HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2118: Not to be underestimated!

"Damn, how dare you attack us!" The snake warriors roared.

Kunpeng sneered: "That's because you are not qualified to face my frontal attack. Getting rid of you ants is just a matter of snapping your fingers."

This wave of his actions is really not pretending, because he is just stating a fact. In the face of these snake people warriors, he does not need to use real strength at all, just a puppet brushed out, these condescending The guy who is also considered to give them a slap in the face.

"Listen, I know that your position in the snake people is not as irreplaceable as you think, now I will give you a chance to escape, return to your tribe, and tell you the queen of the snake people, the great Kunpeng It has already arrived, ask her to bring the well-headed elders of your snake people out to bow down to greet you, otherwise I don't mind completely obliterating all the snake people in the entire jungle battlefield."

In fact, he didn't want to slaughter the snake people, he was just deterring his opponents in this way.

In front of him, the snake-human elder, who had already been frightened, no longer dared to be reckless. He turned into a turquoise light and disappeared in front of Kunpeng, hiding at the end of the jungle.

"Wow, hahaha, the big guy really deserves to be the big guy. The dozen or so serpent warriors have been cleaned up with three strokes and five divisions!"

"That's right, we don't have any doubts about your strength, boss, but you have to be clear, the snake people are not as easy to deal with as you think, although their individual combat effectiveness is not very strong, but the tigers can't stand the wolves, once the snake people warriors It is also very difficult for us to carry out a large-scale encirclement and suppression attack on us.”

The bloodthirsty mad wolf and the white lion who were traveling together expressed that they were very afraid of the snake people. They knew better that although the strength of the Kunpeng team was amazing, and they had the blood of the demon, but this did not mean that they were encountering the snake people. Encirclement and suppression They can leave alive in a state of being, after all, how powerful the Queen of Snake People is, they have also seen it.

Without waiting for Kunpeng to speak, the needle flower on the side came up with a sneer: "Have you two stayed in this jungle for a long time, even the courage has been worn out, isn't it just a snake? You don't need it at all. Kunpeng does it himself, and the old lady can solve her alone!"

As soon as the voice of the needle flower fell, a slender green figure quickly appeared in the sky, and behind this figure, followed by a large area of ​​dark green outlines, there is no doubt that these people were summoned by the elder of the snake people. , the true ruling class of the tribe!

"Be careful, the breath of these guys should not be underestimated."

Kunpeng carefully mentioned the sashimi flowers behind him. He was really afraid that this girl would suddenly make some impulsive actions and be hit hard by the snake warriors in front of him.

Hearing this, the needle flower really smiled coldly: "Don't think that you are much stronger than me, what you can do, I can do the same as my aunt, isn't it just a mere snake? I'll take off her snake skin, Bring it here and show it to you!"

Needle Flower took out the previous mask trophy and put it on her face. This trophy has many functions. When the several rays of light on the surface of the mask flickered, the anti-virus effect of the mask itself was also improved to the most extreme level. .

"Reporting to Her Majesty the Queen, this woman is also one of Kunpeng's companions, and her strength should not be underestimated."

The Queen's attitude towards Thorn Needle Flower doesn't seem to be much different from Thorn Needle Flower's attitude towards her. It is the attitude of a strong woman, who is not convinced by anyone.

The Queen of Snake People waved her hand behind her. She, who was also wearing a mask on her face, suddenly raised the corner of her mouth slightly, turning into a dark green shadow, and immediately locked the position of the needle flower below.

The next moment, the two goddesses met for the first time in the void of the battlefield, and both burst out with an unparalleled fighting force. *

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