The old man was surprised.

Yuan Lian looked at the Cauldron of Creation with a strange look, and suddenly raised her hand to probe the inside of the Cauldron of Creation. The body of the cauldron shook slightly, and three thumb-sized pieces of chaos-colored jade appeared in Yuan Lian's hand.

"Fragments of the Jade of Creation! I really didn't expect this!"

Looking at the three thumb-sized pieces of jade in her hand, Yuan Lian couldn't help but be surprised.

The Jade of Creation is a Chaos Treasure, and it is also one of Pangu's companion treasures. It contains infinite mysteries that cannot be described, and Yuan Lian knows very little about it!

Yuanlian only knew that the Jade Book of Creation recorded the laws of the Three Thousand Great Daos. It was said that Pangu's Great Dao of Power was achieved by understanding the Jade Book of Creation, knowing the Three Thousand, understanding the Three Thousand, and finally transcending the Three Thousand, simplifying the complex. The Three Thousand Great Daos all belong to "power", everything is "power", the purest "power", so it is the Great Dao of Power.

And this may be one of the important reasons why Pangu is so powerful.

As for the truth or falsehood of it, Yuanlian is not very clear; but Pangu's power is definitely inseparable from the Jade Book of Creation.

In addition, Yuanlian also knew that the original laws after the death of the Three Thousand Chaos Gods and Demons and 129,600 Chaos Creatures in the catastrophe of the creation of the sky were basically absorbed by Pangu with the Jade Book of Creation.

The initial prototype of the prehistoric heavenly way was formed when Pangu created the world. The Jade Book of Creation was based on these original laws and evolved.

However, in the end, Pangu failed to complete the creation of the world, and the Great Dao was not completed. The Heavenly Dao was incomplete, so Pangu sacrificed himself to complete the prehistoric world.

And because Pangu's Great Dao was not completed and the Heavenly Dao was incomplete, the supreme Great Dao was in operation, and the Great Dao divine thunder was sent down, which smashed the Jade Book of Creation and also split off a corner of the Heavenly Dao, which is the origin of the Great Dao Fifty and the Heavenly Evolution Forty-Nine.

This split corner of the Heavenly Dao actually evolved into many things or things in the prehistoric world, and it can even be said that everything is the natural evolution of this corner of the Heavenly Dao.

Among them, the Heavenly Dao has evolved into many innate things, and the innate spiritual treasure is the most conspicuous one among them. The law of the innate spiritual treasure is immortal and the innate spiritual light is actually the branch fragment of the split corner of the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, the legendary beheading of the three corpses is actually to complete the Heavenly Dao with the power of all living beings, and naturally there is a little hope that the soul can entrust the Heavenly Dao and become a saint, but as for the specific situation, Yuanlian is not very clear now.

But Yuanlian believes that although the method of beheading the three corpses is a drop in the bucket in terms of perfecting the Heavenly Dao, it basically makes no difference whether it is there or not; but the method of beheading the three corpses is a brand new good road when the Heavenly Dao is above and all living beings have no way, and it should not be accused and discredited.

However, Yuanlian only thought about these things briefly, and then put them behind his mind, and continued to think about the corner of the Heavenly Dao that was split out.

Yuanlian knew that the corner of the Heavenly Dao that was split out was also the origin of a ray of life, a ray of life can be infinitely large, including all living beings; a ray of life can also be infinitely small, limited to oneself, and the mystery is beyond words.

Apart from these, Yuanlian only knew about some information about the Jade Book of Creation. The Jade Book of Creation was broken into countless pieces. Some directly merged with the heaven and earth and disappeared, while others gradually evolved and turned into various treasures.

In addition, there are pieces that retain the original appearance like now. Yuanlian knew that the largest piece should be in Hongjun's hands.

It is even said that Luohou also has a piece of Jade Book of Creation that is smaller than Hongjun, but also relatively large. As for whether it is true, it is hard to say.

"I am not interested in knowing whether it is true or not. I just want to know what these three pieces of Jade Book of Creation contain!"

Yuanlian said softly, and his spiritual consciousness probed out, carefully feeling the mysterious Taoism in these three thumb-sized pieces of Jade Book of Creation, to see how magical and mysterious these legendary Jade Book of Creation pieces are.

"It actually records the three laws of alchemy, weapon and formation. These are the three giants of many cultivation techniques. If you understand them, you will definitely become the leader of this path. It is really amazing."

"But if I am not mistaken, this thing should be Pangu Sanqing's thing in the end. How did it get to Qinglianzi? Is this an unexpected coincidence, or does it have other meanings..."

Yuanlian withdrew his consciousness and frowned slightly when he looked at the three pieces of the Jade Book of Creation in his hand.

After a while, Yuanlian glanced at Qinglianzi, then muttered something, and then smiled.

He shook his head slightly, smiled calmly, and placed the Cauldron of Creation on top of the green lotus seeds to nourish them.

Then, Yuan Lian sang the sound of Taoism to nourish the green lotus seeds; at the same time, he practiced and comprehended the three pieces of the Jade Book of Creation, and at the same time manifested the Daluo Dao Lotus to warm the innate embryo and evolve the innate treasure with the laws of the great way he cultivated.

There were naturally many mysterious and strange phenomena, but there was no need to describe them one by one.

During the period when Yuan Lian evolved the innate embryo with the laws of the great way he cultivated, the land of the prehistoric four seas was bloody and bloody, and the blood would not disperse for ten thousand years.

In this case, when there was less than a thousand years left in the seventh calamity, the prehistoric North Sea, the prehistoric West Sea, and the prehistoric South Sea had all fallen into the hands of the Fierce Beast Dynasty, leaving only the East Sea.

East Sea, East Sea Dragon Palace.

In a magnificent palace, Zulong, Zhulong, Yinglong, Huanglong and other high-ranking members of the dragon clan were all sitting in their seats, silent.

After a long time, Ao Donglai, who was designated by Zulong as the first generation of the East China Sea Dragon King and was in charge of the daily operations and affairs of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, stood up and bowed to Zulong, Zhulong, Yinglong and Huanglong and said: "Patriarch! Dragon Ancestor! What should we do now? We can't abandon the East China Sea now, right?"

"Patriarch! Dragon Ancestor! The East China Sea is the birthplace of our dragon clan, and it is of great significance. We must not abandon it..."

"Yes! Patriarch! The East China Sea must not be abandoned. We must fight to the death..."

"Yes! We must fight to the death..."


As soon as Ao Donglai's words came out, all the high-ranking members of the dragon clan spoke one after another, which seemed very chaotic.

If you are familiar with the dragon clan, you will find that the high-ranking members of the East China Sea Dragon Clan are all here, and the high-ranking members of the West Sea and the South China Sea are also here.

It turned out that Zulong saw that the Fierce Beast Dynasty was coming fiercely, so he simply resisted for a while in the West Sea and the South Sea, and decisively ordered the dragon clan leaders in the West Sea and the South Sea to quickly transfer all the dragon clan troops to the East Sea.

Therefore, although the dragon clan lost the North Sea, the West Sea, and the South Sea, the overall strength was not weakened too much, but now only the East Sea is left. If the dragon clan retreats again, it will lose all four seas.

However, facing the Fierce Beast Dynasty that is about to arrive in the East Sea, and has become more brutal and stronger, no matter how strong the dragon clan is, it seems to be a mantis trying to stop a chariot!

Therefore, facing the words of the dragon clan leaders who are fighting to the death, Zulong, Zhulong, Yinglong, and Huanglong remained silent.

I don’t know how long it took before Zulong stopped being silent and slowly spoke!

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