HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2076: The deepest bond!

Thorn Needle Flower felt this tyrannical coercion from the ancestral demon level, and didn't have much thought at all. She just instinctively took the magic star beside her into her arms, and she was using her body to protect this little guy.

"Sister, don't!"

The magic star, who was protected in his arms, was always staring at the route that the ancestor Momendo slammed down. He understood that this was a subconscious action of the needle flower to protect himself.

Since Fighting Magic Star has his own awareness, this is the first time he feels the feeling of being guarded by others.


At the critical moment, Kunpeng, who had no time to rush over to protect them, roared, and at the same time inspired an unfathomable wildness in the depths of Mo Xing's heart.

The next moment, Mo Xing's pair of pupils turned into a pair of blood-like red, and the moment it enveloped Mundo, it seemed that Mundo's huge body seemed to be blessed with a very strange energy halo.

"Get out of here!"

At the same moment, Kunpeng, who burst into the limit speed, finally sent a volley just before this guy's huge body collided with the needle flower.

The red light wrapped around this guy inadvertently made a stunning arc, and it was actually smashed in the direction of the tombstone.

At this moment, a strange scene that Kunpeng and the three had not expected suddenly appeared.

Without the violent tremor and roar that I imagined, Mundo's huge body disappeared on the surface of the tombstone in such a strange way.

In other words, the tombstone itself is an entrance to a hidden space passage. The reason why Kunpeng didn't find it before is because the touch and opening of the entrance of this passage is limited by certain conditions.

"How could this be? How about Mundo and others, actually got into that tombstone??"

"It turns out that there are other secrets here!"

Kunpeng showed a smile, and when he came up, he first looked at the needle flower and the magic star, and he was relieved after confirming that the two were not injured.

"Just now, when you kicked that guy, you must have unintentionally wrapped some of the unique power of your bloodline inheritance on him. When he was infinitely close to the tombstone, it was just because of your breath that touched him. Touching the corresponding special prohibition opens a passage to another dimension."

The needle flower also had a shocked expression: "So, the three of us should also be able to enter it!"

"Try it!"

Kunpeng said, instinctively protecting himself in front of the needle flower and the magic star, and came to this special tombstone again.

First, I tried to touch the tombstone, but nothing changed.

Afterwards, Kunpeng gave the needle flower a look, and the girl also came up to test it, but there was still no response.

"Sure enough, the two of us can't do it. If Mundo can achieve it by himself, it is estimated that he would have gone in long ago. Boy, the key to the problem is really still on you."

Mo Xing nodded firmly, as if following Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flower, he always felt full of security.

Leaning forward, Mo Xing, under the guidance of Kunpeng, first gently wiped the tombstone with his hands.

Sure enough, after the presence of the magic star, the tombstone reacted immediately, and an incomparably transparent mirror appeared in front of it, shrouding Kunpeng and the three of them.

"That's right, it's this mirror, and this is the only way to open the teleportation mechanism!" Kunpeng found the answer, and then pulled up the little hands of the magic star at the same time with the needle flower.

"Boy, follow the method I gave you, and there will be a reaction." Kunpeng hurriedly injected a soul thought into Mo Xing's mind.

Immediately following, two big and one small, three people, holding hands like this, stood side by side in front of this mirror. As everyone knows, the scene that was fed back from it is like a brand. The moment they looked at each other and showed a smile, it was deeply engraved in the depths of the three people's hearts and became unique among the three. An indestructible bond of the deepest. *

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