HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: Wang Jian!

The light in the cave is completely gone. Kunpeng can only use his consciousness to perceive, because he wants to detect whether there are traces of Huang Rong moving in it. When there is no light, he must be very careful and carefully feel the situation in the cave, including the air. Abnormal breath remains.

But what made him depressed was that he had never noticed the residual breath of Huang Rong in the cave.

Of course, he could still tell the difference between Huang Rong's breath and the breath left by other creatures based on his memory.

Moreover, in this hole, except for the existence of scratches on the entrance of the cave, there was no sign in the entrance of the cave.

This is unreasonable.

Although this place is extremely remote, it is not so remote that even some small ordinary creatures do not exist. For example, the ubiquitous rodent creatures exist in both the human world and the demon world. Of course, the rodents of the demon world are not the rodents of the human world. They are also the demon rats that have cultivated spiritual wisdom, but their cultivation base is too low and they have not transformed themselves into humans.

Of course, there are also rat races in the demon world. They are high-level rat demon, not this low-level demon. This type of demon can be called a demon in the human world, but it cannot be called a demon in the demon world.

In these remote places, there are always some very low-level creatures, and they generally choose to live in some natural caves. So there is a scratch on the opening of this hole, which is normal, but there is nothing inside, it is abnormal over there.

It is possible that the environment in the cave is not suitable for them to survive, or there are high-level creatures in the cave, they can feel the pressure of the other side, and naturally they dare not make a mistake.

But Kunpeng did not feel any breath of life.

But he hasn't reached the bottom of the hole yet, so he didn't hesitate and kept groping forward. He didn't use consciousness to explore, in fact, he also wanted to use this hole, so he would check it out himself. Otherwise, if only to see if Huang Rong is in the cave, just use consciousness to find out, and the speed will be faster.

After walking a long distance, another lane suddenly appeared.

Where should I go?

First, he carefully checked the two lanes with consciousness. He planned to make a mark and waited for one of the lanes to be completed before walking on the other.

When inspecting the two lanes, he suddenly found that there was some familiar and extremely weak breath in the air, which was very close to Huang Rong's breath, but not exactly the same, as if it was mixed with another breath. However, the other aura is lighter, but the owner of that aura is definitely not lower than Huang Rong.

But this breath was a bit weird, without the vitality of beings.

Kunpeng frowned. Why did Huang Rong's breath appear in the two lanes that suddenly appeared, but not in the lane he entered? Huang Rong didn't know how to escape, she couldn't escape here directly from the outside.

Could it be that she found this hole outside the cave and wanted to come to see what happened, when she suddenly met another creature, this creature would escape, holding her back, and directly escape into the cave?

Based on the current information alone, he can only come to this conclusion.

In any case, he decided to choose an alleyway to walk through.

Since Huang Rong's breath appeared here, her whereabouts should be here. But I don't know what the unknown creature is, what the cultivation level, Kun Peng can't be careless, nor can he use his consciousness to conduct long-distance exploration, he can only move forward very carefully.

However, there are occasional opposite footprints on the ground, what's the matter?

Or the kind of occasional footprints that represent Huang Rong's struggle to escape?

Unfortunately, there is no dust in the cave, and the ground is hard and there are many gravels, making it difficult to leave footprints clearly. He could see the complete footprints, basically none.

However, he could not accurately reach the conclusion.

But now that Huang Rong has been found, and she may be in danger, he can no longer search and advance so slowly. Directly activate the escape technique, immediately return to the previous fork hole position, choose the lane on the left, and no longer explore slowly, but use the extension of consciousness. As long as he feels Huang Rong and the weird breath exist, he will continue to extend the consciousness forward .

Long enough, both auras existed, so he took a evasion technique and went to a new location in the cave, continuing to expand.

This speed was much faster, and soon came to the bottom of the hole.

At the bottom of the hole, there was a stronger aura and spiritual power fluctuations.

But it is not like the spiritual power fluctuation of fighting, but like the light of spiritual power for lighting.

What's the matter? Isn't Huang Rong threatened? But what's the matter with that suspicious lifeless breath?

Kunpeng condensed a very small beam of spiritual power at his fingertips, and then slowly stimulated it, gave birth to the light of spiritual power, gathered in the air, and everything at the bottom of the cave gradually became clear.

The bottom of the cave is quite spacious, but there are not many artificial traces. The bottom of the cave is basically formed naturally.

But there are several small holes on the wall of the cave, each of which cannot see the bottom of each other. There are very obvious traces of manual strikes in the small hole. It is estimated that some cultivators have stayed here for a long time. The bottom of the hole is very smooth, which is obviously formed after a long period of friction.

