HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2130: compassion!

Kunpeng couldn't help but take a deep breath: "You mean to go to the tenth floor, the eleventh floor with the weakest strength is already an independent kingdom with a mature system? If this is the case, then we want to clear the customs. Wouldn't it take a long time to reach the top of the final magic tower for all twenty floors?"

Hei Ying sighed: "Theoretically, of course, but there is a special method that can help you reduce a lot of trouble, but this method requires great opportunities. In the seventh floor space, the God of Void has a special The top-level treasures can travel between the planes of time and space. If you have the opportunity to obtain a handed down artifact, it is possible to perform miracles that cross the level, so that you can avoid some planes with too large volume and save a lot of space. trouble."

"I see…"

Kunpeng nodded thoughtfully: "Thank you for helping me clear this doubt in my heart, as a thank you, I decided to let you go, after all, there is no incomprehensible enmity between you and me, as long as you allow us one It's convenient, and of course I won't make it too difficult for you."

As soon as Kunpeng's voice fell, he immediately released a mental coercion on Thorn Needle Flower, signaling her to stop her current offensive actions.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty mad wolf and the white lion also stopped their joint attack on the eight tails. Although the eight tails suffered serious injuries and had lost the ability to resist, at least they would not lose their lives.

Soon, the needles and flowers returned to Kunpeng's side, and Yawei also dragged his severely injured body to stand with the shadow.

"What did you do? Did you really turn your back on your beliefs and tell these people the secrets of the eleventh floor?"

Eight tails looked anxious. Obviously, the secret revealed by the shadow just now is closely related to her beliefs. In fact, everyone who believes in the God of Light regards betrayal of their race and beliefs as the greatest shame.

It is precisely because of this that Kunpeng realized what it means to Hei Ying to get her secret...

"I have long been abandoned by the Guangming family. Now you are the most important to me. I will not allow anyone to hurt your life. Since I can't beat them, then I can only break my original promise. You don't have to think too much. , Anyway, for me, the light has long been like a dream, generally hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and this dream should have been awakened long ago."

Eight tails left behind tears of sadness, and hugged the shadow tightly, like a weather-beaten sister hugging her own sister. The warmth between the two at this moment gradually corrupted the others. A heart full of murderous desires.

"Forget it, these two people have nothing to do with us, so let them go, there's no need to kill them all."

Before Kunpeng could speak in person, the mad wolf beside him was the first to feel compassion...

"However, I have one condition!"

"You can tell me what conditions, as long as we can do it, we will definitely not refuse."

There was a sincere glow in the eyes of Sombra and Yawei, and it could be seen that they really wanted to make up for the Kunpeng team in this way.

After all, this confrontation was also initiated by the two strongest bosses in the jungle battlefield.

In the end, they were helpless and failed to defeat the Kunpeng team. It was also their own fault. Now they have been forgiven by Kunpeng and several others. If they don't show some sincerity, I am afraid that Sombra and Yawei themselves will feel ashamed.

"Actually, when we first came to the jungle battlefield, I felt that this space had completely different characteristics from the previous two floors. In the depths of the jungle, if I guessed correctly, there should be some kind of special hidden in it. It should be a spiritual artifact of quite high purity, if you can provide some clues, it will be a happy ending."

Eight tails and Sombra looked at each other, obviously the two of them didn't seem to notice anything about this so-called spiritual artifact.

"It shouldn't be possible, could you be mistaken? The two of us have lived in this layer of jungle for so many years, and we have never felt any difference in mental power!"

"It can be seen that Yawei and Hei Ying really want to compensate the Kunpeng team, and there is no need for them to lie about this matter!

But Kunpeng's insight is by no means comparable to these people, and there may be some tricks in it.

At this moment, Thorn Needle Flower accidentally glanced at the Queen of the Snake Race, and she found that the Queen of the Snake Race had a strange expression, and her eyes were always evasive, as if there were some hidden secrets. *

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