Hong Kong variety show starting from zombies

Chapter 144 I said Dongxing is gone

On the rooftop of the police station, Xiao Zhang, who had just left the police station amidst the attention of many police officers, appeared in front of Sir Huang as promised.

Sir Huang put down the two metal boxes in his hands and said loudly: "I found it. Tony has returned to South Vietnam."

Xiao Zhang frowned.

He originally thought that Tony could bring him a lot of money, but if the other party ran to South Vietnam, he would not be able to pursue him directly.

After knowing that there were ghosts and gods in this world, Xiao Zhang felt that it was safer to stay with Uncle Feng.

Judging from the fact that the Siamese shaman wanted to take him back, intelligent zombies have a strong attraction to supernatural beings.

"Will you send someone to catch him?"

Xiao Zhang asked as he opened two metal boxes and checked to confirm that they were correct.

Huang Sir did not express any expression of Xiao Zhang's distrust, and replied calmly: "We do not have transnational law enforcement powers, but Interpol does. The relevant application report has been submitted. The evidence of their illegal crimes has been confirmed. He has been designated as a terrorist. If Interpol catches him, he will be handed over to us for trial, provided that he has not committed major crimes in other countries."

All the flowers I waited for have faded.

Xiao Zhang sighed in his heart again.

His idea just now was very simple. If the Xiangjiang police ran over and captured Tony, he could find a way to pry open Tony's mouth and get all the belongings saved by the South Vietnam Gang in the past few years.

But there was no time.

"Okay." Xiao Zhang asked again: "I called the police and reported that the car was stolen. Do you have any explanation?"

Huang Sir understood what Xiao Zhang wanted to ask, shook his head and said: "Not yet, we don't have conclusive evidence, and your words are not extremely unreasonable. The most important thing is that Superintendent Zhang knows Uncle Feng, and he said Those corpses have nothing to do with you, so the Miscellaneous Affairs Department probably won’t investigate you."

The Chief Superintendent is the person in charge of a region and holds a high position of authority.

This allowed Xiao Zhang to once again see how strong Uncle Feng's connections were, but if he had heard the conversation in the next room, he probably wouldn't have thought so.

"What kind of department is the Miscellaneous Affairs Department?"

Xiao Zhang was a little confused.

"I'm not sure either." Sir Huang replied: "However, I have encountered a case before, which was also very weird and even unscientific. Just when we had no clue, people from the Miscellaneous Affairs Department came to take over. Yes, they have direct authorization from above, and we have no right to interfere with the specific investigation process."

"So, the Miscellaneous Affairs Department has very high authority?"

"Not high. They usually deal with various police force chores."

"Could it be..." Xiao Zhang suddenly laughed, and on the dark rooftop, Huang Sir felt a little scared and said, "The Miscellaneous Affairs Department only deals with ghosts?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. Where are the ghosts in this world?" Sir Huang began to look around, and said in a somewhat false tone: "Also, I have seen Sir Huang from the Miscellaneous Affairs Department. I was also curious at the time, so I asked However, he swore to me that ghosts do not exist in this world."

You were deceived, Ah Huang.

Xiao Zhang did not explain too much. Not knowing the existence of ghosts, or firmly believing that ghosts do not exist in this world, is a kind of happiness in many cases.

Xiao Zhang, who now knows a lot about ghosts, knows very well that the reason why some very weak ghosts can harm people is to take advantage of humans' fear of them.

People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people’s hearts are poisonous.

Compared to people being afraid of ghosts, ghosts are actually more afraid of people most of the time.

"The person in charge of the Miscellaneous Affairs Department is also called Sir Huang?"

"Yes, his name is Huang Yaozu. He is about forty years old and quite handsome."

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Zhang pondered for a moment and then said, "I'm going to catch the Laughing Tiger recently. Do you have any conclusive evidence?"

"The smiling tiger from Dongxing?"

Sir Huang was stunned for a moment.

Because under normal circumstances, it would be him, the boss, who would assign the task, and then Xiao Zhang would find a way to complete it. Why is it completely reversed now?

"Yes, he had an affair with Lian Haolong before. There must always be an explanation for this matter."

Xiao Zhang said so confidently that Huang Sir didn't know how to guide him.

However, Sir Huang has indeed given up completely now, whether it is being Xiao Zhang's superior or giving orders to Xiao Zhang, etc., he has given up on everything.

"There is not much evidence of the Smiling Tiger's crime, and it is nothing serious. Even if he is arrested, he will only be released after three or two years at most." Sir Huang reminded: "You should be very clear about that incident at that time. The matter came from the camel's instruction, and the reason is that you... are the crow."

