HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 2200: Open up a channel!

"Don't say it anymore, I understand what you're thinking."

"I don't care how powerful the family behind you is, I only know one thing, if anyone wants to force you to do something you don't want to do, I will destroy him in this world, you just need to remember my words. Okay."

Kunpeng said incomparably domineering, and in front of the other two girls, he took Yun Lan's jade hand and moved towards the next teleportation point.

Originally, Kunpeng didn't see through the very special rule changes in the colorless space, but just after the dark soul bodies of the two Eight Discord families came, Kunpeng saw the unique laws of this space on their bodies.

Simply put, in this special space, a special time-space rule that has been modified is followed, which is completely different from the laws of the real world outside.

And this has also created a special situation, that is, the colorless space itself can keep parallel with the time and space rules of the endless magic tower without interfering with each other.

This is also the fundamental reason why the black soul bodies of the two Yaki clans can freely come and go here.

They did not come to this place after entering the Infinite Magic Tower at all, but through a certain transmission channel in the external world, they directly established a teleportation circle in this colorless world, thus avoiding the seal system of the Infinite Magic Tower.

"Boss, what are you going to do next? From my point of view, the family behind Sister Yun Lan will never give up so easily."

The eight-tailed demon fox said this with a worried look on his face.

Kunpeng smiled lightly: "Isn't there three days left? What are you worried about? Three days is enough for us to get the third endless fire. After we succeeded, we immediately left this colorless space and returned to Within the range of the magic tower, those people can't get in at all."

Kunpeng has always written confidence on his face. No matter what difficulties he encounters, he is always fearless.

During the time he was with him, the deepest feeling Yun Lan got was the long-lost sense of security that always enveloped him.

When he thought that in three days, he would be leaving Kunpeng, leaving Little Magic Star, and leaving the team that helped and supported each other all the way, a feeling of distress would rise in Yun Lan's heart.

Although Kunpeng was there, anyone who wanted to take Yun Lan away in his hands would have to pay a heavy price, but in fact, this girl never thought of letting Kunpeng offend the entire Eight Qi Jinmen because of herself.

"Even if there are only three days left, we have already had so many good memories. Even if I have to endure endless hardships, as long as you are safe and sound, my wish is enough."

"Ready? I'm going to start."

Kunpeng looked sternly at the three of Thorn Needle Flowers in front of him.

These three peerless beauties looked at each other and gave Kunpeng a firm look.

"You just let go and do it, no matter what the outcome is, we will all face it together."

With the thorn needle flower, Kunpeng no longer has any troubles in his heart, and a little bit between his eyebrows, the spiritual gemstone inherited from the master of the void, radiates an unprecedented brilliance.

At this moment, Kunpeng's feet condensed a very complex inscription of the void formation, and at the cost of burning his spiritual power, he opened up a void passage leading to the end of the colorless space.

You must know that this strange colorless space is changing its orientation all the time, and the most hidden place leading to the colorless space where the third endless fire is sealed can wait every seven, seven, forty-nine days. One turn.

Once this fleeting void node cannot be perfectly grasped by Kunpeng, the four of them will not only lose their only chance to compete for fire, but may also fall into the void crack.

In an operation where danger and opportunity coexist, Kunpeng would not allow himself to make the slightest mistake.

At this time, he was serious, and the charm exuding from his body was also raised to the peak because of this expression.

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