HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2121: Totally outraged!

As soon as the Queen of the Snake Race fell, her body suddenly hung up in the air, her eyes closed and her hands clasped in front of her chest, making a movement similar to a knot.

It was only at this moment that the boss of Kunpeng realized the danger, because he found that the Queen of the Snake Race was able to completely block her own breath release in the process of displaying the Profound Righteousness.

You must know that any powerful exercise method must have a process of preparing to accumulate power while urging it. This is an objective fact that no one can block in theory, especially the means with special sealing effect. in this way.

Because the sealing method often needs to bind the original breath of the attacking target in advance, it is easier to reflect the whole process of casting the spell.

Under normal circumstances, the release of powerful confinement means often requires a helper to assist in order to increase the chance of success.

But this time, the Queen of the Snake Race is clearly in a state of completely independent spellcasting, and even as strong as Kunpeng can't capture her aura fluctuations, this is a bit too buggy!

"Be careful, she might..."

Before Kunpeng finished his words, he discovered that the thorn needle flower around him, the bright light in his pupils, had quickly become dull and dim in a very short period of time.

There is no doubt that such changes are all thanks to the Queen of the Snake Race, and it must be directly related to the strange forbidden secret method of the Snake Race that she casts.

"Smelly mother-in-law, what did you do to the needle flower, stop quickly, or I will obliterate all your clansmen!"

Kunpeng was furious and released his incomparably powerful aura, which turned into several gusts of wind blowing towards the surroundings. At the same time, a ball of divine energy quickly condensed in his palm, locking on the Queen of the Snake Race who was singing in the void.


At the moment when the purple-red thunder light blasted out, it penetrated the outline of the Queen of the Snake Clan floating in mid-air. Kunpeng and Mo Xing were completely stunned. The energy ball actually penetrated the outline of the Queen of the Snake Clan in such an incredible way, and blasted at the end of the sky out of thin air. .

"Her body is actually blurred? How is this possible? In such a state, in theory, there is no way to sing powerful exercises!"

The bloodthirsty mad wolf also had a puzzled expression on his face, and he was a little more in awe of the snake queen in front of him.

In the past, Mad Wolf and White Lion only heard about the reputation of the Queen of the Snake Clan, and did not directly touch her bad head. Now the two of them are in the company of the Kunpeng team, and they have undoubtedly embarked on a journey with the Snake Clan. The relationship of opposites can be said to be difficult to ride now.

You know, the two of them are more nervous than Kunpeng and the others. If the Kunpeng team can't support the powerful force of the snake people, there is no doubt that these two guys will also be unlucky.

"Hmph, I'm not self-sufficient! What our queen will use next is the most powerful spiritual attack of the snake clan - the snake seal! Your woman is stained with the queen's snake venom, and you don't need to lock her breath again, just To be able to complete the urging of the sealing means, once your woman's pupils turn completely gray, it means that her soul will fall into eternal sleep."

The one who said these words was the real elder management of the Snake People who followed behind the Queen. The indifferent judgment of the blond Snake Man completely angered Kunpeng.

"I really want to know, who gave you a sense of superiority that made you dare to be so unscrupulous in front of me. The needle flower is my woman, and no one can hurt her, even if the Demon Venerable is revived, it doesn't have the qualifications!"


The big boss Kunpeng rushed to the crown with a rage, and his feet shook violently. With just one action, the entire battlefield here was shaken in shock.

At the same time, in the middle of the jungle, the two dark shadows who had fallen asleep suddenly opened their sharp eyes, and they were obviously disturbed by the earth-shattering sound waves that Kunpeng suddenly ran away in the depths of the jungle.

"Who emits such a powerful breath... This breath is very unfamiliar. We have never contacted it before. Could it be that an outsider has come from the Eternal Magic Tower?"

The other shadow looked particularly deep, obviously an old man with a very deep and terrifying background: "Don't you know if you go and see? Anyway, you and I have slept for too long, and it's time to move your muscles and bones."*

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