HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1495: Explore the underground space!

When in the human world, Kunpeng knew from the ancient Shushan and Maoshan sects that the demon would personally create a large number of spirit bodies, fast and large in number.

In Luoshamen, the spirit body chooses souls with a certain talent from Fengdu City to guide the cultivation, and finally cultivates into a spirit body with a certain level of cultivation. But Fengdu's soul was originally a spirit body that already had a physical body. As for how these spirit bodies without cultivation bases appeared, he has not investigated yet.

And here, in Yumen of the Demon Realm, there are also spiritual monks transforming the spiritual body. They directly selected high-level monks from the monster race, deprived of their physical bodies, and forcibly transformed into spirit bodies. Supplemented by spiritual level mental methods, these spiritual bodies can quickly grow into spiritual monks above the third level of spiritual level.

In this way, the spirit race may have developed in this way.

This is not difficult to explain, the spiritual cultivators of the demon world have such a high level of cultivation, mainly because they started very high.

Kunpeng no longer cared about those spirit bodies, but slowly flew out of the spirit body room, and followed the main passage outside to find a room for storing spirit jade and night pearls.

After turning a few turns in the main passage, he finally determined that it was underground, and that these passages and rooms were all remodeled by spiritual monks. But the light in the room is very abundant, not at all like the light from a luminous gem. The light of the gem is soft, dull, and the range of illumination is extremely limited.

He hadn't figured out yet, in this underground space, the spiritual monks used to provide lighting. However, when you leave, you can go to Wangjian Cave by the way.

Now it's important to find the spirit jade first.

Regrettably, he couldn't ask, nor did he dare to catch the Spirit Race monk to force him to interrogate him. He didn't want to startle the snake, he should look for it next to him. The underground space would not be too big.

The main passage is connected to many fork roads, and Kunpeng looks for them one by one.

The only room where the spirit body was transformed was that one, and only that one was found in the small room used for the separation of spirit and body. It shows that the construction of this kind of separator may not be easy. Then if there is a chance, it will be destroyed for them, so that the production of the spirit body will be interrupted, at least the production here will be interrupted.

Most of the rooms connected by other forks are used to produce and process some gems.

He didn't understand what the spirit race needed so many gems for. With such a strong cultivation base, what they need can be grabbed directly from the hands of the monster race, do they still need to teach them to change it?

After the fork, I didn't find the night pearl that Ba Er said could provide lighting.

But at the bottom of the main passage, there are still a few small forks. There is no light and no monk work.

Kunpeng spread out his consciousness and searched along one of the fork roads. There seemed to be primitive stones for processing gems at the bottom. This is probably the area where gems are deposited.

Several small passages were checked, but no spirit jade was found.

Could it be that Yumen doesn't have the so-called spiritual jade that can be used to burn data in the legend?

So he decided to find out what the gems were used for.

When they came to a gem processing room, several spirit bodies used spiritual power to polish the gems. Wait and see what they will do in the end. After waiting and waiting, he found that instead of polishing the gems, they grind all the gems into powder, and then use their spiritual power to melt the powdered gems into a liquid state and put them in another jade container. A scene appeared. ..

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