HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2043: Nowhere to go!

As the saying goes, it’s not just to obliterate the dozen or so demon fathers who stand in the way, but to induce such a powerful force. His real purpose is to raise thousands of monsters here in the shortest possible time. The base enchantment was completely shattered.


An extremely fierce force arrived in the air, tearing the secret room into a big gap almost instantly.

At the same moment, Kunpeng grabbed the thorn flower next to him and floated into the air with him.

Looking down at the few father demons who were almost smashed into ashes, there are still a few fish that slipped through the net, dying and panting.

Kunpeng glanced at these ants indifferently like a demon god, and finally slapped down.

The power of God erupted again, completely erasing these ashes.

The Needle Flower next to her said nothing during the whole process, but she was so scared that she couldn't speak. Even she didn't expect that this main god's godhead was just in a fragmented state, and it contained such energy.

"Brother, you are well developed!"

Needle Flower teased, Kun Peng also removed the tyrannical arrogance of God at this moment and returned to his original state.

"Relax, I haven't forgotten your credit. This fragment of the Lord God's Godhead belongs to the common property of you and me!"

Needle Flower hurriedly shivered: "Is it the kind of property that is shared by husband and wife?"

The two of them had not finished making a joke, and a new batch of father demon aura quickly gathered here.

"It's not the time to make a joke. Get out of here quickly. Once someone finds out that it's the two of us, it will be a big trouble!"

"Are you sure, just leave like this?"

A sudden word from Needle Flower seemed to awaken the excited Kunpeng, causing him to stop again.

"Could it be... you woman is really a lunatic! But I like to deal with lunatics, this time you win."

Obviously, Kunpeng also used his own response to show the value of the proposal of Needle Flower.

The two did not flee in the first place, but followed this barrier gap that was split by the power of the gods, and quickly moved to the other base.

And the only thing the two of them did next was to madly destroy the entire base enchantment!

Roar! !

Thousands of powerful monsters seem to have become agitated because of this unprecedented power shock.

You know, these thousands of monsters have been imprisoned in one place, and they have already accumulated extremely powerful resentment.

When this barrier gap appeared, the desire of all Warcraft to fight completely broke out.

Such a manic scene cannot be prevented by one or two people at all.

Even if Needle Flower and Kun Peng wanted to stop, they would definitely not be able to do it! Thousands of monsters run wild at the same time, which is an unparalleled disaster for any space.

And Kunpeng and Jizhenhua are just the two guys who are in danger.

Rumble! !

At the moment when the last violent sound came, the entire enchantment seal was completely shattered. Thousands of monsters furious at the same time, rushing out crazy in all directions, and the entire inner jungle base of the child of the devil was completely plunged into ruins!

More and more monsters rushed out of the seal of the base zone, and began to trample and destroy wantonly in all directions of the Demon City.

At first, the news was not spread on a large scale, because the children of the devil did not want to make the matter of their raising of the beasts public. Therefore, the first reaction of the internal powerhouse was to suppress the news first, rather than immediately sending the top experts to make up for it. seal.

But when they realized the seriousness of the matter, it was too late to make up for it. Thousands of monsters were completely frantic, destroying everything they saw madly!

At the same moment, the top powerhouses of the Demon City who hosted the competition at the competition site received news of the beast runaway and had to suspend the progress of the game!

The top ten powers of the Demon Capital have also sent masters to the family of the children of the demon.

What is even more terrifying is that the entire children of the demon, and the conspirators who conspired with ambitions, evacuated from the world of the demon in the shortest possible time! *

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