Xiao Zhang looked around, but saw no ghost or anyone approaching the rooftop, and then asked: "What if he looks like a wild wolf?"

Sir Huang was stunned again.

The wild wolf was caught before and surrendered with ten kilograms of white flour on his body. For such a serious crime with solid evidence, no matter what the reason is, the wild wolf will not be able to escape with a life sentence.

Even if the sentence can be commuted afterwards, it will still take at least twenty years.

According to the news he received, the reason why Ye Lang surrendered with a white face was because of Xiao Zhang's request.

"You are making a false accusation." Huang Sir said helplessly: "Xiao Zhang, although I also want to catch the smiling tiger, you must never give up your bottom line. If a person has no bottom line, what is the difference between him and an animal?"

"Humans are animals." Xiao Zhang said calmly: "Moreover, the Smiling Tiger itself is doing that kind of business. If I meet you at the right time and call you to report it, you happen to have someone nearby. After searching for a suspect, after receiving a report call and rushing to the scene, I found that the smiling tiger and his people had fainted, so they took the stolen goods... Is this what you call giving up the bottom line? "

"Well...if that's the case, it doesn't count."

"Okay, just wait for my call."

Xiao Zhang picked up two metal boxes and prepared to leave.

Huang Sir was afraid that Xiao Zhang would suddenly disappear in a flash, so he stepped forward and asked, "What about Camel? What about Dongxing?"


Xiao Zhang walked slowly to the edge of the rooftop without stopping, turned his back to Sir Huang and shook his head.

"I think there shouldn't be four major societies in Xiangjiang. It's normal to have three pillars."


Before Huang Sir's suppressed shout could be uttered, he saw Xiao Zhang jumping down from the rooftop. He hurriedly ran over and lay down on the edge of the rooftop, but he could no longer see anything.

There were only sparse police officers downstairs.

"Damn, you suddenly disappeared again, you thought you were a superhero."

"But these seven floors are more than 20 meters high. How did he disappear?"

"Next time I'll choose a higher rooftop. I'll see how you play and suddenly disappear, but...if he tries to be cool, will he fall to his death?"

While Sir Huang was struggling on the rooftop, Xiao Zhang had already jumped over the police station wall on the other side with two boxes, and left quickly like a ghost in the night.

"The Smiling Tiger must be quite poor. After all, Crow also has a net worth of 18 million, and he can't even come up with 10 million in cash."

"However, after I catch the smiling tiger, the camel will probably be willing to pay me protection money."

When Xiao Zhang thought of Luo Tuo, Luo Tuo also thought of him.

In a villa, Luotuo, the boss of Dongxing, gathered all the hall masters under him. In addition to the remaining four tigers of Dongxing, there were also Pulsatilla and others.

"What do you think we should do now?"

When Luo Tuo asked, he kept looking at the tightly closed door with his peripheral vision, as if Xiao Zhang would rush over from the door in the next second.

Others present were also very worried and even nervous, such as the smiling tiger who had offended Xiao Zhang.

"What are you afraid of, boss? You don't really think that he was hit by a rocket launcher and still unscathed." The golden-haired tiger sandhopper was the most indifferent person in the audience. He said with a frivolous expression: "I see Ah, he was just lucky, and his car was stolen just when those crazy dogs in South Vietnam were trying to kill him."

What happened in the afternoon could be described as being known to everyone by the evening.

Xiangjiang's entertainment industry is developed and has also given birth to a world-famous media industry.

Compared with the general public, the news received by Camels is more accurate.

"He was in that car at the time." Luo Tuo took a deep breath and said, "The information I got from the Li family, there is no discrepancy between the time Xiao Zhang drove away and the time he was attacked."

"Impossible." Shashu still didn't believe it: "Don't say he is Dan Jin at best, even a master of Gang Jin can't handle it."

"But he will have an immortal golden body."


Sandshopper was no longer confident. They had only heard of the reputation of the Immortal Golden Body and had no idea about this peerless martial arts. How could they possibly know how strong it would be after mastering it?

The Smiling Tiger took a deep breath and said: "Xiao Zhang will definitely retaliate. The fate of Lian Haolong and Zhong Xinyi is the fate of us and Dongxing, so we must strike first."

Strike first to gain the upper hand?

Camel also has this intention.

"But how do we start? Don't forget, even an RPG can't kill him."

Smiling Tiger replied: "So we first need to figure out why the RPG can't kill him, and then..."

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