HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: Wang Jian Jian Jue!

Huang Rong smiled, quietly meditating, and then looked at searching according to her mind.

She has crossed most places, although there are some things stored in those places, it looks like a certain kind of exercises and techniques.

When Kunpeng saw these things, he could only sigh softly.

Because the age is too long, those things can't be touched anymore, and they will be completely ashes when touched, let alone read the information inside. But there is one thing that can be done, and that is to let him completely meditate, manipulate his consciousness, and inspect those exercises layer by layer, and maybe get something effective. If possible, you can even get complete information such as martial arts and martial arts.

Thinking of this, it seems that after Huang Rong finds the Wang Jian Sword Art, he must give instructions to all his disciples to temporarily evacuate these small holes.

Only by keeping as calm as possible in the cave can he have a chance to read enough information.

It's just that he didn't think that these things might be useful before, and he didn't let his disciples temporarily stop for cultivation outside the small cave. This is a mistake.

In the cave where a master with a king sword has naturally fallen, it is certainly impossible to be impoverished. He should try to sort out the things he had in his lifetime.

Under the guidance of the sword spirit, Huang Rong came to the bottom of the small hole and opened a more closed hole, and there was something inside. But seeing the manuscript that resembled animal skins, Huang Rong's heart was cold.

This thing is similar to the techniques and techniques stored in the small holes on the walls of the cave outside. It looks intact. If it is taken out, it will inevitably be completely ashes.

Kunpeng hurriedly pulled Huang Rong, really worried that she could not restrain her curiosity, and reached out to get the sword art.

Because he had already seen two characters on the animal skin, Wang Jian, there were two characters underneath, but it was blocked by the entrance of the cave, so it would not work without being aware of it.

Slightly used consciousness, followed the entrance of the cave, and really saw the two characters clearly, it was Jian Jue, and together it was Wang Jian Jian Jue.

Pulling Huang Rong to the entrance of the small cave, before Mei Chaofeng and Bashanba Er left, Kunpeng quickly told them: "It seems that these small holes for cultivation have stored corresponding kung fu and martial arts. Information, but the former owner of Wang Jian, I am afraid that it will take tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years to calculate, so the precious wealth he left has now reached the level of untouchable. However, I may have a way to try, if it can be restored With these good things, you will get many new exercises and martial arts in the future."

"Master, what do we need to do?" Ba Shan asked quickly.

"Stay away from these small holes temporarily. I will find time to slowly restore and record the information inside. You can rest assured that no matter how good things are, in my eyes, it is nothing, but for you, These things may be really good. So don’t think that this seat wants to monopolize this information. This seat just wants to use your own ability to recover the information as much as possible so that you can use it."

Ba Shan felt that Kunpeng's words meant something, so he immediately smiled and said, "Master, you try to recover as much as possible. We will walk far away, so as not to destroy those treasures by the fluctuation of the breath during cultivation."

"Very good, you can understand, it couldn't be better. So now, everyone should go to the fork position to choose a place to practice."..

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