HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2106: Heritage Treasures!

"Um... Boss, do you want to see what your injured position looks like now?"

Thorn Needle Flower said, her palm suddenly flickered, and she offered a special magic weapon similar to a bronze mirror, aiming at the flesh and blood part of Kunpeng's self-repair, covering a spiritual brand, and the corresponding position was engraved on the the surface of this Mirror Artifact.

When Kunpeng saw the state of his corresponding flesh and blood part from the mirror, he also instinctively raised his brows.

"To be honest, I didn't feel the slightest discomfort. On the contrary, the repaired part of the flesh and blood seemed to be a little cooler, which made me feel very comfortable."

At the same time, the magic star gradually came up, touched his chin to make a thinker appearance, and took a careful look at the position of Kunpeng's corresponding flesh and blood.

"Uh, I seem to have seen this pattern somewhere!"

Both Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flower turned their heads in shock to look at the magic star with the face of a little adult in front of him. It seems that this little guy can always surprise everyone at critical moments!

"When I was a child, I sneaked into the library in the headquarters of the Son of Heaven several times. There are bookcases dedicated to collecting ancient civilizations. I have seen a pattern like this more than once. If I remember correctly, this pattern should be Represents a mysterious race famous for its summoning in ancient times!"

The needle flower looked at the magic star with a shocked face: "Then do you also know that there is still a lineage of this alien race in the world?"

Mo Xing shook his head helplessly: "The people who appeared in that counter, if there are no special circumstances, are all extinct races, but the guy just now has the power of this vein in this lantern, which is very likely to show that this race also once Having participated in the battle of gods and demons, we might as well search this space to see if there are any other treasures..."

Kunpeng and Thorn Needle Flower looked at each other, and both felt that this little guy's proposal was a good one, so the three of them split up and started looking around.

Suddenly, in the direction of the needle flower, there was a sudden stumbling under her feet, which almost tripped her. The girl raised her foot angrily and stomped the ground a few times, but she accidentally raised a piece of silver. Round card!

"Look, there's a discovery here!"

Needle Flower turned over the buried silver medal and handed it to Kunpeng and Moxing. Fortunately, the pattern on the silver medal was the same font as the pattern on the back of Kunpeng!

"Sure enough, if I'm not mistaken, the location of this floor is where this mysterious race participated in the battle of gods! It's also where they went to fall, and that wretched guy should have used this lantern to sneak up on this place. A strong line of inheritance!"

Needle Flower nodded in agreement: "Yes, that guy must have a more powerful follow-up method, and he was defeated by our sudden attack before he could use it. If this is the case, then this is very likely to shock the world. The treasure of inheritance, boss, you are blessed!"

In the face of this sudden encounter in front of him, Kunpeng is also rarely confused. After all, this power has exceeded his own cognition. When he slowly took over the disc in the hands of the needle flower, a burst of The incomparably cool power suddenly transmitted the lines on the surface of the disc into Kunpeng's palm.

Then it quickly resonated with the few special powers in Kunpeng's body that belonged to it. In the next instant, a strange and mysterious voice appeared in Kunpeng's mind.

"Fate of people, after countless thousands of years, someone has finally awakened our Kaza lineage!"

At this moment, a strange scene suddenly appeared. The disc in front of him quickly transformed into the image of a gray-white old man's face. The light like a soul totem flashed away, and then the disc in his hand seemed to have life. Suddenly, he broke away from Kunpeng's palm, and quickly flew away in the direction of the southwest.

"Follow him!"

Mo Xing suddenly raised a note, and the three of them, Kunpeng and Thorn Needle, immediately followed the direction of the disc and rushed over.

Soon, an incomparably deep lake appeared in front of the three of them. The surface of the lake was shrouded in thick mysterious mist, giving people a quiet and elegant feeling.

Just when Kunpeng tried to step into the lake with one foot, the endless fog on the surface of the lake instantly dissipated, revealing the true face hidden under the fog, that is, countless gray-white old soul-like undead bodies transformed out. , like thousands of lonely dead souls, because of the appearance of Kunpeng, they once again glowed with new life. *

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