HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Chapter 658: Night detective!

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Department 1 also urged Guo Jing to hurry back to the room.

Guo Jing sees that Dao Chang also seems to be injured, and he does not want to leave. Dao Chang Qiang is natural: "Spiritual man is just a slap in the dark, how can I help me, go quickly."

Guo Jing looked at him with ease, and said, "Please ask the director to inform the store name, so you can visit in person tomorrow."

"City South Store, Chunsheng Inn."

Guo Jing immediately jumped into the palace and returned to the room. After breathless, Kun Peng came in: "The smell is too strong, wash it away quickly."

Guo Jing quickly sorted it out.

Kun Peng smelled the air again and smiled: "They will immediately find that the python is dead, you go to bed quickly, and you can call Mu Daxia back here."

Guo Jing remembered Mu Yi who saw it on Hongsong and nodded: "Master, do you know where he is?"

But Kunpeng had left the room, and even the door was closed.

He was worried that Kunpeng could not find Mu Yi where he was, and he had to go out and tell Kunpeng. Suddenly heard footsteps outside the door, he immediately lay down on the bed, but found that the footsteps stayed in front of his door and did not move away.

Anxious under my heart, crouching through the door to look out, it turned out that the Golden Soldiers had given them the post.

But he said that Mu Yi got up in the middle of the night and once again patrolled in Wangfu Zhong and found the so-called flower pond. It turned out that there was only water and no flowers.

There was a thatched shed next to the flower pond. When I walked in, I looked very much like the old house in Niujia Village that I remembered, that is, when I and Guo Xiaotian settled in Niujia Village.

If you look at other places, they are all magnificent. Only this hut looks like a group of cranes and cranes, it is decided that this is the princess, no, it is the residence of his wife Bao Xi weak.

When I got to the door, it turned out that it was the one I made by myself, and there were traces of arrows left by the golden soldiers on the door.

Push gently, the door is bolted.

Mu Yiben wanted to leave immediately, and came to harass her in the middle of the night. In case she didn’t recognize herself and called the Jinren, it would have a serious impact on both of them. It’s better to find another opportunity to meet tomorrow morning, maybe she can remember I come.

The reason why he has no confidence in himself now is still because of the eighteen years of running around and the wind and rain, he is no longer the same as he was when he was young, plus he has no fixed place, no money, no money She has a relatively stable and secure future.

But at the moment she turned around, the wooden door of the hut opened, and the princess came out at night with a maid, and when she saw a man standing at the door, the maid immediately exclaimed.

Mu Yi Na let her speak, bullied him, covered one person's mouth with one hand, closed the door with his back, and whispered, "It's me, don't make a noise."

The princess was shocked, but listening to this sound seemed familiar, remembering that she had heard it in the place of the contest during the day. She was surprised and asked in a low voice: "Are you the father of that girl?"

When the princess saw that the princess knew the man, she no longer struggled. Mu Yi let go of her and asked the princess: "Is it reliable?"

The princess did not know the meaning of Mu Yi's questioning, and when he saw his eyes turned to his wife, she realized at once: "Reliably, she is the daughter of Qu San's fool."

The walls of the hut are woven with small trunks or branches supplemented by rattan, and a layer of straw is attached to protect against wind, rain and cold, so this hut is not soundproof.

Where there is damage, the weak light from the night sky can also penetrate.

Mu Yi has adapted to the light, looking around the house, the iron gun he used when he was young is hanging on the wall, the plough head to be repaired is cultivated on the cultivated land, the ground is the small wooden table, bench, wooden bed built by himself, everything is Linan cattle Furnishings of that family home.

"You have lived here for so many years, are you afraid of seeing Wu Siren and hurting your body?" Mu Yi asked.

When the princess saw him looking at these things, and guessed that this person might be Yang Tiexin's old friend, he came to visit and whispered, "I just want to raise a child, and then I will meet with my brother Yang."

"Why are you suffering?"

Suddenly I heard someone sprinting outside. I saw Liang Ziweng and Lingzhi Master through a crack in the door. The master seemed to have been seriously injured. He was carried by Liang Ziweng and went to the room of the Sixth Prince.

"Something happened, I have to go back quickly."

Mu Yi said, and opened the door, but Kun Peng flashed in: "Mu Mu, you quickly recognize each other, there is no time..."

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