HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2108: Undead Summons!

"If this is the case, then boss, you should inherit the power of this lineage. Anyway, we will eventually reach the end of this Mota and meet the Death God, and it will be a matter of time."

Needle Flowers supports Kunpeng to obtain this power of inheritance. In any case, it belongs to the power of the ancient times. It is always good to have the identity of a line of rulers for no reason.

Kunpeng smiled helplessly and spread his hands: "But I don't know anything about the inheritance of the undead lineage. How can I lead you to a brighter future?"

The gray-white old man showed a smile and looked very kind.

"This is very easy. The bloodline of King Poliuxi is completely preserved by this disc, and as a servant of the king, I will naturally be loyal to you. I will use all my experience to assist you in perfectly inheriting the lineage of the undead. You truly have the ability to control our billions of undead. Although our strength is not very strong, in the field of summoning a line of power, except for the power of death, no one can match the power of the undead. You will have Guarded by endless undead servants!"

"If you want to master the most complete inheritance of the power of the undead, you must first obtain the most complete bloodline of King Poliuxi, and then let your most loyal servant pass on the power of blood for you!"

Granger, the kind old man on the disc, spoke slowly, and under his guidance, the disc was once again suspended from the void in front of the big boss Kunpeng.

Now that he has decided to inherit the lineage of the undead, Kunpeng will naturally not refuse, he slowly closed his eyes, slightly adjusted his mental state, and dragged the disc in his palm.

During the whole process, Demon Star and Thorn Needle Flower, both of them stared intently at the side to prevent any accidents from happening in the process of blood transmission.

"Great King Poliuxi, your best successor has arrived, please grant me the power of the spell pattern inherited from my bloodline!"

Granger suddenly became excited, the soul light and shadow were enlarged countless times, and he soon released his soul body, and above his head, an extremely fantastic gray-white elemental power halo quickly assembled, in his body. Under the guidance, this gray-white halo quickly blessed the top of Kunpeng's head, and various incomparably complicated ancient spell patterns began to emerge.

With the continuous condensing of the power of these spell patterns, the purest power essence followed the mark behind the big boss Kunpeng and merged into the bloodline of Kunpeng. At the same time as the whole process was going on, the disc was also constantly changing. It melted into the purest source of undead power, and disappeared in Kunpeng's body one after another.

As the inheritance of the power of the bloodline of the undead proceeded smoothly, the skin of Kunpeng's body quickly turned grayish-white. Little did he know that this was the basic reaction of the bloodline transmission of King Bo Liuxi.

Until every inch of Kunpeng's skin was covered with grayish-white color, when he opened his eyes again, a pair of pupils of Kunpeng's boss burst into an incomparably transparent and shining grayish-white light, and the whole person unconsciously became more A layer of strange and profound aura unique to the leader of the undead!

"Wow, boss, at this moment you really look as good as the undead master!"

"Congratulations, Your Excellency, you have obtained the complete bloodline of King Bo Liuxi, but this does not mean that you have obtained the true inheritance of the undead lineage. The blessing of the bloodline can only provide you with the qualification to obtain the inheritance. One pulse technique requires time and effort.”

As the gray-white old man Granger said, he suddenly entered an ancient book made of soul force into the soul sea of ​​Kunpeng boss.

In a matter of seconds, Kunpeng felt an indescribable freshness coming from his soul sea space, and tried to touch the ancient book with his soul thoughts. A gray-white sea, quiet and deep, bred an endless breath of undead elements.

Soon, Granger's spirit body appeared in the sky above the sea of ​​undead, giving one-to-one advanced guidance to the big boss Kunpeng.

"Now, you can try to use the spell pattern I just told you to absorb the undead elements in the sea of ​​​​the undead, and then try to activate the corresponding spell pattern power to summon the undead warrior!"*

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