The fruit of the outer sky is the heart of the sky.

"The heart of the outer sky? The outer sky... the outer world... the outer sky..."

Yuan Lian, who had been in a daze for a long time, looked at the nine fruits called the heart of the outer sky in his hand, and then thought about the way represented by the outer sky. Suddenly, he was like a demon, constantly talking to himself in a low voice.

After a while, a strange light suddenly flashed in Yuan Lian's eyes while he was talking to himself. His mind was slightly shaken, and a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind instantly.

"If there is an outside, there is an inside. If there is a big thing, there is a small thing. The sky is the outside world, the endless sky, infinite, and can accommodate the world."

"And all living things are actually the inner world, infinitely small, and can only accommodate themselves."

"The combination of the inside and the outside is the coffin, which is the coffin."

"So this sky is very likely the first coffin of the innate, that is, the lamp!"

"But this is not accurate. The first coffin of the innate has existed for a long time. The sky fell, and a little of its origin turned into a little coffin gas in it, and then the lamp was born. It is a comprehensive rebirth, a new life individual, and no longer the sky."

Yuan Lian, who understood many things in an instant, suddenly felt a little bit of coldness in his body.

After all, he suddenly realized that he was dealing with the "previous life" of the famous "sinister" person in the prehistoric world, so it was understandable that Yuan Lian had a little bit of strange feeling.

But Yuan Lian quickly got rid of this little strange feeling and didn't care too much.

Yuan Lian would not be disturbed by his own subjective impression. At least Tianqiong gave him a very good feeling. His behavior was very generous. Yuan Lian would not deliberately stay away from Tianqiong just because he knew Tianqiong's "future". This was unnecessary.

Tianqiong was Tianqiong, and Randeng was Randeng. Yuan Lian could still distinguish them very clearly.

So Yuan Lian did not think much about it. He just looked at the nine Tianwaiqiong heart fruits in his hand and smiled.

Tianwaiqiong heart fruit is the fruit of a top-grade innate spiritual root called Tianwaiqiong heart tree in Tianqiong's Taoist temple.

Its effect is that the fruit contains a little bit of the essence of the prehistoric sky. If it is refined and absorbed, it can increase the limit of its own mana capacity by 10% or 20%, which is equivalent to increasing the capacity. At the same time, it can also directly increase the existing mana of living cultivators by 10% or 20%, or even 30%.

Tianwaiqiong heart fruit increases the limit of mana capacity, and Yuan Lian naturally does not look down on the effect of increasing mana capacity.

After all, because of the overwhelming pressure of the Great Dao and Pangu's will, the creatures of the present-day prehistoric world can basically accumulate mana without limit, and there is no so-called limit, whether it increases or not is the same.

"But this Tianwaiqiongxin Fruit is actually quite amazing. As long as you don't reach the level of Taiyi Jinxian, you can take it three times, which will increase the limit of mana three times. It is quite good for future living cultivators."

"Just the effect of directly increasing the existing mana of living cultivators by 10%, 20%, or even 30% is already amazing."

"If it is not only effective after the first use, and only effective for cultivators below Taiyi Jinxian, then this Tianwaiqiongxin Tree will definitely not be just a high-grade innate spiritual root. It will definitely be a top-grade innate spiritual root, and it is even possible to become a top-grade innate spiritual root. It's really a pity!"

After a sigh, Yuanlian glanced around, and then found a small forest in an extremely secluded place. The map of mountains, rivers, and states disappeared into the void. Yuanlian entered it and swallowed the Tianwaiqiongxin Fruit.

A few years later, after taking the Tianwaiqiongxin Fruit, Yuanlian's magic power increased by 30% out of thin air, becoming extremely powerful, and her aura became very condensed. She turned into a long rainbow and fled into the void. In just nine years, she officially arrived at Buzhou Mountain. As long as she took another step, she could touch Buzhou Mountain.

"It's really big, and it's also very shocking! It's hard to imagine what a shocking scene it was when Pangu stood upright." Looking at the huge and indescribable Buzhou Mountain, Yuanlian couldn't help but be a little absent-minded.

No one knows how big and high Buzhou Mountain is, but in the dark, all the prehistoric people will have a little understanding when they see Buzhou Mountain.

Tianzhu Buzhou stands upright, the surface of the mountain is as hard as black iron for billions of years, covering an area of ​​36, up to 129,600, with the suffix "wan", the unit of measurement: the universe.

The area of ​​360,000 great worlds, the supreme height of 129,600 great worlds, Buzhou Mountain is so terrifying!

Yuanlian is really

It is unimaginable that such a tall and extremely solid Buzhou Mountain would eventually collapse and break into two parts. It is really too incredible.

"Not to mention that Buzhou Mountain supports the heaven and earth, it must have supreme power, and it cannot be moved just because it wants to; not to mention that the surface of Buzhou Mountain is as hard as black iron for billions of years, and it is not easy to be destroyed, let alone the mountains and space in the prehistoric world, which are extremely solid and stable, and not so easy to destroy."

"Just talking about the huge size of Buzhou Mountain, it is not something that can be destroyed just because you want to. Even a saint can't make Buzhou Mountain collapse and break into two sections."

"Even if the witches and liches in the myths and legends are as powerful as saints, and they have fought repeatedly, they can't make Buzhou Mountain collapse! Could it be that the heaven in the dark is "playing tricks" in this?"

Yuan Lian, who was a little absent-minded, looked at Buzhou Mountain, thinking about it for a while, and finally shook his head slightly, no longer thinking about things that made him confused, but just stabilized his mind, took a step, and officially climbed Buzhou Mountain.

"It's just like what Tianqiong said. The pressure of Pangu's will is extremely strong and strong in Buzhou Mountain now, and it becomes stronger and stronger as you go up."

"Even Tianqiong has not reached the top of Buzhou Mountain. He only reached the upper part and dared not go up anymore. But in this way, I am afraid that what I want to do will not go smoothly!"

Even though he had known some information from Tianqiong a long time ago, Yuanlian frowned and showed some worry as soon as he stepped into Buzhou Mountain and felt the strong pressure of Pangu's will coming to his face, as if he was going to crush himself.

Then Yuanlian calmed down and began to climb Buzhou Mountain with a serious expression under the pressure of Pangu's will.

And because Yuanlian came to Buzhou Mountain this time for important things to do, he had no intention of appreciating the unique scenery in Buzhou Mountain, nor did he want to hone himself with the pressure of Pangu's will in Buzhou Mountain, and he had no intention of wandering around Buzhou Mountain to find unknown opportunities and treasures.

But after climbing Mount Buzhou, he no longer deliberately restrained his aura, and even deliberately amplified his aura. His mana fluctuated significantly, and his spiritual power also spread to the maximum range under the pressure of Pangu's will, as if he was sensing something.

At the same time, Yuanlian also pinched the mysterious magic formula from time to time, turning into crystal clear, flawless, and mysterious Dao traces of light like white jade, which continued to sink into his body, as if he was using himself as the source, and under the pressure of Pangu's will that could disturb the mystery of heaven and earth, he intermittently calculated something.

After about a Yuanhui, the goal had not been achieved. Yuanlian, who was in a bad mood, looked at the top-grade innate spiritual root in front of him and barely smiled.

"It is a rare good spiritual root, but I want it!"

A powerful voice that seemed a bit reckless suddenly came from thousands of miles away from Yuanlian.

Then a heavy black tripod appeared and smashed towards Yuan Lian.

At the same time, a suction force suddenly emerged and rushed towards the top-grade innate spiritual root, trying to take it away.

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