HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1443: Save people!

Huang Rong was shocked, and quickly killed the last soul, landed quickly, and came to Mei Chaofeng's side, but did not dare to help her.

His eyes quickly swept over her body, there was no obvious trauma, it seemed that the spiritual power had penetrated the surface and injured the internal organs.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister."

She yelled to her in a low voice, even fearing that the loud sound waves would cause her secondary harm.

Kunpeng also frowned, and quickly used the power of consciousness to probe Mei Chaofeng, and he was really hurt. No way, he can't continue to hide, he must come forward to rescue her immediately.

Without any hesitation, he broke through the air as quickly as possible.

Huang Rong's attention was originally placed on Mei Chaofeng, and when she suddenly heard a sound of spiritual power fluctuations that broke through the air, she quickly stood up and prepared to meet the enemy. But he opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Brother!" The voice was still not loud, as if he was afraid to wake up the sleeping person next to him.

But her eyes were clearly full of tears.

Kunpeng waved his hand and looked at Mei Chaofeng. Without any hesitation, he had already landed beside her. He stretched out his hand, and a particularly soft aura instantly covered Mei Chaofeng.

Mei Chaofeng still did not respond, but the aura from Kunpeng slowly penetrated into her skin, and then penetrated from the skin to the inner meridians, layer by layer, deep into the viscera, repairing and nourishing the damaged parts.

These are all relying on his powerful consciousness intrusion to lead the aura to repair.

If Huang Rong were to be replaced, she would be at a loss. Her consciousness could not penetrate deep into the body. Moreover, the meridians in the body were intertwined, and various muscle lines were crisscrossed. A little carelessness could lead to confusion of the meridians and destroy the originally undamaged aura channels.

But Kunpeng intends to find the opportunity to teach them this repair method. In case they go out on a mission alone and encounter a strong enemy and injured themselves, they can also use this method to save themselves; if they encounter a serious injury to their partner, he It can be treated in time to avoid losing important people.

Only at this moment, he needed to do his best to save Mei Chaofeng's life. He had no time to be distracted. It was impossible for Huang Rong to experiment with Mei Chaofeng, so he didn't speak.

Under his intensive treatment, Mei Chaofeng's entire body recovered. But because this is an external aura, she still needs to adjust her breath by herself, run the aura in her body, and nourish it along the meridians, to completely recover, so Kunpeng did not wake her immediately, but asked her to breathe her breath.

She wanted to talk, but she couldn't speak, so she had to recover first.

Huang Rong didn't speak either, afraid to disturb her, even if she had a thousand words in her heart, she would endure it first.

After about half an hour, Mei Chaofeng finally breathed out a long breath, and then adjusted her breath several times before sitting up slowly, but she still looked weak.

"Go back to the cave to rest and rest." Kunpeng said, but suddenly remembered that he couldn't say that he knew their hole, and asked, "Is there a hole here? If not, let's make a hole here."

Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng didn't doubt his words.

"We found a hole, which is very hidden." Huang Rong pointed to the entrance of the hole that was hidden by the rocks.

Kunpeng smiled, pretending to use his conscious perception to probe, then he pulled the two women, chanting the curse, and all three of them came into the cave.

"It's nice here, super wind, you continue to adjust your breath and cultivate."..

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