HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1469: Lingxin!

Huang Rong sighed, "It's a pity, I wanted to ask something."

Kunpeng also felt it was a pity. The reason why he caught the little leader of the spirit race was because he wanted to know some information about the spirit race.

For example, how long the breath they collect can be stored; what is the thing they transmit information, and can non-spirit monks use it; how many monks of the spirit race have at all levels, and how many are sent to each monster race, and whether the demon will come. Come to the demon world and so on.

There is no answer now.

But then I remembered that when I was outside the cave, Bashan seemed to know the little thing that the Spirit Race sent messages, so he took out the little thing wrapped in the enchantment: "Bashan, look at this, do you know?"

In fact, as soon as he took it out, Ba Shan had already stared intently, his eyes full of surprise.

Hearing the question, he came back to his senses: "Knowledge, know, this is the attack used by the spirit race to transmit information. They seem to be called Lingxin inside. Yes, it is called Lingxin. This Lingxin transmits information very quickly. , Just like light. The spirit letter on this side spreads out, and a light will be emitted, and the receiver over there will immediately sense that they can immediately receive this light with their secret method, and immediately know the information in the spirit letter."

"Does non-spirit monks have this thing, or can they use it?"

"It can’t be used, and the demon clan has no spiritual letter. It is said that the spiritual letter is formed by the masters of the spiritual clan using the light of spiritual power supplemented by the idea. The letter is given to the monks who go out to perform tasks, and the executor can inspire the spiritual letter when needed. Moreover, it is said that only the spiritual monks can recognize and stimulate the spiritual letter, and the non-spirit monks cannot."

Kunpeng nodded.

But he remembered that this thing was similar to his own mind clone, but it was a different name.

However, there is another difference. His mind clone can only transmit information between him and the user, and it is not a one-off. However, Lingxin can transmit information between spiritual monks other than the non-producer and is a one-time tool.

He looked at Ba Shan again, smiling slightly, this smile made Ba Shan feel flustered again.

But he seemed to notice his panic, and said softly: "Bashan, don't be nervous. I still have some questions about you, and I want to understand."

"Master, you should not be so polite to me. I am your apprentice and you are the master. As the saying goes, you will be a teacher for a day and a father for life. If you have anything to ask, just ask, the disciple dare not hide anything. ."

"Well, your long knife is an artifact, a junior artifact. How did you get it?"

Ba Shan is still nervous: "This is actually the baby I accidentally got after killing the spiritual monk. After I killed him, when I searched, I found a storage bag with this baby in the bag."

With that, he took out the storage bag and the long knife and handed them to Kun Peng.

This storage bag looks very small, like a pendant. This is the storage space that Kunpeng discovered that he has. It was originally called a storage bag. Of course, the name may have been given by Bashan, or it may have been called by the spiritual monks.

Ba Shan watched Kunpeng seriously, and hurriedly added: "After killing that monk, his storage bag and long knife lost the owner's information. I can use it after I recognize the master."

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