HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1509: The strong come!

Two months passed without knowing it.

The cultivation bases of the four disciples were also quite solid, and their martial arts were basically no problem, and they were considered quite proficient. Sacred weapons and other martial arts can make their own combat power a level higher.

That is to say, for example, Mei Chaofeng is at the fourth level of the spirit level, plus the original strength is equivalent to the eighth level of the spirit level. If you use the magic sword to use the magic sword sword art, you will fight a ninth-level cultivator, as long as the opponent has no artifact With weapons, she can easily defeat him.

And like Huang Rong, there is a magic weapon, but there is no corresponding Wang Jian Jian Jue, but Wang Jian has a sword spirit, so the combat power will not be weaker than Mei Chaofeng.

Ba Shan, his own seventh-level spirit level, although the long sword is a low-level artifact, but the knife skills given by Kunpeng are superior martial skills, so he has no problem fighting against an eighth-level spiritual cultivator.

Ba Er is considered the weakest. With the fourth-level spirit level cultivation base, plus the spirit weapon long sword and fierce sword art, the combat power is equivalent to the fifth-level spirit level. If the opponent does not have a good weapon, he can not let the wind fall.

This kind of strength growth only took about two months. In their past cultivation careers, they couldn't even think about it.

But now, they have all done it.

"Now, you dare not say that the demon world is rampant, but it won't be too disadvantaged. We can also go out and walk around, and we won't hide around like before. The specific target is still the spirit race. By the way, look for it. Of course, if you can find a better weapon for you, Wang Jian Jianjue is not bad. But I have to remind you that you have to seize the time to improve yourself. You must be invincible in the demon world before it can be done."

They naturally wanted to listen to Kunpeng's words.

However, before they left the valley, Kunpeng suddenly sensed a wave of breath and galloped from far away.

"There are circumstances, ready to meet the enemy."

Mei Chaofeng and others hurriedly focused, but they all looked at Kun Peng in confusion: "Master, we don't feel anything."

Kunpeng was taken aback for a moment, felt the world inside his body, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

During this period of time, he was really busy, taking care of and guiding the disciples, and he didn't care about his own cultivation at all.

But I didn't expect that even so, the power that imprisoned his skill was weaker, and his strength had recovered a lot. Therefore, he can now easily feel the faint fluctuations in the range that he could not feel before.

Although Mei Chaofeng, Huang Rong and others' cultivation bases increased sharply, their sensitivity also increased rapidly, and they were still not as good as his previous sensitivity, so they couldn't perceive like him.

But he didn't say his changes, he just smiled slightly and said: "Work hard, one day, you will be able to reach this level."

Several disciples could only sigh secretly in their hearts, wondering when they would have the power to possess Kunpeng. Moreover, their master seems to have always been unpredictable, and he doesn't know what his strength is.

However, considering that he was also held hostage by the spiritual monks, Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng still felt that the spiritual monks should not be underestimated. Of course they don't know that Kunpeng can't be held hostage by the spirit race, if they can hold him, it means that the strength will be much stronger than him.

"The distance of the incoming breath fluctuating transmission is very long, and the strength is very strong. It is estimated that it is a spiritual monk, prepare to fight!"..

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