HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2083: The secret of the soul-suppressing bone!

"No, watch out for the stinger on its wings!"

It is very important to point out this wave of Needle Flowers at the right time, because Kunpeng didn't notice at first that this big mantis diving down was just a bluff, because it didn't dare to compete with Kunpeng head-on at all.

Sure enough, at the moment when the wings spread out from behind, the big mantis suddenly burst out with two extremely solid and powerful magic blades!

This is a top-level animal bone hidden weapon forged from the blood of the big mantis. If it is an ordinary physique, it is estimated that a wave of poking can easily penetrate the body of an ordinary person.

After all, the strength of Kunpeng's physical body is far incomparable. More importantly, when they first came to this space, the three of them had already bathed in the blood of the magic pool, and the physical strength was further improved, which showed the real tyrannical heritage.


Punching out from the front, Kunpeng was born with a stubborn force, and he used his fist to condense the power of the Lord Godhead and blasted the giant bone out.

"Damn, your body is really strong! But it's useless. I am the guardian beast of the Wangchuan River. With the blessing of Wangchuan's power, you will never be able to kill me."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Kunpeng rose into the air and inadvertently handed the needle behind him a look. Obviously, Kunpeng had already made his own plans for this guy's weakness.

The next moment, Kunpeng suddenly waved his hand, and he had already prepared a wave of thorn needles to cooperate with him, and immediately condensed one of his two divine artifact cone thorns in the palm of his hand, and mobilized Kunpeng's soul power to fly into the air. The other one was held tightly in the other hand by the thorn needle.

"go to hell!"

The big man Kunpeng suddenly let out a loud roar, the two thorns condensed into a whole, and the dazzling blade light erupted at the same time, the incomparably tyrannical light of the artifact was tightly locked at the two ends of the big mantis' body, and the burst of divine light burst out. Force, a single face will penetrate its body completely.


Painful howls came out. This trick was used before, but it could threaten the existence of an Ancestral Demon-level powerhouse. Even if this big mantis was extraordinary, when the power of this artifact was fully released, it It is also difficult to contend with.

A ferocious blood hole immediately appeared on his body. Through the explosion of the power of this artifact, the big mantis quickly wilted, and the whole body turned into a blood-colored light ball the size of a fist, trying to break free from Kunpeng's breath lock in this way and escape back behind him. The end of the black abyss.

"Follow it!"

Kunpeng immediately sent a sound transmission to the needle flower, and deliberately sold it to the other party with a broken bloom and it escaped. Little did he know that Kunpeng had already left the source of the gods on the big mantis for positioning and tracking.

After chasing them all the way, finally, the three Kunpeng were taken to the end of the dark abyss by the big mantis.

In front of it is an endless gray-white river, which stretches across the black canyon below the abyss.

"Here, is Wangchuan? That is to say, the secret of the soul-suppressing bone is hidden in this place?"

Kunpeng looked at the magic star beside him and asked.

"According to the content of the guide, it is indeed the case. I just don't know where the so-called clues are hidden. Is it in the Forgotten River? Or..."

The needle raised his eyebrows: "Is it possible, do you want to jump into this river to find out?"

Kunpeng hurriedly shook his head: "If it's that simple, I'm afraid we won't be able to discover the secret of the soul-suppressing bone."*

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