HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1501: Burn test!

Kunpeng returned to the bottom of Wangjian Cave, and was not eager to refine the spiritual liquid.

He now has a lot of gems and spirit jade, if they are refined into spirit liquid, he should be able to get a considerable amount.

The reason why he is not in a hurry is that he wants to pass Ba Er's test to see how much the spiritual liquid can improve his cultivation level, so as to guess how much the collection in his hand can improve Huang Rong and others.

Now he finally guessed why the spirit body of the spirit rank could quickly increase its strength so much and so quickly. They must have discovered the aura from the process of combining these spirit jade and gemstones to make the luminous device, and then adopted it.

The jade medal that Ba Er once got, which is the proof to enter the Lingye Cave Mansion, may also be another proof of his speculation. It is very possible that the so-called spiritual liquid cave is a cave that stores similar spiritual liquid. After entering, you may get some spiritual liquid for cultivation. Or it may be that the spirit race put the spiritual liquid in the cave, allowing the spiritual energy to gather in the cave and provide it to the monks who entered it to practice.

But after all, it is a guess, he needs to confirm that Ba Er is now at the first level of the spirit level, and it is undoubtedly necessary to let him do an experiment.

Now, before the results of his experiment have come out, he needs to copy those precious materials first, and then let a few disciples go to the bottom of the cave to practice, and be safer.

Kunpeng selected some sliced ​​Lingyu flakes. These flakes are quite thin, only a little thicker than animal skins, and the area is not large, only the size of the thumb of a big finger.

This will not waste the spirit jade, but also facilitate storage.

As for how to engrave information on the spirit jade, he also needs to explore, so he first chooses a small piece of spirit jade that looks poor in texture or may be scrapped when it was cut. The thin speed of light, like a pen tip, intrudes into the spirit jade with consciousness, and then uses the pen tip to engrave some information in the spirit jade.

After entering the interior of the spirit jade, he was slightly shocked. The spirit jade that was originally only the size of a little finger showed a wall-sized jade space in front of his consciousness. What surprised him even more is that there are still layers in the jade space, and these layers can be invaded with consciousness and use the nib of spiritual power to depict information.

If the strength is enough and the pen tip can be very thin, then there are still a few pieces of space as large as the house wall, and many things can naturally be carved in this spiritual jade space. This spirit jade is really a good storage medium.

He first tried to burn a set of Qi training exercises. This exercise didn't have much content. A page in Lingyu, it didn't account for one-tenth, so he burned all of it.

Consciousness exits the spirit jade space, and then enters, you can read it normally.

Therefore, he then carved the words "Spit Na Shu" on the surface of this piece of spirit jade, and then used his mind to weave a blockade of the whole piece of spirit jade. Then he planted his own thoughts in the barrier, and in an instant, he established a close connection with this piece of jade.

For the information inside Lingyu, without intrusion of consciousness, he can also read the internal information at any time, modify and burn it at any time.

The burning method is found, and then you need to read the information left by the former owner of Wang Jian.

If he can read all of them successfully, he can burn while reading, but can he read them completely? ..

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