HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1513: doubt!

Ba Shan and others were suddenly at a loss, he didn't know whether to name them. But he knew that once the names were spoken, these spirit race monks might find that they were lying, or that they were not spirit race monks, let alone the dragon race watchers sent by the spirit race.

Inadvertently, the four of them secretly moved their breath, ready to fight.

Kunpeng is also a little anxious, if they fight against each other, their fight will be earth-shattering after all.

Although he also wanted to take a few disciples to fight, he didn't expect that there were a dozen spirit races at once, and there were seven or eight spirit ranks at ninth level. Such a lineup was not so easy to deal with.

Name, the name of the spiritual monk!

He hurriedly searched in his mind, and in Yumen's message, there were indeed some spiritual monks' names.

"Tell him, you are Guisan!" Kunpeng definitely took the risk and quickly passed ventriloquist to Bashan. He remembered that in those messages from Yumen, he had seen the names of some spiritual monks, as if they were named after the monsters plus their serial numbers, but he thought it was impossible at the time, so he didn't care.

Then he gave Ba's second biography: "Just say you are Turtle Twelve."

Then confided to Mei Chaofeng and Huang Rong that Mei Chaofeng was "Da Feng Jiu" and Huang Rong was "Xiao Feng Jiu".

After passing the ventriloquist, he secretly moved his breath. Of course, his breath was still quite restrained. If he wasn't close to his side, even if he was already running his breath at this time, it would be difficult to notice.

If these spirit race monks didn't believe these names, or knew that they had lied and wanted to kill them, then he had to take action. Relying on four disciples alone, they definitely can't beat these spirit race monks.

Ba Shan and others don't know why Kunpeng gave such a name, but since he gave it, of course they said.

After hearing this, the head of the spirit race groaned for a while: "You said that your treasures are bestowed by gods, and I don't believe you. But your cultivation bases are not high, so let me give you some pointers. Are you willing to accept it?"

Fortunately, the name level did not arouse suspicion. Kunpeng was secretly overjoyed, this might prove again from the side that the monks of the spirit race are basically from the monster race. After the souls of the demon race were collected by the spirit race, some memories were probably erased, so they naturally had no names. The new name was the demon race plus the serial number. It's just that he didn't know how the serial number was obtained. He also added the names of the disciples just now.

The head of the spirit race tilted his head, and a strong cultivator of the ninth level of the spirit drew out a long sword, flew to the open space in front, and looked at Bashan: "You, come here!"

He also uses a long knife!

For a moment, Kunpeng even felt that the leader of the Spirit Race really wanted to point out his disciples? But he wouldn't think they were so kind. He felt that the spirit race monks must still doubt a few of them, but the spirit race had not collected their breath.

This deep valley, they have been practicing here for two months, and the aura they left is everywhere. After these monks came over, they did not find that they were the murderers of the spiritual monks. What's going on?

Could it be said that the aura collected by the Spirit Race about them is no longer valid?

Ba Shan glanced at Kunpeng, his gaze didn't stop too much, he soared into the air, and flew towards the spiritual monk who was using the big sword. ..

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