HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1528: Arrived!

"Chilong City should be the most important city nearby. There is a caravan directly to the Great Dragon City." Kunpeng nodded, "So it makes sense for them to go there."

"Then we walked over, don't we have to encounter them again? I knew that, so it's better to kill them here. There are only five of them anyway, should we still be able to deal with it?" Huang Rong said.

"If it is destroyed, it will definitely attract the attention of the Spirit Race headquarters. They are all ninth-level spiritual cultivators, not ordinary people."

"Then what to do? They have been following us, and they will find us sooner or later."

"Look for opportunities, one by one."

Kunpeng seemed to have made up his mind, but he was still worried that only Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng could compete with the ninth-level peak of the spirit rank. Bashan was still a big level behind, and Ba Er was even farther behind.

Moreover, his manpower seems to be seriously inadequate, and he doesn't know how many high-level cultivators there are in the Spirit Race, especially the top ninth-level spiritual masters.

"There are five of them here, and three of these five have played against us. They all know our strengths, I am afraid they will not be separated easily, it is difficult to kill one by one!" Mei Chaofeng said.

"It's okay, look for opportunities. They stay together and stay alone. When they are separated, they will quickly attack and move quickly." Kunpeng said.

But no matter what, as long as the ninth-level monks of the Spirit Race are moved, the Spirit Race will inevitably encircle them. Therefore, if he could not move, he still feels that he will not move temporarily. Now first look for Wang Jian Jian Jue, and after finding it, let the disciples retreat and practice for some time, and they will all be promoted to the ninth level of the spirit rank. If you can still receive a few talented disciples, that would be even better.

However, he wasn't too anxious about accepting disciples. As long as these disciples were strong enough, they would gradually eat away the spirit race, he should still be sure.

However, since what they changed was the Dragon Demon, there was no need to walk lazily.

After the spirit races left, the Kunpeng five immediately released the breath of the Tier 3 monster race, and quickly flew towards Chilong City. Regardless of whether the target of the spirit race masters was Chilong City, they must rush over as soon as possible.

Of course, their speed is not fast, they have to meet the masters of the spirit race, unless they stay in Chilong City.

After half a day, it was getting late and the moon was getting brighter, Kunpeng and his party finally arrived in Chilong City.

Said it is a city, in fact it is not as big as Shoucheng. From this point of view, Chilong City should also be the most remote place for the dragon clan. However, it is an important city in a remote area, so there are caravans flying directly to Dragon City.

I found a small inn to rest, and by the way inquired about the departure time and price of the spacecraft from Chilongcheng to Dalongcheng recently.

The inn shopkeeper looked at them and looked at them. They could see the suspicion in his eyes, but they did not say, nor did he say, but only told them: "The spacecraft that went to Dragon City recently will leave in three days."

"Three days?" Huang Rong was startled, it would be another three days of delay, "Why have you waited so long?"

The shopkeeper looked at them again, his eyes full of vigilance: "Three days, it is the fastest, but I don’t know if there are any tickets. In the past, the spacecraft to the Great Dragon City only took half a year. This time it was because of auctions. Yes, I will add another one temporarily. Otherwise, if you have to go, you will have to wait at least three months."..

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