HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2060: Share Godhead!

really! As soon as Kunpeng made his move, the power of thunder slashed in the air, and the aura of the gods instantly penetrated the top of the demon father's head, giving him no chance to even send out a breath signal.

The thorn flower seemed to be even more fierce. With a slam on the foot, the person took off and jumped several meters away, and the thorns in both hands turned out again. Staring at the person's neck is a stab in, like a father demon, In an instant, all the life source was swallowed up by this thorn, and it turned into a nihilistic flame out of thin air and completely disappeared.

"Huh? The power of this thing seems to be..."

The Needle Flower didn't know that Kunpeng had quietly shared part of the divine aura with her in order to help the Needle Flower grow to a certain extent.

Although this is not the inheritance of the gods in the true sense, when a power that originally belonged to the mortal world is branded with the traces of the gods, the power itself will naturally get the same boosting effect as transcendence.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them forcefully wiped out the dozen or so father demons.

Originally, Thorn Needle Flower planned to leave a living room, because she instinctively realized that these people came from the direction of the back mountain, and there should be some special instructions to pass on. For Kunpeng, the magic star is the most important thing. With the background of a father demon, it is not an unreachable thing to want to send a crisis signal before dying with precautions.

Just to be on the safe side, don't panic.

Soon, Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flower entered the inner domain of the back mountain.

This place looks like a huge arsenal, with all kinds of weapons and equipment piled up, which is different from the imagined area where special targets are imprisoned and detained.

"I'll go, are you sure that the magic star will be imprisoned in this kind of place?"

The needle flower looked at Kunpeng suspiciously, and the big boss Kunpeng seemed to have some doubts, but he quickly calmed down and released a small magical beast similar to a chameleon in a special container and placed it on the ground.

"Go on, little one, and find the target that scares you the most!"

This chameleon has been programmed by Kunpeng's memory, and now it is just a puppet that Kunpeng uses as a search target to complete special tasks.

I saw that the chameleon was very fast, jumped up like a fly, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the two.

Inside the factory area, there are hundreds of blacksmiths tempering their weapons right now, and the most prominent among them are teenagers who look only twelve or thirteen years old!

It was hard for Kunpeng to imagine that the magic star he was looking for would be one of those little blacksmiths with red-faced ears and red-faced faces!

"Nima... The son of the devil won't be so mad? Will the real magic star be brought to such a place to suffer?"

Although he didn't quite believe it, Kunpeng soon discovered that things really happened in this direction!

The chameleon suddenly flew up and bit the blacksmith, one of the little boys.

Next, the second, the third...

This guy is like a big mouse with agile movements. After he succeeds, he immediately moves to the next target without stopping at all. Every young man in the factory has been intimately contacted by this chameleon.

Until the end, when the chameleon came to the young man with the most shabby clothes, and was about to speak, the little boy was incomparably frenzied and directly held the hammer in his hand and pressed it in front of the chameleon.


The chameleon felt the danger, and at the same time sent a signal to Kunpeng. After getting the news, Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flower immediately moved towards the blacksmithing area.

The little boy blacksmith followed all the way, and ran out of the factory area without knowing it. This time, he just fell into the trap set by Kunpeng. He picked up the whole person, and Kunpeng jumped into the air. The little boy was taken out of the surrounding dangerous area in a few shaking, jumped up, and placed him behind a rockery.

"Boy, let me see if you're the one I'm looking for!"*

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