HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2090: Resolutely!

In this way, you have both the inheritance of the devil's bones of the devil, and the powerful blood of the devil that belongs to him as a new foundation. At that time, I am afraid not only in the world of demons, but also in other planes. Can have a dominant position! "

The needle spent some judgment, and it really showed the ambitions of the two guys in front of him.

"Hahaha! It should be said that the person who knows us best should be you girl. But you need to have a sense, that is, you have become our prisoner at this time, not that you guess the better. , the greater the vitality. But the closer you control the situation, the closer the **** of death is to you. Do you think the two of us can still let you leave alive? "

Needle Flower laughed unbridledly: "Whether I have this qualification, I need to see if I have such strength. If I can't even clean up the mess like you, then I don't have the qualifications to talk nonsense here."

After that, Thorn Needle Flower hurled the shield, and the purple artifact-level light shield was used like a dart by this top goddess boss.


A muffled sound came out, and the huge purple light shield flew horizontally behind the two soul-body old men in front of him, and pierced into the center of the underground palace wall, the core part of the huge mural pattern.

Coincidentally, the point where the shield was inlaid into the wall was the only vacant position in the palm of the goddess of Purgatory, which was admired by the Demon World that day.


At the moment when the shield of the divine weapon was embedded in the mechanism in the wall, terrifying tremors and fluctuations continued to spread, and the entire enchantment became restless at this moment.

"what happened?"

The two demon souls looked at each other in dismay, and these two old things didn't know, there was still such an arrangement hidden in this enchantment!

Soon, in the direction at the end of everyone's field of vision, where the purgatory goddess stone wall was, a huge stone wall appeared out of thin air, opening a brand new door to the secret room.

"Go in and see!"

The two old demon souls were full of greed, and Quan Dang's suddenly opened door was a secret passage leading to a secret room. If there was a world-shattering magic treasure, it would definitely be a heaven-defying creation.

As for the needle flower and the magic star, in the eyes of the two demon souls, they are already in their pockets, and it is difficult to break free, so they are not in a hurry to start targeting them.

"You two, just stay here obediently for me, I don't need to go anywhere, wait for the two of us to investigate first, and then come back and teach you a lesson, hum."

The old man with Demon Soul suddenly shot, and the powerful soul power quickly condensed into a solid wall of light, completely blocking the needle flower and the magic star, blocking the possibility of their actions.

The needle flower and the magic star were temporarily safe, but the contents sealed in the secret room that suddenly appeared aroused their strong curiosity.

Looking at each other, one big one and one small two stunned Qingtou sighed helplessly.

"Sure enough, women are unreliable at the critical moment. If brother Kunpeng was there, we would have followed up by now!"

"Hey, I said you are a jerk, if it wasn't for your sister's desperate protection just now, you would have become their dead soul by now!"

"A little bit!"

These two people only care about bickering, but they don't know that the eight demon-suppressing bones have also been brought into the secret room by the two old demon souls, and the danger is coming quietly.


With a flash of light, the big boss Kunpeng finally arrived. Looking back, the needle flower and the magic star were pinching each other's cheeks for a while, ignoring the power of the ancestral demon-level light outside them. Be careful, it could endanger their lives.

"Hey, I knew you two were so big-hearted, I didn't have to rush over in such a hurry."

Shaking his head helplessly, Kunpeng made a strong shot, and with just one face-to-face, the ancestral demon-level light was completely refined into nothingness.

"Huh? Your divine power... seems to be much stronger than before! Did you break through again?"

The needle flower looked at Kunpeng in surprise and asked.

Before the two became friends, Thorn Needle Flower had always regarded Kunpeng as an opponent, and had studied his strength for a while, so she was very sensitive to this guy's aura fluctuations, and now she was even more surprised by Kunpeng's powerful methods. *

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