helping Xiao Zhang apply for the Good Citizen Award.

Huang Sir doesn't need to say more. From Liao Sir's point of view, he doesn't want Xiao Zhang, who is so capable of fighting and causing trouble, to really end up in trouble in the underground world.

Even if he thought it was impossible for Xiao Zhang to be a police officer, undercover agent, or informant, at least he couldn't be the target of his arrest.

Sir Liao said he couldn't catch a strong man who beat hundreds of people by himself.

Zhao Rui asked: "Then what do you say?"

Xiao Zhang gritted his teeth.

"If you want to build it, build the biggest one. A man must be big. Two billion, right? I voted."

"Okay, I'll start making arrangements now."

Zhao Rui was overjoyed. She knew that Xiao Zhang didn't have that much money. After hundreds of millions of cash poured in, even if he wanted to bet on boxing matches in the future, he would still have no capital left.

When the time comes, why don't you just let her control it?

For this reason, she even allocated her manpower to help Xiao Zhang.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhang knocked on his desk.

"Fu Bo."

In broad daylight, a line of green smoke suddenly emerged from the ground, and Uncle Fu appeared.

"he's gone?"

"He's gone." Xiao Zhang asked curiously, "Are you afraid of him?"

Uncle Fu patted his chest and said with a frightened look: "You are a human, so you can't feel it. That red vest, the yang energy in the whole body is like lava. I felt it as soon as he entered the winery. It’s uncomfortable.”

I am human?

Xiao Zhang laughed happily when he heard Uncle Fu's words, and then said in a gentle tone: "Then do you want him to come to the winery every day?"

"What? Come here every day?" Uncle Fu jumped up suddenly, raised his head to the ceiling and said in shock: "Xiao Zhang, don't make trouble. Too much Yang Qi may affect Guixi's seal. Don't say I didn't warn you. No matter how powerful he is, he can't stand up to the many ghosts in Guixiao and will run away."

"Haha..." Xiao Zhang said with a smile: "But he wants to play football. Other places are not suitable. Our winery has a piece of turf, so he wants to come and borrow it."

"Play football?" Fu Boleng said in shock, holding his head against the ceiling: "There are so many football fields, where can't we play, and we have to play here? All our brains have been trained into muscles."

"You have strong yang energy and high martial arts skills." Xiao Zhang explained patiently: "Wouldn't it be useless for an ordinary football field after just a few kicks? So, he wanted to find me to invest in building a better one. football field.”

"Then build it for him." Fu Bo said, "Don't think I don't know that you are very rich now. I heard Wu Ying and A Hua say that you have hundreds of millions."

Yo, got it?

But Xiao Zhang knew that Wu Ying and A Hua could not be blamed for this. Who in the right mind would have thought that there was an old ghost eavesdropping next to him every day?

"It's a good football stadium that requires an investment of 2 billion. I only have 300 million now, and I still have to do some other things, so..."

"There is no such thing. You can kick as much as you like and destroy the ghost seal. Your uncle will come and skin you."

Uncle Fu is like a miser, no, it should be said to be a miser.

Xiao Zhang's expression became serious.

"Uncle Fu, if you are like this, it will be difficult for me to handle."

Fu Bo was silent.

Xiao Zhang picked up the phone and started making calls.

"Wu Fei, prepare some shovels for me. No, bring me some excavators."

"Okay boss, but what are we going to do?"

"Why, do you want to teach me how to do things too?"

"No, no, no, boss, I was wrong, I'm going to find it now."

The call was hung up.

Fubo, whose head was still floating on the ceiling, looked through the wall of the office and saw Wu Fei running wildly and getting ready to drive out.

He had no doubt at all whether Xiao Zhang would really find the excavator.

"Well... let me give you a bottle."

"What bottle?"

"I heard it's called Yuan Qinghua."

"Is it true?"

"How do I know? I'm just a ghost, or an old ghost."

"Those two."

"Hey, don't bully the ghost."

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