HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 1532: Steal jade!

The five spirit race monks suspected that the Kunpeng five would not go to the Great Dragon City at all. They said that their spirit race had sent a monitor to the Dragon City Great Dragon City, which was a lie. Now that they escaped so fast, obviously they weren't that stupid, and they went to the Dragon City to cast themselves into the net.

Therefore, they focused on the place where Kunpeng and others suddenly disappeared in the wilderness area, and continued to expand the scope of the search to see if they could find anything.

Three of the Kunpeng five have played against them. They are powerful, and naturally they cannot be comparable to those of the monster race. Their investigation method is also very simple. Sudden pressure is applied to observe the reaction and strength of the stressed. As long as the strength is strong and the pressure is strong, they will compare the breath of those people with the breath in their own memory.

Such investigations can be said to be quite hard and boring.

But they, as the top part of the spirit race, have the responsibility to eliminate the aliens. The Kunpeng five's cultivation base is not low, and they are not in the list of spirit races, they naturally have to find them as much as possible.

Kun Peng saw that they were not searching the inn against his party alone, so he was relieved that he didn't bother to take care of them.

Now he needs to raise enough jade to buy tickets for the spaceship tomorrow.

But who has more jade in this Chilong City, he didn't know, he could only look at the magnificent buildings to search. In order to avoid colliding with the five spiritual monks, he decided to conduct a reverse search with them.

But when he was about to act, he thought about it again, and wanted to transfer the name of the stolen jade to the spiritual monk, so Qiong slowly approached them quietly.

The search work of the spiritual monks was very detailed, and I don't know how much they have searched Chilong City. Anyway, what Kun Peng now sees is that they are conducting a carpet search.

Whether it’s an inn or a restaurant, even small shops and local residents, they’re pressured one by one to check.

This will naturally cause the dragon clan to complain, but no one dares to say anything in person, let alone resist. They are all at the ninth level of the spirit rank, and all the monsters in their Chilong City are dispatched, and I am afraid they can only pile up into a mountain of corpses in an instant.

Kunpeng followed them, as long as it was a relatively affluent family or shop, he would take action.

This shot naturally steals their common currency jade.

The spiritual monk released the pressure from the front, he then used his mind to check where the rich man's jade was, and then stolen half of them and left half.

When encountering the spiritual monks also using consciousness, he will start to reach out and steal jade as their consciousness recovers.

In short, avoid the spiritual monks cleverly along the way without being discovered.

Those rich men who lost their jade often found that their jade was missing soon after the spiritual monk left. They became even more angry and cursed the spiritual monk secretly, but they had no way.

Kunpeng's actions like this of course are suspected of pulling hatred with the spirit race.

The demon race dare not resist the spirit race, but the deeper the grudge, the more alienated the demon race will hate the spirit race. When he kills the spirit race, the demon race will not only not help them, but may be celebrating.

One night, the spiritual cultivator finally checked most of the city, and the remaining little half did not continue the investigation. After that, he flew to the outskirts of the city and may have searched other places.

He guessed that they might have searched the other half of the city before he came to Chilong City.

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