HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: carry out!

Obstructing the enchantment can completely block the aura fluctuations of the disciples at the crossroads, and he also weaves the result of the obstruction of the two holes.

Even if they advance, they will not be affected too much outside the bottom of the hole.

This is also the reason why Kunpeng can rest assured that they can practice and advance, and he can burn and copy the treasure of the former master of Wang Jian at the bottom of the cave without worrying about them.

Kunpeng burned continuously, and when he was tired, he took a short rest and continued to the next volume. But this only lasted for a day and a night before the five volumes of animal skins in Ba Er's small hole were recorded.

The continuous work made him feel overwhelmed, and he began to feel confused.

In this way, he will definitely not be able to continue to burn, he needs to practice a little bit to completely restore the consumption of consciousness and spiritual power. But there are so many rolls of animal skins in the entire Wangjian Cave, how can people feel at ease if they don't finish it soon.

The cultivation of a few disciples is likely to be promoted at any time, especially Ba Shan. If he breaks through the sixth level of the spiritual rank and enters the seventh level, the aura fluctuations produced are absolutely earth-shattering. Although his blocking results can block breath fluctuations, but what about the rock crevices in the cave?

If there is a strong breath that leaks along the cracks in the rock and attracts the attention of the monks in the air or nearby, then this remote valley will instantly become lively. If this is the case, the Spirit Race might rush over to check the cause.

The breakthrough of the cultivator of the demon world is the 9th rank, which is impossible to have much influence, while the breakthrough of the 7th spiritual rank is different, and it is impossible for the spirit race to not pay attention. If they are spirit bodies, that's nothing, but if they are not, the spirit race will definitely investigate the cause.

Therefore, he must appear outside the cave when they break through, conceal or disperse those violent breath fluctuations, and avoid causing commotion.

The problem now is that he has to burn the treasures at the bottom of the hole as soon as possible.

Therefore, as soon as possible to restore spiritual power and consciousness is the key point, he thought of spiritual liquid. Immediately, choose one of high-quality gemstones and one spiritual jade, and refine a ball of spiritual liquid for later use. Take one drop when you are tired or resting.

Good gems and spiritual jade, the refined spirits, are of better quality and stronger aura. With one drop of consumption, all fatigue is wiped out, and it seems to be increasing.

Kunpeng was naturally overjoyed, and after adjusting his interest quickly, he started fast recording and copying work.

So ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and he finally copied all the treasures left in Wang Jiandong.

After sorting and sorting, there are five volumes of exercises, but they are all the methods of Qi training in the demon world; there are more than 30 volumes of martial arts, basically covering all weapons such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, bows, and crossbows; the rest are some anecdotes and history of the demon world. , Legends, etc., but they all seem to be records of the demon world in the ancient times, and I don't know if they are useful for them now.

When burning these things, Kunpeng did not distinguish them. What he thought was that, no matter what, they were the treasures of the former owner of Wang Jian, and they were always a legacy to the future generations, so he burned and copied all of them as much as possible. .

However, it is a pity that in these martial arts, Wang Jian Jian Jue has not been found.

There is only one volume of Wang Jian’s former master’s last suicide note, which mentions his sword art, which was taken away by a disciple named Xie Jia. But after this disciple became famous, he became more and more arrogant and surly. ..

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