HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2087: Ten Thousand Demons!

You must know that although these plane faults are not too strong to block each other, since they are independent plane fragments, they will have completely different law thresholds.

And this kind of non-energy body form of law boundary, although there is no mandatory imprisoning effect on physical power, but it can produce considerable obstacles to the transmission of spiritual power.

Every time the spiritual force crosses two adjacent plane faults, it is equivalent to horizontally crossing two independent plane spaces with its own spiritual force!

That is to say, Kunpeng has such a background. If it was someone else, his mental power would be on the verge of collapse after passing through two critical blockades.

And Kunpeng's fortune is absolutely incomparable. With the blessing of the power of the main god, his powerful spiritual power has become particularly powerful. After piercing through more than 30 places and facing the boundary, he finally accurately locked the needle flower and the The coordinates of the fault space where the two magic stars are located.

"wait for me!"

After re-locking the aura of the needle flower and the magic star, Kunpeng did not hesitate any more, and immediately started the ultimate movement technique and moved quickly in the direction of the target.

However, this process is not as easy as imagined. It seems that every time the law of crossing a plane fault is critical, the greater the pressure on Kunpeng's actions.

The reason is that numerous plane faults are piled up together, causing some of the power of the law to produce a messy negative form, causing a strong repulsion between each other, and Kunpeng's body has become the carrier of the accumulation of these side reactions.

After traversing more than a dozen plane faults one after another, he was as strong as Kunpeng, but he had to stop and rest for a while.

At the same time, the needle flower and the magic star, who have fallen into the new plane fault, have not encountered any danger.

"Hey! This space seems a little unusual!"

Mo Xingpu's big bright eyes flashed, and instinctively uttered such a judgmental speech, which attracted the attention of Thorn Needle Flower.

"what do you mean…"

"This place is different from those plane faults in the outside world. It has a complete spatial form. If I guess correctly, the location where we are at the moment should be the entrance to this mysterious space."

After all, Mo Xing is the only inheritor of Demon Venerable's bloodline, and his sensitivity to the laws of the surrounding space is far beyond human comparison. In his judgment, Thorn Needle Flower is convinced.

"So, the clues to the demon bone are likely to appear in this space too?"

At the same moment when the voice of the needle flower landed, the empty stone wall space in front of him suddenly transformed into two old man's soul lights, both of which were complete soul bodies, slowly walking towards the two people of the needle flower and the magic star.

"Welcome Young Master to Ten Thousand Demons, our Master, you are finally back!"

After the two soul bodies came ten steps away from the demon star, they both knelt on one knee and clasped their fists with both hands, paying homage to the demon star with an extremely pious gesture.

After getting closer, I took a closer look, and the needle flower was surprised to find that the two soul bodies were the two soul receivers that appeared in the tombstone successively,

"It's you!"

"Calm down, girl, soon, you will understand everything about this place, come with us."

The two soul bodies slowly got up, and then led the needle flower and the magic star to stop and walk all the way to the depths of this stone wall space.

"Myriad Demons... What kind of place is this place?"

The needle flower muttered in her heart until the two were led into a dark space that was completely closed in four directions, and the powerful aura of the demon-suppressing bone suddenly awakened, causing the force of blood in the demon star to spurt wantonly.

"It's here!"

Mo Xing suddenly roared and spread his arms above his head.

In an instant, countless huge bone shadows were constantly flying around this closed space, and the violent demonic pressure seemed to completely wipe out all the external sources of power in this space.

It is worth mentioning that although Thorn Needle Flower is an outsider, but because of the boy Mo Xing, the enchantment power that belongs to the bloodline of Demon Venerable invisibly, naturally also shields Thorn Needle Flower from this tyrannical power. pressure. *

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