HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2085: Fault Raid!


After waiting for more than ten seconds, the ray of light that Magic Star expected did not appear.

Just when Kunpeng looked embarrassed, the light suddenly fell from the top of his head.

"Pfft hahaha!"

The needle flower and the magic star almost hugged each other and laughed at Kunpeng desperately. It was rare to seize the opportunity of such a big boss to make an embarrassment. Naturally, it was a wave of hysteria.

"It's embarrassing, it's the first time to play this trick, the rhythm control is not very good, but the two of you should already know what I want to express. I guess, under this forgetfulness, there should be countless other connections. The ancient demon world plane, and these contents, we can't distinguish with the naked eye, and we can't even accurately screen the space."

Needle Flower quickly put away her smile and looked a little grim.

"That is to say, you suspect that the demon-suppressing bones are hidden in those special plane faults under the Forgotten River?"

Kunpeng nodded: "That's the truth. But as I said, the danger is on the one hand, and on the other hand, how do we determine which plane fault seals the demon bone, which depends on the little guy to solve it That's the problem."

Mo Xing smiled indifferently and spread out his hands: "I have no problem, as long as I can be with you two, I will be happy with whatever you ask me to do!"

This was just a word from Mo Xing's heart inadvertently, but it became the softest point in the hearts of Kunpeng and Thorn Needle.

"Okay, you give me a little of your blood, and I will guide the demon bones, so that I can be sure to take care of the safety of both of you at the same time."

Kunpeng said that he actually blessed a powerful divine aura directly outside his body, and then, under the guidance of this power, he carried the origin of the bloodline of the demon star, so that his body would not be affected by the demon star. blood vessels for forced absorption.

Soon, an incomparably pure purple bloodline source entered Kunpeng's palm, and after being held in his hand, this power followed the tyrannical fluctuations in the body and melted into a blood-colored light shroud, covering the periphery of Kunpeng's body. .

"That's it!"

Kunpeng walked to the needle flower and the magic star.

"Give me your hand."

Kunpeng didn't feel anything. There was no doubt that the needle flower was electrocuted again, and he was a little hesitant and shy instinctively.

Maybe she never even thought that she would one day, when facing a man, give birth to such a state.

"Hey, I said you, you're not too young, and you're so awkward, let's just be his woman!"

The emotional assist Wang Xiaomoxing made a strong shot again, giving Thorn Needle Flower and Kunpeng a strong emotional crit deep in their hearts.

It seems that it was his catalytic effect this time that both Kunpeng and Sashimihua stopped escaping for the first time and chose to face this delicate emotion between them.

Looking back carefully, since the first cooperation between Dajingzhenhua and Kunpeng at the headquarters of the Son of Heaven, the two have cooperated several times, large and small, and have experienced life and death situations. During such a journey, the two People work together side by side, and time and time again, they use exquisite tacit cooperation to save danger.

It is said that war is the best place to cultivate feelings. After experiencing life and death together, it is absolutely impossible to say that the two have no feelings at all.

More importantly, Kunpeng himself found out that he seemed to be able to break out unexpected sparks in the process of cooperating with this woman. No matter how strong the opponent is, no matter how difficult the situation is, as long as the two join forces, it is possible to create miracles.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Now there are many more tests waiting for the three of us. It is not certain whether we can go back alive or not."

The needle flower took the initiative to speak, so that the tiny embarrassment at this moment was calmly resolved, but in fact, for the needle flower and Kunpeng, this was no longer embarrassing at all, but a real emotional expression.

Kunpeng also nodded with a grim expression, the general quality of this woman's knowledge is quite rare. There is a unique style of women who do not allow men. *

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