HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1525: Old dragon demon!

"Uncle, can I ask you something?" Huang Rong walked up first and called sweetly.

"Which clan do you belong to?" The old dragon demon remained vigilant.

Their place is not adjacent to the surrounding demons. What kind of demon race is on the other side of the barren mountains and ridges, they don't know, no one has nothing to do to cross the vast wilderness. Of course, this is also related to their strength, the strength is underground, and they dare not take too much risk. They don't know what risks they can't fight against in the wild.

But the old dragon demon knew at a glance that they were not the dragon demon, which surprised Kunpeng and the others.

"Uncle, why would you ask like that?"

The dragon demon said coldly: "I still can't see the characteristics of the dragon clan. Look at you. Where are they? And in our remote place, it is difficult to see a stranger, but when you show up, there are five. , I have never heard the news of your coming here."

They escaped here suddenly, of course, leaving no trace.

Ba Shan had no choice but to say: "We are from the tortoise clan. We went out to practice, but we accidentally got lost. Now we want to go to the Great Dragon City. Please ask seniors for advice."

"Tortoise? Isn't the tortoise far away from us? Where did you go to experience it?"

This made Bashan at a loss. They didn't even know the name of the remote wilderness.

"We went all the way, and we didn't know where we were going."

The old dragon demon still didn't seem to believe them, but he didn't continue to embarrass them. He probably felt that he should not offend these strangers at will, so he pointed them in the direction. Dalongcheng is still northwest of this place.

"Senior, is there a faster route to Great Dragon City here?"

"Just fly directly to the northwest."

The demon world is all demon races, and flying skills are basically basic skills, but low-level demon races cannot last, especially long-distance flight. Even the high-level monster clan can hardly fly for a few days in a row, and need to rest in the middle.

"It's too far to reach the Dragon City from here. Flying is very difficult. Senior, where can I provide flight services?"

The old dragon demon looked at Bashan, and a little coldness rose again: "Turtles, turtles, no wonder let you fly, you still ask. Okay, go south here, walk for a long time, and arrive at Chilong City, there will be The caravan that goes straight to the Great Dragon City, just follow them."

"How long will it take for the caravan to pass from Chilong City to Great Dragon City?"

"Directly to the caravan, the fastest is about five or six days, and the slowest is about ten days."

Kunpeng nodded slightly, even if they arrived in ten days, they would still have more than ten days to use it, which was not bad.

"Thank you senior for your advice."

A few people said goodbye to the dragon demon, turned and left, but they heard the dragon demon whispering behind them, the caravan’s spaceship is so expensive that I have never been on it in my entire life. These turtle monsters, so young, dare to ride, alas, pathetic! "

Huang Rong asked Kunpeng in a low voice: "Brother, he said we are pitiful?"

Mei Chaofeng said, "Rong'er, think again about what he said. What does he mean to say that we are pitiful. He clearly said that he has never had the opportunity to ride a spaceship in his entire life, pitiful. He envied us."

"That's over. They dare not take the spacecraft for the rest of their lives, which shows that the cost of the spacecraft is definitely a terrible figure. Where do we have so much money?"..

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