But the last small hole is even worse, there seems to be a small hole inside.

When I walked in, I found many objects in those small holes.

There are exercises, weapons, and a lot of them. Unfortunately, these things are completely decayed and there is no way to read them. The weapons have also been corroded and can no longer be used.

When inspecting, he almost forgot that his purpose was to find Huang Rong, but now that Huang Rong is not there, he is attracted by those useless things here, and he can't help but feel self-blame and regret.

I quickly noticed that there was no Huang Rong's breath in this small hole, nor that strange breath.

He immediately went out of the small hole and entered other small holes to check. The first was to check whether there was Huang Rong's breath. There were several small holes, only the other side near the bottom. In that small hole, both Huang Rong and the suspicious creature appeared. Breath.

And here, the aura of the suspicious creature seemed particularly rich, which was countless times thicker than in the previous tunnel. That lifelessness also became more and more weird and full of danger.

But so far, he has searched the entire long laneway. Although he found that Huang Rong had been there, he could not find her herself.

On the contrary, his heart was even more unsteady, and he immediately fled to the bifurcation position.

I can't help but suspect that when he walked to another exit, Huang Rong and the suspicious creature might leave the exit he entered.

But at the fork in the road, he carefully perceives the lane where he entered, and there is no trace of the two of them.

This means that none of them have been to that exit.

Kunpeng came in from another exit just now, and he used his consciousness to probe all the way, but didn't find Huang Rong and the strange creature. They are likely to have gone out before he entered the lane, or before reaching the fork position, or were heading for another exit.

So before he entered the cave, there was no Huang Rong outside, but after he entered, Huang Rong went out, so there was no her inside.

She should be somewhere outside the cave now.

To be safe, he quickly spread out his consciousness, not only covering the entire cave, but also extending it outside the cave. He needs to make sure that at least there is no Huang Rong in the cave.

Outside, Mei Chaofeng was still hovering in the hollow, and Ba Shan and Ba Er also returned, with Mei Chaofeng, but no Huang Rong.

Where did she go?

Is she really in danger? Is she being held hostage by that strange creature?

He had to get out of the cave quickly, and he had to check the large areas outside the two exits. And now outside the hole he entered, Mei Chaofeng could see it all at a glance. Now that there is no Huang Rong beside Mei Chaofeng, it can only mean that Huang Rong is not at the other exit.

Thinking of moving escape, Kunpeng appeared at the exit on the other side quickly.

After going out, I discovered that the exit and the entrance that he entered were almost two sides of the entire mountain. No wonder Huang Rong and the others went out and Mei Chaofeng would not find it.

Kunpeng felt ascending into the air. At low altitudes and mid-airs, he did not find Mei Chaofeng and the three of them. It was only when he flew to the high altitudes that he found them. It also showed that the distance between the two holes is not too far, but separated by the mountain. .

Before he could greet Mei Chaofeng to come over, he felt that he was looking at the valley below with his concentration, hoping to find Huang Rong's trace.

I didn't find it, I was trying to use the light of spiritual power to attract Mei Chaofeng and the others, but they had already flown here. Obviously, the appearance of Kunpeng has attracted their attention.

"Search separately, pay attention to feel her breath, she came out of that hole."

Kunpeng pointed to the hidden entrance of the cave. Everyone immediately sank, descended to a low altitude, and expanded from the vicinity of the entrance.

The two two monsters, each responsible for a direction, and Kunpeng was responsible for the direction toward the designated point where they gathered. He spread out his consciousness to avoid paying close attention to all the details on the ground, so as not to miss a certain place.

After searching a large area, he finally found Huang Rong in a valley leading to the assembly point.

At this time, Huang Rong was carrying a huge long sword, hunched over and walked forward very hard.

Kunpeng fell by her side, and seeing Kunpeng, Huang Rong's exhaustion disappeared and she became very excited: "Brother, brother, it would be great for you to come. Do me a favor, this sword is too heavy. I take it with me. It can't even fly."

"You!" Kunpeng was really speechless.

However, he quickly took over the huge sword that Huang Rong handed over—ah, torture, what is it, so heavy?

He almost yelled out, but fortunately he didn't lose his temper, he just sighed in his heart.

After that, he approached the giant sword and took a closer look. The word "King Sword" was engraved on the blade near the handle!

Wang Jian!

Is this the legendary king of swords?

He couldn't help but was a little surprised. At this moment, he felt the breath of Wang Jian, the strange aura mixed with Huang Rong's breath in the cave. ..

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