HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1471: Die!

"Well, you continue to hide here and practice, and I will go out and have a look." Kunpeng said.

"Brother, what are you doing out there?" Huang Rong asked.

"The little leader of the Spirit Race that we killed just now sent out a distress signal before fighting with us. It's just that I didn't know what it was at the time, so I didn't care too much, and let him send it out. Now, Those dozens of spiritual monks who had already left, I am afraid they have also returned."

"Then, brother, be careful."

Kunpeng smiled, he wouldn't worry about being discovered, but a little worried about the disciples in the cave. However, listening to Huang Rong's concern is still very comfortable.

Hidden into the air outside, there are already a large number of spiritual monks in the valley.

This time, there was no spiritual body left in the air, and they all looked for on the ground. Moreover, the place where they mainly surrounded seemed to be where Bashan and the five spirit ranks and five spirit bodies were fighting before.

Perhaps the spirits had discovered the place where the monks were killed, and perhaps even collected the breath of Bashan.

Alas, it's a pity that I don't know how long the breath they collected can be stored. If it can be stored for several decades or longer, it will really be a big trouble for Kunpeng and others.

There are many spiritual monks, and wherever they go, they may be discovered at any time.

But if the storage time is not long, they don't need to worry too much. Anyway, the cultivation bases of a few disciples are not too high, and it takes a lot of time to cultivate and improve. Maybe this period of danger can be avoided.

Huang Rong and the others did not release any breath in the cave. No one has advanced to the ranks, and even if they practice, they may not be too concentrated. The usual breath is hidden by the deep rock layer, and there is no breath left on the surface.

The spirits have searched for a long time, but still find nothing.

But because the few spirit bodies they left behind were dead, and their heads had sent out a request for help before, they didn't leave immediately, but instead settled temporarily in the valley.

Kunpeng is very upset, is it possible that the Spirit Race wants to consume them?

If they really don't leave, then he can think about it, mention a few spirit bodies from time to time, and give them to Bashan, so that they can use these spirit bodies to practice their hands.

And they killed more spirits, and they could successfully tie them to their chariots.

Of course, this mainly refers to Bashan and Ba Er, and Kun Peng is still not too relieved of them.

After waiting for a while, the spirits not only didn't intend to withdraw, but started looking for a place to set up a temporary tent, really planning to stay there.

That being the case, Kunpeng didn't want to be polite with them either. He flashed and came to a lonely spiritual monk. Because he was invisible, he didn't know what was going on when he was captured.

Kunpeng took the spirit body into the cave and shouted towards Ba Er: "Come here, Ba Er, this spirit race monk, give it to you."

Ba Shan, Huang Rong and others also followed. Seeing that this cultivator was at the fifth level of the spirit level, they were all puzzled, but they didn't speak.

Ba Er didn't know how high the opponent's cultivation base was, but he could feel that his opponent was much stronger than himself, and he suddenly appeared timid: "Master, I, I'm afraid I can't?"

"This seat is here to catch him to let you practice. Be bold and beat him!"..

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