HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1519: Lightning!

Kunpeng heard the monk's name spoken by the leader of the Spirit Clan, Snake Nine, which had the same structure as several names found in Yumen's message. From this point of view, the names he just said to the four disciples were basically no problem, otherwise the head of the spirit race would have done it directly with them.

Snake Jiu came in front of Mei Chaofeng, and did not suddenly attack like the Double Sword Monk.

He glanced at Mei Chaofeng quietly, and Mei Chaofeng also stared at him coldly, without taking any action.

"Are you really at the fourth level of Spirit Rank?" Snake Jiu asked.

"What do you think?" Mei Chaofeng didn't bother to answer.

"Well, I will try my best, hope you don't let me down."

The corner of Mei Chaofeng's mouth grinned slightly, without saying a word, but he had already picked up his breath and was ready to fight. She knew that Snake Nine had said so, she was about to launch an attack, and she also felt Snake Nine's aura suddenly strengthened.

Snake Jiu actually didn't use a sword, he inserted the snake-shaped long sword into the sheath, and did not ask Mei Chaofeng not to use the magic sword.

Gu Zi lifted his palms, and the world was dark in an instant. It seemed that there was a violent wind rushing from far away, and there seemed to be a faint light of thunder and lightning. He wanted to break through the dark clouds above his head and fall down.

He is just a snake demon, who can call the wind and rain like a dragon monk?

However, this kind of aura didn't make Mei Chaofeng feel the slightest fear. At the critical moment, the resolute and resolute moves can deter the enemy. She doesn't value these illusory things.

Of course, that is because she is a human being, and the martial arts she is practicing is also the magic sword technique, so she has such a psychology towards the spirit race monk who has changed from the monster race monk.


With a loud noise, a dazzling glare shot down from the air and hit Mei Chaofeng.

She grinned slightly at the corner of her mouth, revealing a hint of sarcasm, gently lifted the magic sword, and scolded, "Go!"

The dazzling light of thunder and lightning unexpectedly turned magically, following the direction of her magic sword, and hitting Snake Nine.

Everything happened so suddenly, even without blinking, few people could see it clearly. The main reason for this is that the light of thunder and lightning is too strong, which affects the line-of-sight penetration ability of peripheral spectators.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder and lightning passed away in an instant, the black clouds in the sky quickly dispersed, and the clear blue sky and white clouds reappeared above the head.

At low altitude, Mei Chaofeng was unscathed, still hanging lightly. Not far from him, there was indeed a figure covered in pitch black as carbon.

That is naturally Snake Nine.

Snake Nine's eyes seemed to be smeared, tightly closed, without any movement, like a ruined ghost floating in the air, it was a bit weird and a bit scary.

The head of the spirit race frowned slightly and asked, "Snake Nine, what's the matter?"

He obviously also found Snake Nine's abnormality. One move, just one move, he did nothing, and did not respond. He won't be killed by his own lightning, will he?

But I didn't see the soul of Snake Nine out of the body, so it shouldn't be dead.

Of course, he also knows the art of dispersing souls, but he doesn't think that Mei Chaofeng dares to use it when fighting against each other. For the spiritual monks, the spiritual body is forbidden to use the art of soul divergence at will. This is the consensus of the spiritual world.

He basically believes that these monks are spiritual monks.

But Snake Nine did not respond.

The head frowned and glanced at Mei Chaofeng: "What's wrong with him?"

"See for yourself."..

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