HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2048: Sword of Judgment!

"Could it be that this guy wants to use the power of the godhead to refine the soul power in these beasts?"

Needle Flower is undoubtedly the only person other than Kunpeng who knows the most about the Godhead Fragment, which also makes her the first existence to see through Kunpeng's purpose.

Just as she had judged, Kunpeng suddenly rose into the air, enveloping this powerful divine power in the center of the entire Warcraft field.


The power of the gods poured down, covering the top of the heads of these monsters, each of which seemed to be favored by the real gods, venting and roaring in its own way.

These beasts don't seem to resist this power, but rely heavily on the radiance of God's light.

After a while, the broken soul spots above the heads of these beasts began to spontaneously gather towards Kunpeng's position in the void.

And these soul spots seem to be lingering around the power of God released by Kunpeng, and finally form a complete image.

"My God! Could it be that the son of the devil hid a big secret in the souls of these monsters?"

When the totem perfectly appeared in the field of vision of these people, all the members and allies of the Kunpeng Club were completely stunned.

"Unimaginable! Isn't this sword, the most powerful weapon in the Demon World, the Sword of Judgment, which disappeared tens of thousands of years ago?"

"That's right, according to legend, the world of demons was built by a god-level great demon countless years ago, and at first he slashed the void and created the medium of the space of the demon world, the sword of judgment!

Some people even say that the laws of the entire world of demons are sealed in this artifact. Could it be that the real purpose of the sons of the demons is to awaken the sword of judgment and use this power to dominate the entire world of demons? "

Such an idea quickly appeared in Zhibi's mouth, and deeply affected everyone around him.

"It's very possible. Although the Son of Heavenly Demon is one of the top ten top forces in the magic capital, it is not difficult to find out after careful study of this lineage. The rhythm of making a fortune.

Now that their secrets have been plundered by us, they will not give up so easily! "

"Unexpectedly, they would use such a method to hide the secret of the Sword of Judgment. Now this secret is in our hands. If we are lucky, it may become a heaven-defying opportunity!"

Looking at Kunpeng's series of actions in the void, every member of the Kunpeng Club has their own thoughts in their hearts.

"I said boss, now you are the heir to the energy of this godhead fragment and the owner of the secret between the trials. What are your plans?"

Jiang Wan'er asked.

Kunpeng stopped moving, returned to the crowd, and walked over with a smile on his face.

"It's very simple, first fulfill our commitment to the top forces of the demon race, and lead those people behind the scenes of the Son of Heaven and Demons. Find the remaining secrets about the Sword of Judgment in the depths of their memories."

"You mean, the totems hidden in the souls of the beasts are not complete?"

Kunpeng nodded solemnly: "Indeed, these soul fragments are pieced together to form a complete space map that seals the sword of judgment, but whether this space is in the world of demons or not, and how to open these core clues Yes, but now I don't know anything about it.

If I'm not mistaken, these secrets must be in the hands of the children of the devil, so we must find them! "

According to Bi also nodded in agreement: "Then do you have any specific plans?"

"Let the people of the Sixth Society send out a message and pass on the fact that we have gathered all the magical beasts to those behind the scenes of the Son of Heaven, and they will naturally send people to come to negotiate with us.

As long as they dare to show up, the clues will naturally be there! "

According to Bi couldn't help but raised his brows: "Don't you worry that they will come out in full force and have a game with us?"

Kunpeng smiled and said: "If you worked hard to gather this secret, would you choose to give up so easily? If you don't see the Sword of Judgment coming, those old guys like the Son of Heaven and Demons won't be at ease!" *

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