HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1338: Two women were seriously injured!

It was still early, Kunpeng did not rush back to Lingfu Cave, climbed the stone steps all the way, and slowly walked towards Raksha Peak.

As he approached the gate, he sensed an extremely weak wave of spiritual power flashing through the sky, very fast. He frowned again, what happened to Luo Shamen? Why is there no sign, and there is no change in the main hall.

Could it be that the people of Rakshasamen didn't notice this flash of spiritual power fluctuation?

Yes, it is very likely that this is the case, he can sense it, but other people in Luosha Gate may not be able to sense it. Moreover, even if someone has the induction, I am afraid that only the person above the ninth level of the gods can have the induction, but the fluctuations disappear too fast, if they do not pay attention, they will not have time to react at all.

After going to the main hall, he has to ask the head to see if he finds any abnormalities.

But at this moment, he had just entered the gate of the mountain, and before he reached the square, he found that at the end of the square, a figure rose into the sky, but fell again.

It's Mei Chaofeng!

Mei Chaofeng's flying skills are already proficient, and he can gallop freely at high altitudes. How could it be possible that he fell when he first started flying?

Kunpeng suddenly felt strange, his mind moved, a flash, and he came to the edge of the Lingfu cliff. The disciples of the Rakshasa monastery who were guarding the mountain gate opened their mouths wide behind, and did not close them for a while. They had never seen such a fast flashing body technique or flying technique.

As soon as Mei Chaofeng was about to get up and vacated again, he saw Kunpeng: "Master, Chen She, took the magic sword."

"Unreasonable!" Kunpeng was shocked, "I will destroy him!"

"Wait a minute!" Mei Chaofeng was worried that he would fly away immediately, and hurriedly shouted, "Rong'er, Rong'er was seriously injured."

"Damn it!" Kunpeng shouted angrily.

He suddenly remembered how Mei Chaofeng had fallen into the air just now: "Where did you hurt, Chaofeng?"

He leaned down and quickly checked her injuries, but no skin injuries were seen, but her lips were black, her skin was blue, and her internal injuries were bleeding heavily. Hugged her back with one hand, took her feet with one hand, and flew down to Lingfu Cave.

Huang Rong also lay at the entrance of the cave, her eyes lost and motionless, the situation was really serious, more than Mei Chaofeng.

"Save Rong'er first, Master." Mei Chaofeng said.

"I know."

Putting down Mei Chaofeng, Kun Peng immediately knelt down and inspected Rong'er's injury. Like Mei Chaofeng, it was also an internal injury. It is estimated that the internal organs have been broken, and the air is like gossip.

Immediately mobilize the aura and directly enter Huang Rong's body through the heart, repairing the damaged internal organs, and guiding the stagnant blood to the liver and heart.

After a few breaths, Huang Rong's complexion was as usual, and her breathing was steady, but she still hadn't recovered.

Kunpeng immediately input aura to Mei Chaofeng, she was still conscious and could speak, so she asked her to adjust her breath quickly.

Huang Rong also vomited a mouthful of blood at this time. It was the residual blood that had accumulated in the throat and mouth, and woke up.

"Rong'er, meditate and adjust your breath." Seeing her about to speak, Kunpeng said quickly, "Don't think about anything else, first recover."

After a few more breaths, their bodies recovered as usual, and they tried to move without any hindrance. Huang Rong cried, "Brother, Chen She's servant..."

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

The two quickly told the story briefly. It turned out that about an hour after Chen She and Kunpeng left, he returned and lied that Kunpeng wanted to use the magic sword and let him come and fetch it. ..

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