HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1439: Lure!

"Spirit race?" Huang Rong helplessly, the spirit race of the demon world is so powerful, "the soul of the spirit body, brother said that it is useless to us, then we should leave him alone."

Both of them completely converged their breath. Mei Chaofeng didn't dare to take the spirit liquid now, so he temporarily collected the spirit liquid and placed it in a small hole in the rock wall. Both of them went outside to observe the situation outside.

After Kunpeng waited for them to leave, he went to look at the soul liquid, and there was no problem in refining.

They said that there were spirit bodies coming over, so he naturally wanted to check it out. If these spirit bodies were really powerful, the two of them would have no way to fight.

When they arrived at the entrance of the cave, the two women had exited the entrance that could only accommodate one person crawling through, and were hidden in the cave entrance under the rubble of rocks outside.

Kunpeng naturally can't go out from here, otherwise they will definitely be alarmed. Then I could only escape and choose a high place outside, but I didn't see any creatures appearing, so I could only spread out my consciousness and investigate those spirit bodies coming here.

Finally, I found that there were a dozen spirit bodies in the valley below, walking slowly, as if they were also investigating something. It was estimated that they were looking for the place where the spirit power wave was emitted.

After all, when Huang Rong's cultivation level increased, the fluctuations of spiritual power released were not small. If it's the demon clan of the demon world, even the ninth-level cultivation base can't be so strong, so it's normal for her fluctuations to attract the attention of these spirit bodies.

Kunpeng soared to the sky, looking down at those spirit bodies. Most of their cultivation bases ranged from Spirit Level 3 or higher to Spirit Level 4, which is probably the execution team that went out to work. These strengths are not too strong and can be completely resolved.

Now Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng's strength is equivalent to the fourth level of the spirit rank, plus the magical sword in their hands, it should be easier to fight these spirit bodies one by one.

The trouble is that there are about ten spirit bodies, which is equivalent to a one-to-five for two, which is a bit dangerous.

However, they should think of a way to defeat them one by one.

I don’t know if these spirit bodies will find Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng’s entrance, so Kunpeng decided to help them and lead them over, but to be safe, he needs to separate these spirit bodies into three or four batches. Best, it would help Huang Rong and the two to completely kill them.

He first looked at the terrain, selected two places, escaped to one of them, released the fourth-level spirit level aura fluctuations, then converged, and quickly escaped to another place, and also released the fifth-level spirit level aura fluctuations.

Both places are far away from Huang Rong's cave, but Huang Rong can also perceive a slight fluctuation.

The perception of those spirit bodies was stronger. They were closer to the two places selected by Kunpeng, but these two places were different from the places they had previously sensed, so they hesitated and did not immediately divide their troops to explore.

Kunpeng was not in a hurry, he thought they might act sooner or later.

Going back to Huang Rong's side, getting very close to them, and then releasing the spirit level 3 breath, but directing these breaths to those spirit bodies, so Huang Rong and the others would not know his existence.

However, they will perceive the division of forces by those spirit bodies.

Sure enough, soon, a dozen spirit bodies quickly made a decision, divided into three groups, and moved quickly in three directions. ..

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