HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2097: The ruins of the battlefield are coming!

Kunpeng's judgment is not bad at all. After the curse pattern on Emperor Jia's body was ignited, the spiritual retrieval ability released almost instantly broke through the laws of the current space. Shrouded to other surrounding planes.

"What an astonishing power... This Jia Emperor's physical carrying capacity is really terrifying, and it is no longer something that can be achieved by divine power in a pure sense. It is worthy of being the three guardians of the Demon Venerable back then. I am afraid that these three people are each have a special ability."

As soon as the needle flower finished speaking, the first crime bone from the outer domain broke through the space blockade and entered the entire area where the energy of the large array gathered, suspended above the heads of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, one after another giant bones continued to descend, condensing into a densely packed bone formation on the top of the six people's heads. Power manifests.

It took three days and three nights for the entire eighty-one giant bones to return to their positions. The moment the inscription on Emperor Jia's body dimmed, he also fell into a deep sleep state. He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes. mental exhaustion.

"Young master, it's your turn! Except for your Demon Venerable bloodline, no one can connect these eighty-one giant bone inscriptions together. Although we can find them, we can't use them."

Deren said, Mo Xing nodded earnestly, took a deep look at the countless giant bones above his head, and suddenly drew a blood-stained arc from the center of his palm, and released it at the giant bone formation. The power of his irreplaceable Demon Venerable bloodline.

The bright red blood continued to drift, scattered from all directions and awakened eighty-one sinful bones at the same time.

The next moment, all the giant bones stained red with blood burst into a humming tremor at the same time, and at the same time instinctively released an incomparably tyrannical resistance force.

"I come!"

Deren soared into the sky, like an immovable mountain, lying between the magic star and the giant bones, using his tough flesh to block the shocking coercion released by the eighty-one giant bones.


The ground was shaken by the breath of these giant bones, Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flowers also made defensive postures one after another, and the entire space involuntarily tended to collapse!

The golden light on Deren's body suddenly skyrocketed at this time. The amazing defensive power and physical strength are the most irreplaceable manifestations of his role as the leader of the three guards.

"Boy, start compiling these inscriptions!"

After the magic star heard Kunpeng's voice, he immediately gathered his mind and began to focus on the interpretation. The inscription information on each giant bone quickly passed into the eyes of the demon star and poured into his brain. In a very short period of time, the correct arrangement of the complicated inscriptions was smoothed out, and the resistance of the giant bones was rapidly weakened!

boom! !

In an instant, all the crime bones shattered, leaving only those inscription sequences that were successfully cracked by the magic star, turned into a golden ring, lingering over everyone's heads.

When Mo Xing opened his eyes again, a huge door of light emitting a world-shattering light condensed in the center of the golden inscription sequence.


Deren and Xinbang shouted excitedly, the gateway to the immortal battlefield ruins, the power beyond the laws of time and space was finally restored perfectly at this moment!

In fact, this is the greatest value expression of the blood of Demon Venerable. Only the Demon Star can open the passage to the immortal battlefield ruins. Although that place is full of unknown dangers, it is a treasure place that records the epic of the battle between the gods and the demons. There are countless Where the most powerful gods and demons in the world fell, there will be various inheritance opportunities waiting for them to explore.

The holy light of the ruins portal shone down, and the magic star seemed to be inexplicably excited. He ran to Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flower at the first time, and led them both left and right at the same time.

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look. For some reason, I have a hunch that my ancestor Demon Venerable will have important guidance waiting for us. This time should be a good journey."

Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flower looked at each other without any further hesitation, and came to the three of De Lun.

The three guards gathered again under the order of the magic star. As the first to open the door of light, they broke through the light shackles of the seal in front of them. *

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